Friday, November 18, 2011

Famous Quote Friday

Think about friendship. Here are a few famous people talking about their ideas on friendship. Choose one or more and explain.  What do they mean and do you agree?  Can you prove it? Find an example in real life.

Nobody sees a flower -- really -- it is so small it takes time -- we haven't time -- and to see takes time, like to have a friend takes time.- Georgia O'Keeffe

Georgia O'Keeffe Poppy 1927

Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for ’tis better to be alone than in bad company.
~ George Washington

In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
~ Martin Luther King Jr.


Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow ripening fruit.

Without wearing any mask we are conscious of, we have a special face for each friend.
Oliver Wendell Holmes

An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind.

stock photo : Golden Buddha statue at buddhist temple of Sanbanggulsa at Sanbangsan of Jeju island Korea 

Friendship is one mind in two bodies.

Friendship... is not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything.
Muhammad Ali

Mohamed Ali

In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.
Albert Schweitzer

It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
File:Ralph Waldo Emerson ca1857 retouched.jpg

Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.
Oprah Winfrey
Oprah winfrey celebritiesFriendship with oneself is all important because without it one cannot be friends with anybody else in the world.

Who  said the above quote?  Not Oprah.  Guesses anyone?


  1. "Friendship is one mind in two bodies."
    by Mencius
    that once you become friends with someone it seems like you are so close, you are exactly the same. You think the same, act the smae, and like the same people. Me and my friends Chloe, Jenna, Paisley, Sarah, and Emily are like this.

    "Friendship... is not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything."
    by Muhammad Ali
    that you dont learn friendship in school or anywhere else. you learn it by having an experience or learn it from another person. If you dont know what friendship has, you missed out on a lot. This has also happened to me with my friends where I used to live. They were the first people I met and taught to me what friendship means and is.

    And, I also have no idea what that quote on the bottom is. It sounds like it's from a movie, though.

  2. I luv the quote by Albert schweitzer because its true... People who don't have friends are usually not social and depressed... Wen u have friends it gives u the energy to be happy.

    My favorite quote ever about friendship is " dreams can only take you so far because it is made of ur imagination friendship can take u anywhere because it both of ur imaginations working together."

    I don't know who made this but I luv it :)

  3. "Lots of people want to ride with you in limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down."
    Oprah Winfrey
    This quote means that numerous people want to be with you for your looks, possessions, friends, and popularity until you lose them. However, Oprah says that you need a companion who will be with you even if your looks change and if you lose your possessions,friends, and popularity. You need a friend who will be with you in any situation under any circumstances.
    I agree with Oprah. People sometimes become friends with those who might be related to their boss or coach so they can get a raise or more playing time in a game. Once the boss or coach gives whatever the individual wanted to them, they are no longer friends with the relative. However, they should remain true to their friend and if they do not want to, don't become friends with them in the first place for your benefit.

  4. Nice start girls. Erin, Melanie, and Devony have started us thinking.

    @Melanie. I will look for your favorite quote so we can give credit where credit is due.
    Mrs. Prisbell

  5. The comment by Ralph Waldo Emerson is a very true one. It speaks the truth because the longer two people know each other the more fun they have because they know what each other like

    For example, me and Joseph Novak when we hang out we sometimes don't do the brightest things.

    My favrorite quote is " it's good to have a small circle of friends because 3 out of 4 murders are committed by people who know them"~


  6. "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends"
    -Martin Luther King Jr.

    This quote talks about bullying. It means that in the end of your life, when you think back to when you where still in school, you won;t remember what the bully said to you but you will remember your friends not sticking up for you. It is saying to always stick up for your friends because that is what they are going to remember.

  7. Clever choice of quote Ryan and Jenna really told us something important through the words of Dr King.

    Mrs . Prisbell

    i just spent 20 minutes pouring my thoughts into this quote

    Nobody sees a flower -- really -- it is so small it takes time -- we haven't time -- and to see takes time, like to have a friend takes time.- Georgia O'Keeffe

    and then i accidentely clicked the picture of Aristotle that Mrs. Prisbell got from My post is gone....

    i'm not writing that again... =,(


  9. @Andrew....I hate technology. Just give us an idea of your thoughts. I wish we could read it all. I bet it was very profound, indeed.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  10. The quote..."Without wearing any mask we are conscious of, we have a special face for each friend."...means...
    ...that as long as your friend isn't hiding their true colors,we can actually see who they really are. When your friend is noticeably not themselves, it means they might not want you to know what they are really like, but what if they are wrong and you wouldn't mind the truth for once? I mean, you wouldn't be there friend if you didn't like what you already knew about them, so what would make you change your mind now?

