Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Theatrical Thursday

Here's something different for a change. Let's see what you will do with the idea of writing your own song.   Who's your favorite performer? Singers and actors are included.  Afterall, they are theatrical, in a way.  Have you ever been to the theater?  Broadway?  Tell about your experience. Have you ever thought of writing your own television series? Movie? Let's be creative here. What are some of your ideas for original songs, TV shows, or movies?  Talk about your favorite performers too.

Elvis Singing

Young Michael Jackson Singing


Do you know these performers ? 

How about these performers below?

Simba & Nala - the-lion-king-2-simbas-pride photo


  1. My favorite actor is Will Farell. He is really funny. Above, I was able to reconize Michael Jackson and Elvis.
    Also, I have some ideas for fridays. Funny fridays or frighting fridays.
    ...I'm the first to post.
    -Jenna W.

  2. YAY! Well, I probably would never be able to write a song (that's why I didn't join chorus). My favorite preformer is Adele. If you don't know who she is or what she looks like, look at this:
    Adele is a singer. She inspires me to not belive in what others think about you. Her songs show so much feeling and is not afraid to show that to the world. My favorite songs of hers are "Rolling in the deep" and "Someone like you". In 4th grade I went to broadway and saw the Lion King. It was simply amazing. That, too showed so much emotion and the actors were fantastic. I couldn't even imagine how much work they had to go through, also since some were 10 years old! I also recognize some of the people in your pictures: John Lennon, Elvis, Michael Jackson, I have no idea about the next one.., Taylor Swift, Wicked, and Lion King. I actually have thought of writing my own TV series when I was little. I was always fascinated by time travel and I always hoped a TV series would be like that, this year i found the show Terra Nova, which is sort of time travel.. but I was thinking more on the lines of that each episode they go to a different time period and visit famous people from the past and enconter dinosuars, armies, and other dangers from the past. For instance they could go back into the past and live with the cave men, or even go to the future and see what the world will look like, or if we will live on a different planet, Mars, Venus? Or they could even find out no human life exists anymore.

  3. Now here is something where my musical talents can come in! :) hooray!! I have already writing my own song using my piano. It consists of amazing, yet toneful solos from various artists such as Metallica, DragonForce, John Williams, and most importnantly me! Well there is obviously John Lennon, Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, Taylor Swift, and Simba. I don't know what the Lion King has to do with too much singing...but what does it matter? I also wrote my own TV show as a kid called Squirrel Bomb about a boy named Andy found a talking squirrel and they went on adventures. I also (even though you didn't include this) helped my brother create ideas for a new videogame. Maybe you have heard of pokemon? He created a WHOLE game with everything that was needed to include. My favorite bands are 6. Motley Crue, 5. Avenged Sevenfold, 4. Lynyrd Skynyrd, 3. Metallica, 2. Guns N' Roses (that's why I was Slash for Halloween), and 1. DragonForce. My favorite musical preformer is Herman Li from DragonForce; he is the lead guitarist. In fact, he won best guitarist of the world in 2009. His solos are amazing, both SUPER fast and SUPER slow. I also like Slash a lot too, but he's very common among most people. If we were to do a report, (which I think we will because why else would there be such a long post of questions for today?) I would do Herman Li :) I want to keep talking more about music over the blog more, such a great idea today...MY FAVORITE SO FAR!!!

  4. I don't think I can choose who my favorite performer is. I enjoy listening to the pop music on the radio as well as the older music my parnets listen to. I like Nat "King" Cole, The Temptations, some jazz, the Black Eyed Peas, Akon, and Bruno Mars. We have a wide variety of music in my house. I went to the theatre when I was younger but I do not remember what we went to see or how it was. I am not sure about writing my own song because the words don't always come to me. I could try though. Music is great because you can express yourself in many ways through lyrics or instruments.

