Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Whatever Wednesday-----It's the end of Marking Period One.

Nice job, everyone, on all the blog comments.  It was good to see you all took this new experience seriously.  I saw many great ideas for both reading and writing coming from each of you who shared.

Take a break from commenting for this long weekend.  You can look forward to more topics next week as we find new avenues to explore in Integrated Language Arts. 

Monday we will visit the library for our yearly book fair and also so you can choose your new free reading book.  Read the book jackets and search for a book with an interesting setting and characters who are able to deal with conflict.

You will have a challenging project at the end of marking period two. This will be another chance to showcase your many talents.

Student reading a book in a library [1574R-36100]
Student reading a book


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree, Courtney M. See you all Monday.
    Mrs. Prisbell

  3. What kind of books are we getting on Monday for free reading???

  4. Fiction,, Caitlyn. Make sure your book as an interesting setting and a character who faces conflict. Your project will require acting, art work, and writing.
    Mrs. P

  5. I'm kinda excited to like read my book. It seems really interesting.
    The author is Laird, I honestly have never heard of him, therefore never read any of his pieces. If anyone knows his work please like twoo me what type of writing her does(romance,action,etc). Camy wait to start it!!js

  6. Morgan, were you posting from your phone? Crazy spelling!
    Let's do some research on Laird to see what else she does.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  7. 2nd marking period here we come!

  8. I found Peter Laird, there were a lot of results though =/. Any one hear of Laird Plastic?

    Anyway, Peter was a comic book artist/ writer. He is widely known for co-creating the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The first comic had 3000 copies and really big pictures! He started out getting payed $10 an ilustration for a local newspaper.

    That is what i found, dont wanna search any more right now, ill search later. (I dont have my Ipod to auto-correct me atm.)

    NOw, should I read Narnia or Harry Potter???

    btw, Its Andrew!

  9. Hi Jason and Andrew. Have a good second marking period. New post next.

    @Andrew...Do we know Morgan was talking about Peter Laird? I thought she mentioned "her" in her post.
    Mrs. Prisbell

  10. mrs p i dont have a book yet :( i hope i can get to the librssyry thios weekend
    ^^^^^^^^^ i dont no what happend there hahahaahhaha
