Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tag Team Tuesday

The idea for Tag Team Tuesday came from Andrew B.  Here's how it works.  I will start a story by writing a few lines and giving you a picture or two.  You will then write a few more lines to continue the story.  Look at the pictures and gather some ideas for a story line and then check how I start the story.    Once someone posts about the story, it will be your job to continue with what they have written.  DO NOT change their ideas. Continue from where they leave off.

Here we go.  Look at the pictures first.

1967 Ford F100 Ranger Pick-Up Truck Front

San Francisco Russian Hill

     Cool Breeze is my friend. He is the kid sitting next to me on the metal floor of the open back part of a pickup truck.  We are dipping and rising and rolling on these rotten springs. I feel like I'm in a boat.  From the back of the truck, the city of San Francisco was bobbing up and down and all the endless bay windows of the row houses were quickly passing us. Last week back in Chicago, my dad drove by a hitchhiker and my little brother Bo asked, "Why is that guy giving us a thumbs up?"

TAG...You're it! Continue the story....


  1. My dad quietly chuckled to himself. "He is a hitchhiker, a man who is asking for a ride home, or where ever his destination may be," my dad replied quietly while scratching the top of his almost bald head. "Help him, daddy!" Bo exclaimed at the top of his lungs. My dad sighed and pulled over to the side of the road. The hitchhiker hestitatley came towards our car, not sure of what we would do.

  2. The hitchhiker stumbled over his words as he explained to us how he got into a car with his friends and how they pushed him out of the car onto that road. He was desperate for a ride. My father told him to hop on in. When he stepped inside, the eminating scent of smoke released itself from his clothes and my eyes began to tear up. Why did my brother have to ask my dad to pull over I began to wonder?

  3. Bo sat there and smiled like we were going to Disney World. My Dad asked," Do we need to get you to a hospital?" The man mumbled a quiet no. We sat there looking at him. Bo broke the silence and said," Woa! That's quite a big scar you got on your arm Mr.!" The man traced the scar with his finger and said nothing. Silence again. My father sighed and turned the key to the rusty old truck. But there was just one problem. The truck wasn't starting. ~Brenna L

  4. Hmmm, what to do next?

    "My name is George Wakefort," said the man proudly," "where are you gys heading?"

    Hold on... need to eat some thinking toast...
    (I have 5 1/2 slices =)... and some ham)

    My dad claimed we were going to some tourist attractions in Chicago (time to google tourist attractions...) like the Navy Pier.

    Astounded, the strange man asked if he could come along, and that he would pay for the whole trip. My father accepted the offer, soon to realize he might make friends with a billionare!

    (my toast is gone =/ )

    btw, Andrew's #3!!!

  5. Darn..

    Brenna beat me! haha what should we do now?

    i guess im #4 =/


  6. Haha Andrew I'll take it from here! George and all of us in the truck finally arrived in Chicago after a long ride to check out Navy Pier. George's trillionair buddy, James, was at the pier as well. Suprisingly, James had asked my father "what is your favorite band Sir?" My dad shrugged and replied, "Metallica." James called up the band personally and they arrived in a flash on a concert stage near the pier. They opened with their latest single "One" (it takes place in 1988). A crowd of people came to watch the free concert and suddenly a maniac jumped on stage and attacked Metallica...

  7. George jumped up on the stage and joined in the craziness. He grabbed on to the man who attacked Metallica and pulled him down. Luckily security came and broke it up.

  8. I'm confused, the hitchhiker is a billionaire???? With billionaire buddies??? Devony didn't give me much leeway with the story but here goes nothing.

    However, there was only so much the security people could manage. Crazy bystanders soon had the sudden urge to touch Metallica everywhere and anywhere. Shouts erupted from the security men's throats to try to calm the people down. Yet, soon sirens blared through the night as police men came to break up hysterical fans showing violent displays of affection. My dad grabbed Bo's wrist and jerked my arm as we tried to maneuver past fanatic fans on a rampage. Before we escaped the crowd, our eyes locked with those of George's.