  5. I forgot to mention that I play the guitar and keyboard.

  6. I was very happy to see the posts for today and thanks Jenna, Devony, Erin, and James. I am glad you approve, James. I had you in mind. We will talk more about song lyrics in our poetry unit in the spring too. Have fun commenting.
    Mrs. Prisbell

  7. Hehehe, I can't say much for this one, I'm more athletic then theatrically talented. I did join chorus in 5th grade, but did cross country, basketball, track etc. In my free time and after school in 6th through now. No one really knows this, but I sing, or hum when I'm bored and by myself. I think I come up with some awesome songs, but if I go to write them down, I forget them : /

    The people are
    John Lennon
    Elvis Presley
    Micheal Jackson
    Taylor Swift
    The actors of Wicked:
    Elphaba Jackie Burns
    Glinda Chandra Lee Schwartz
    Fiyero Richard H. Blake
    Madame Morrible Kathy Fitzgerald
    Boq Etai BenShlomo
    Dr. Dillamond Tom Flynn
    The Wizard Tom McGowan
    Nessarose Jenny Fellner

    And the lion king voiced by:
    Adult simba- Matthew Broderick
    Young nala- Niketa Calame
    Ed- Jim Cummings
    Mufasa- James Earl Jones
    Timon- Nathan Lane
    Pumbaa- Ernie Sebella
    Scar- Jeremy Irons
    Rafiki- Robert Guillaume
    Zazu- Rowan Atkinson
    Adult Nala- Moira Kelly


    Oh, i do want to make a t.v. show for the Food Network (ILove Food!)
    The show would be me taking every challenge a restaurant may have and getting on their wall of fame.

    Well I really have nothing left to say, bye
    ~ Andrew

  8. Ok so i luv singing its definitaly my favorite thing in the whole world. I write songs all the time. When i listen to songs, i usually come up with ideas for movies.This is why i want to be an actress and a singer. I have soo many favorite actors and actresses like Robin Williams and Anna Farris and Reese Witherspoon (Legally Blonde) Johnny Depp and Tom Felton and Daniel Radcliff and of course Hugh Gregory (HOUSE)... there are too many to name. BUt as far as singers... NIcki MInaj..,.Lady Gaga...Rihanna...Eminem and sooo much more! Asfor broadway, well its one of my favorite places in the world. I have seen The Lion KIng, The Beauty And The Beast, and Marry Poppins. On the 10th im going to see The Phantom Of the Opera... I am such a broadway nerd i luvvv it!- *Melanie*

  9. The Food Network, Andrew? Ha! Oh, thanks for looking up the cast of the Broadway shows.

    Melanie, I love that you LOVE Broadway. We will have to talk about the shows we have in common.
    Mrs. Prisbell

  10. Mrs.Prisbell i have a question. for the project does it go on a poster?

    -jordan erskine

  11. Jordan you can always email me with those questions. Poster is one possibility. There are many other options. Use you imagination. You can also tape it.
    Mrs. Prisbell

  12. Ok I have a question about the project. Of course I will comment about the blog, but if you can help me out I would appreciate it, thanks. First, I would like to know if for the guest list on for the project, it I can have a group of people written down, like a baseball team. About the actual blog itself, I have never been to a theatre or Broadway or anything. I'm a fan of rap and hip hop so I personally like lil Wayne. I would not be able to write my own song, because I'm not good at that kind of thing. I think if I were good at it, I would write songs left and right...

  13. My favorite actor is Adam Sandler. He is funny and my dad looks exactly like him. My favorite singer,song writer is Big Time Rush and Bruno Mars. They inspire me to do anything big in life of my choice and never give up until you get up there. My favorite song by Big Time Rush "If I Ruled the World" that song teaches me to always use your imagination. Also, my favorite by Bruno Mars is "Count On Me" and this song teaches me to help your friends in need. Above I recognize Elvis, Michael Jackson, Taylor Swift, Wicked and The Lion King.

    Caitlyn Teta :)

  14. Max, you need to try writing your own RAP song. You may surprise yourself.
    Yes, a team can be invited to the party as long as you have a reason.

    I like your choices, Caitlyn T. Thanks for commenting and I definitely want to see a picture of your dad. Ha.
    Mrs. Prisbell

  15. My favorite band is Linkin Park. I just love their music! I also love Maroon 5! My favorite t.v. show is definitely Criminal Minds- it makes CSI and all those other cop shows look boring. I also love Johnny Depp, like Melanie. My favorite movies are probably the Pirates of the Caribbean series, though my favorite character is Will Turner. I also like Eminem (who doesn't?).
    ~Emma A.

