Thursday, March 22, 2012

Theatrical Thursday

This may be our last opportunity to talk about The Giver on the blog. There are a few possible endings.  I guess it depends if you are an optimist or a realist. We will definitely discuss the ending possibilities in class. I think some of you will be shocked at the ending as described by many of the realists in the group. 

If you research Lois Lowry's website, you can read some of her answers to questions posed by students about the ending.  She is very evasive, indeed.  Feel free to check it out.  Here's the link.  Retype if it does not post as a link.  :(

Now it's time to get down to work for today. I have a very interesting reason why I decided to post this page on Theatrical Thursday. are the director of the new movie, The Giver.  How would you cast the characters?  Here are some possibilities as I see them:

Paul Newman

Paul Newman as THE GIVER
Reese Witherspoon as Rosemary
Short Blonde Messy Haircut for Young Men from Chord Overstreet in 2011
Chord Overstreet as Jonas
Isla Fisher as Fiona
 Brian Jones as Asher
Confused teenage boy

and introducing  Jeremy James as  baby Gabriel

Cute baby picture of smiling baby

So what do you think of my cast of characters so far?  Now it's your turn.  Explain who you would choose to play the most important cast of characters in the movie version of The Giver.  If you would like to cast the entire movie with characters played by your peers or others from the Brackman School, go right ahead.  I am curious to see how you do as a director. 
For some extra credit print pictures of your cast of characters and create a movie poster to show the class.  Have fun!


  1. From the pictures, it appears that each of the actors and actresses would fit the descriptions and personality of the characters in the book. For The Giver, I chose Clint Eastwood and for Rosemary I chose Jennifer Anniston. I chose Leonardo DiCaprio for Jonas and Debby Ryan for Fiona. Finally, I chose Jack Black for Asher and the baby from the E-trade commercials for Gabe. I chose these people because they fit the descriptions of the characters in the book.

  2. Thank you, Devony, for posting your comment right away. I like your choices. Any thought for the extra credit offered above?
    Mrs p

  3. I would cast Nicole Kidman as Fiona, Freddie Highmore as Jonas, Mary-Kate Oslen as Rosemary, and Steve Carell as the Giver.

  4. Thanks, Jenna. I think your Giver casting is interesting.

    Mrs P

  5. I like your characters. I would cast Steve Martin as the Giver, Rachel McAdams as Rosemary, Zac Efron as Jonas, Emma Stone as Fiona, Sterling Knight as Asher, and the E-trade commercial baby for Gabe. It's funny how my dad gave me that idea and devony has the same idea for Gabe.
    ~Courtney M.

  6. The e-trade baby is a funny choice, Courtney M. I like your other choices as well. Think about the extra credit mentioned above.
    Mrs Prisbell

  7. Thanks Mrs.P and I will. :)
    ~Courtney M.

  8. i believe that dumbledore from Harry Potter would be the Giver.
    Jonas should be this guy, i think he is going to be in Mockingjay. Asher should be
    this should be gabriel

    a young keirnsten Dunst should be Fiona

  9. i appologize, i thought my links would be highlighted, butif u highlight the link, copy it, and then paste it into the search bar you will be able to see the pictures. Ashers link is

    Gabriels link is

    fionas link is

    sorry for like all the confussion/hassle): i hope you are able to view the pictures!js

  10. I would cast Harrison Ford as The Giver, Will Dunn as Jonas, Skandar Keynes as Asher, Lucinda Dryzek as Rosemary, Bonnie Wright as Fiona, Amandla Stenberg as Lily, and the Jeremy James as Gabriel.
    ~Emma A.

  11. I would cast robin Williams as the giver, Brady hender, jennifer lawerence as rosemary, jacqueline Emerson as Fiona, Liam mckanna as asher, and I can't think of a fitting part for gabe
    Blayne L

  12. Wow, I don't know if I'm allowed to post on this blog because I didn't read your book, but i think that:

    Jonas should be Josh Hutcherson (he may not be an ideal Peeta but I think this would work for him)

    The Giver should be Stanley Tucci (I loved him in Devil Wears Prada)

    Fiona should be someone like Willow Shields (without the bright blonde Prim hair)

    Is it bad if I think Ellen DeGeneres would be a good Asher? Probably, but if that fails then I think he should be played by Ryan Reynolds (the actor! not the one in our school. Sorry Ryan!)

    I think a good Rosemary would be Taylor Swift (even though she only writes depressing music)or Levin Rambin (she was an awesome Glimmer)

    Gabe should be played by...someone. I don't know who but make him adorable

    As you can see my head is still in Hunger Games mode, which was a really tacky movie and if I were you,I would wait for it to be on HBO.

  13. Thanks Morgan R. I will try your links on the school computer.

    Emma and Blayne, I love your choices for the Giver.

    @ Jazmine... Your comments are always welcome on the blog. :)

    Mrs. P

  14. I love this topic!
    The Giver would be cast as Michael Gambon. He has the drawn worn face of the Giver with the wise voice. The Giver reminds me of Albus Dumbledore, a part that Mr. Gambon is well known for.

    Rosemary would be Billie Piper. She has the bravery of Rosemary and plays a really good role-model, like she did as Rose Tyler in the Doctor Who series.

    Jonas would be played by Logan Lerman. He has the " hero complex" that I saw in Joans. He was famous for him role in Percy Jackson, and Jonas and Percy share many characteristics that I know Logan can bring out in Jonas.

    Fiona would no doubt be played by Karen Gillan. She has red hair and the gentleness of Fiona. She played Amy Pond, also in Doctor Who, and reminded me so much of Fiona.

    Asher should be played by Andrew Garfield. He has a fun, carefree personality of Asher and he is also very clumsy. Andrew can bring out his real personality in this role, instead of playing his usual series roles.
    Finally, Gabe could be William Nilsson. I saw him on youtube, he's a baby that laughs crazily. I'm not sure why, but he reminds me of Gabe.
    ~ Alanis

  15. Thanks Alanis. I totally agree. I had so much fun creating this post. I hope you participate in the extra credit mentioned :)

    Mrs p

  16. I would definitely put the guy who played dumboldore from harry potter as The Giver....Emma Watson as Rosemary (sticking to harry potter).... Scarlet Johansen (wen she had red hair) as Fiona ... Jesse Eisenberg as Asher.... And Logan Lerman as Jonas


  17. Omg this is MELANIE again... I had no idea that Alanis picked Logan Lerman until now.... Good choice Alanis! Lol

  18. Thanks everyone for participating in the blog for marking period 3. I have the tally for posters. New blog for MP 4 will appear Thursday so you all can post during spring break.


    Mrs. P