    (This is the second time trying to post this stupid comment, hope it works.)

  9. We were pulled away from the crowd and into are truck. Our dad gave us a breaf leckture on the situation "stay close to me or the crowd might snach you away from me", blabbered the father in a serious tone.

    joey jinks

  10. Very interesting story line. It sure took some strange twists and turns. Now my question is this. Everyone wrote about what happened "last week" with the father and brother. What's going on now? Check the beginning of the story again and try to make a link to bring it back to present. Tricky indeed.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  11. then the young boy was suddenly snatched from his father's arms and was left helpless in the middle of the crowd screaming."Help,Help" he cried; but no one heard him. He pushed and shoved but something seemed to be holding him back. A strange figure stared at him and said in a stern manner," I know you werent about to leave my show." The light shined on the figure's face and the face of metallica's lead singer,James Hetfeild. He laughed and pulle the boy onto the stage and threw him a guitar. "Can you play?" he asked. Then, the boy started playing chords and rythms that brought smiles to the crowds face. They automatically became silent.

    (good luck finishing this story!)-*Melanie*

  12. As he started strumming , he Havana to let loose and put his guard down slightly. He totally forgot about his dad and was oblivious to thefact that he was putting him in danger for searching for him. The dad left bo in the car with the billionaire, thinking that at least one child was safe. But after minutes went buy and no sign of dad came, the billionaire decided to lock the car doors and rev up the engine, and exclaimed in a somewhat eerie home,
    ' your daddy wouldn't mind if I showed thus ole pickup truck some action on the highway, would he?? Being that this question needed no answer in return, he made his way to the toads. Being that Bo respected him like to the equivelent of mickey mouse, she felt indeed no danger whatsoever. When dad finally met up with his soulfull child he went crazy looking for his wallet, car keys, and obviously car, when the smart kid found tire tracks leading outbound of the parking lot which were his clean and pristine, tracks in which his vintage wheels leave behind. Bo started to feel uneasy and offered up that this probrably wasn't the best if ideas but this angered the billionaire. As they crossed over a huge river he unrolled the Windows in which poor bo was asleep on and gently started rocking him . Bo was very close to the window opening, being that he was in a booster seat, and as the shaking woke him up it was to late. The billionaire had already.................

  13. Shoved him out the window! Hehehe I'm back :)
    Anyway, poor Bo couldn't swim and started alternating between breaths of air and swallowing mouthfuls of water. He started crying out, " God, God please don't end my life today, I'm not ready to die, I still have a life to live" and then silence. After what felt like an hour, he was pulled out of the water by a man who he began thanking immediately. The man offered him a ride back to the concert, but every one was gone... everything but a shiny new red pick-up truck. It's contents were the dad and other son. When he got in the backseat, he learned Metallica was in the back of the truck! Metallica was going home with them. At home Metallica offered us a seat in the back with them. On the metal floor the three of us and the band were telling strange and horrific stories. One was about a gigantic rubber duck who...

    P.S. :) my story was chosen. Ty jimmy, sorry brenna.
    P.P.S. The concert/ trip was Sunday, it is Monday, thus the story took place last week ;)
    Mrs P I fixed it


  14. learned how to swim. The momma duck didn't understand why all her other babies could swim but her one gigantic baby duckling couldn't. All of her babies were gigantic because the momma duck's family were all very big since the time when they were born. We also started telling stories about times when we went on trips and they were boring or scary like the one that the lead singer of Metallica told. He said that one time when i was little i went on a trip to my grandmother's house in Massachusetts to visit her for the summer and something very scary happen to me over the summer that his parents never knew about and still don't know about. He continued on and...