  16. Okay, the people that I know are:
    John Lennon
    Elvis Presley
    Taylor Swift
    Wicked cast (not even going to try to name them)
    Taylor Swift
    Nala, Simbha, and Mufasa
    I don't think that I could ever write a song, I'm not good at the whole musical thing, I'm not in band but I am in vocal ensemble and drama so I think that I'm more or a performer. I love Adele too Erin!!! However I also love Lady Gaga (who doesn't), Eminem, and even some Frank Sinatra because my mom loves that stuff. I have personally never been to Broadway but I have seen the movie Chicago and loved it, I don't know if Sister Act, Adams Family and the Sound of Music (all time favorite)count but I've seen them too. My favorite actors are probably Jim Carrey (who is hilarious), Nia Vardalos (My Big Fat Greek Wedding & My Life in Ruins), and Amy dams with Matthew Goode (Leap Year).

  17. Thanks Emma and Jazmine. I really think Emma should write an episode for "Criminal Minds." What do you all think?

    Mrs. Prisbell

    Note: Underline a title of a TV show. I don't think I can do that on the blog thus the quotes. JS

  18. I agree, Mrs. Prisbell. It would be cool to write an episode of a tv show for a writing peice maybe. I would also like to write an episode for Bones(: Having a writing peice that involves TV will definatley get everyone's attention and I think it would be a cool idea.

  19. Thanks, Erin O. We will have to try it.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  20. All of the pictures seem familiar except the girl who is fourth down.
    I am a fan of Taylor Swift, she is very inspirational!
    I have never seen a Broadway show before, however I really want to. I heard they are very interesting and are fun to go to. I think it is a great experience to perform, especially at the band concerts! In sixth grade I did drama club when the play was Wonderland. I remember what a good time we had learning our lines and performing on stage :) Also I remember going on a field trip in middle school to a Chinese performing place where they danced and showed us how flexible they are...they could bend like a pretzel!
    I think that Adam Sandler and Kevin James are both good actors and all of the movies their in are hilarious!

  21. Okay, to start off, my favorite singers currently are Kat Deluna and Rihanna. This is because there rythym and way of expressing themselves through their past, present, and future into their songs is so amazing. I never really thought about becoming an actress or singer before, even though I have a singing backround from elementary school and have been part of drama as well. Maybe I was good at it...maybe not....but my primary focus now is dance so the thought of becoming either of those things kind of went out of my head years ago. Although I haven't really been interested in this field for a while, I still had gone to a theater show on Broadway called the Little Mermaid. You may think it was childish but when I was 9, I truly enjoyed every minute of it, especially since it was my first show I had seen on Broadway. Sice then I have not really gone again to see another play although I really have been wanting to see Wicked. I here it is outstanding so that would definitely be the next thing on my to do list. Never really have I taken an interest in creating movies or becoming a song writer, neither have caught my attention. But, if I had an idea in my head, I would have to eventually speak my mind.
    ~Erika B.~

  22. It would be fun in class to pick any television show or movie we want, and make an episode/sequel to it. We can do it on Frisay as a worksop!
    Oh... wait :(

    We must wait for next Friday!
    This workshop will give Emma her chance to write an episode for criminal minds. If that's the show I think it is, did you guys see the one with the crazy murderer who dressed in full black latex suits and stayed in the lady's attic to eat oranges and watch her? It was pretty creepy... He moved like jello and could squeeze through any space.

    Mrs. Prisbell, did you see my most recent posts in the other blogs? I wanna win :)


  23. Courtney W., I did not know you were into drama. How about this year?

    Erika, have you created your own dance routine yet? Very interesting.

    Andrew, I love the idea too of writing TV scripts, and, yes, I went back to every post and checked to see if I missed anyone. You are on the books for ALL your posts, old and new.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  24. i was able to recognize john lennon michael jackson elvis taylor swift and the plays are the wizard of oz and the lion king. not good at writing songs but i love singing and i love alot of songs.
    ~Courtney M.

  25. I love singing too, Courtney M. Thanks for posting on our last blog post for marking period one.

    More to come soon.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  26. I love the show dance moms!!! I also love to sing and act and have wanted to be an actress. I always thought Reese Witherspoon was a good actress too.
    Hayley O

  27. Thanks, Hayley. You are a day late but I will log in your comment for MP I.

    Mrs. Prisbell