  15. on until we all thought that the story could get no worse. How could something like that happen to someone? It was astonishing. Bo was quivering with fear and stared out the window, his eyes in a distant land. "You alright, Bo?" I asked as his eyes returned from whatever trip they had embarked on. Bo made no effort to respond, he just kept staring out the window. Whatever had happened, it had some relation to what happened to Metallica.And if it did- that was a thought even I couldn't think. Some greater demon had touched my little brother, far worse than you could imagine. Scooping him up with one arm, I carried him out into the fresh air. The city we resided in loomed over us, and as I looked into Bo's eyes, I knew that what ever had happened, he was always going to be haunted. "Bo, what happened?" With a shaky breath, he looked at me and said_____

  16. " the scary hitchhiker man shoved me into the river" he began tears forming in his little green eyes. " I tried swimming but it was like my arms were jelly. I thought I was going to die".Bo was such an innocent child, it was a right shame that he had to go through such an expirence. All I wanted to do was scoop him in my arms and sheild from the river, the man, and all the fears the plauged him. But I knew that wasn't possible. " Bo, how about I teach you how to swim?" I asked my voice gentle and soft. The boy nodded his head, causing his blonde hair to fall into his eyes.
    We caught a trolly and visited the local swim pool. The minute we walked in the room the strong putred aroma of clorine and bleach greeted us. Without any hesitantion I jumped feet first into the deep end of the pool. The water was extremly warm and I couldn't get enough of it. I beckoned Bo over but he just stood far away from the egde, gripping the floatie as if it was his life line. " I won't let you drown Bo"
    " Fine, I'm coming" he said, hesitaion laced in his voice. He then began his slow tred into the water. He went deeper, and deeper and deeper. " There you go, Bo!" I called, encouraging him to swim farther." Now all you have to do is paddle your arms". Quickly, Bo was zooming around the pool. Water droplets splashing everywhere and our laughter echoed off the walls. In our time of enjoyment we barley even reckonized the shadow lurking in the corner of the pool room. The shadow started slinking closer to the us when __________________. ( P.S I wasn't sure what person to put this in because Courtney's and Andrew's sounded like 3rd while Emma's was 1st. So I decided to go with first)
    ~ Alanis B.

  17. Good question , Alanis. I started the story in first person , but then the story went into a flashback.
    Mrs. Prisbell

  18. (I'm back again!) Bo let out an ear-piercing shreik. "What's wrong Bo?" I asked, unaware of what happened. Bo pointing his shaking finger towards the corner of the pool. The was the billionare. The billionare came out of the darkness and stood over Bo, at the edge of the pool. "What are you doing here?" I asked furiously, demanding a response. With an evil look in the billionare's he murmered, "I've come to get your little brother." The billionare snatched Bo from the pool are drove off leaving me all alone.I sprinted out of the pool and into the street trying to find any trace of the car. Tire tracks, once agin. I followed the tracks all the way, until...

  19. It's me!!!! =) i wasn't here yesterday!

    My father walked into me. He said "Come on Sherlock, let's get something to eat." These words were unbearable, i couldn't believe him! He saw the astonishment in my eyes and Metallica's guitarist asked me what happened. After explaining in crucial detail about the poole, the billionare, and the car we went to Red Lobster for a gourmet feast. Our bliss toured us away from the rest of the world, and nothing was more important then geting more biscuits.

    The next morning we found out Metallic's house was mortgaged, so we are letting them sleep in Bo's room. My father returned home with the local newspaper, the headline was dreadful. Chills ran up and down my spine and tears swelled up. The headline said "Creepy Billionare Murdered Young Child." I could notice that picture from a mile away, it was my best friend from school, what was his name? Oh yeah, it was..............

    (you thought Bo was dead didn't you? )

    ~the kid with a broken finger
    p.s. i made second cuts, team will be chosen tommorow (for basketball)

  20. The kids name was mike he was a pretty good kid he had no really bad problems. I wounder what made this guy do this to mike? From, mike morelli

  21. If you don't sign your name, I can not give credit for posting.
    Mrs. Prisbell
    New blog post tomorrow... :)