  11. Friendship... is not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything.... means in school you get an education but if u don't no anything about friendship than you must be a bully.

  12. Though miles may lie between us, we are never far apart. For friendship doesn't count miles, it is measured by the heart. ~unknown
    This quote means it does not matter how far apart people are, it matters if they are close. For example, I have many old friends that I am still in touch with that don't live by me because we have a great friendship.

    Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies. ~Aristotle
    This quote tells that sharing the same characteristics, trusting each other with everything and just being really close is the only thing that makes friends, friends.

  13. Very good comments Erika, Calvin and Courtney W.
    Thanks for the unknown quote Courtney. That is a classic line that friendship is measured by the heart.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  14. The quote i chose was " not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything at all." ~Muhammad Ali
    This quote means that friendship isn't something you learn in school. You can make friends but you have to find them on your own. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything at all means that if you don't know what friendship means it's going to be hard to find friends. Friends are people you want and enjoy having in your life. They could be people that you've known since the first day you were born and knew them until your death. People you met on your and their first day of kindergarten and still know them or hope to know them for a long time like me and my friend. I've known her since the first day of kindergarten and we became best friends and still are. I hope to know her for a long time maybe until the day of my death.
    Eleanor Roosevelt wrote the quote, "Friendship with oneself is all important because without it one cannot be friends with anyone else in the world."
    Hi Mrs.P! Sorry i didn't come to school today! I got really sick last night and now i have a cold. I may be in school tomorrow. Hope so! See you tomorrow, hopefully, Mrs.P!
    ~Courtney M.

  15. I like Ralph Waldo Emerson's quote. it speaks the bear truth. He and I mean that your friends are the only people that fully understand you, so that means they know EVERYTHING about you; so it allows you to be stupid with them and have fun while your friendship lasts with that person. Because we all know that all friendships don't last an eternity. And that quote at the bottom is by Eleanor Roosevelt; haha history is genious!

  16. ''In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.''-Martin Luther King Jr. I think this means that no matter what happens in your life always remember your enemies because if one day they want to be your friend you'll remember what they did to you.

  17. Mrs. P I have a question, does the news article have to be current?

  18. This quote from Dr. Suess, seems confusing but boils down to simple stew:"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who‎ matter don't mind." He is conveying that friends respect and enjoy who you are, how you feel, and what you think, people who disrespect that, and want nothing good for you, are better off simply not in your life, they just don't matter-Joey Novak

  19. Hi Courtney M. We missed you today. If you feel better, find a news article for school tomorrow. See if there is anything about teens in the news. Good job identifying Eleanore for the last quote.

    @Caitlyn T. No the article does not have to be current. The ones I will be sharing are not either. PS That quote has a lot of different meanings.

    Welcome to the land of the quotes, Jimmy and Joey N. Thanks for your input. Joey, does Dr. Suess' quote have a similar meaning to any of the quotes above?
    Just thinking...
    Mrs. Prisbell

  20. Hi again..... I found another quote that I thought was really cute but again...I don't know who wrote it.

    "Life is not measured my the number of breathes we take ... But by the number of moments that take our breath away"

    Also I had an idea for the blog.... Maybe one day we could do like mind-boggler Monday or something where u would post like a riddle or puzzle and everyone would have to guess what it means... Idk just a thought lol ---*Melanie*

  21. I love the quotes:
    Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for ’tis better to be alone than in bad company.
    ~ George Washington
    This quote is true because they say that if you associate yourself with bad people then you pick up their bad habits. For example, if you hang out with smokers, even if you don't smoke you will become pressured into smoking or thin that it isn't so bad. That, or you'll die of second-hand smoke. To continue, if you have really bad friends then if they do a crime that you are not a part of, you might be accused of committing the crime yourself because people think that since you hang out with those kinds of people then you will act like them. In addition, bad people have the ability to be dishonest and ruin your reputation because you are being seen with those people.

    An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind.
    I think that this quote means that you should fear dishonest friends rather than harmful animals. This is because a friend is someone you trust with everything, if they decide to blackmail you or back stab or betray you it will affect you mentally, emotionally, and possibly physically. However an animal can only harm you on the outside. to lose a friend is worse than to break a limb. Limbs can heal, friendships are harder to mend.

    It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson I think this quote is exactly correct because I do this all the time with my friends. Friends are people where you don't have to make an extra effort and try to act proper, you can just act natural. With me it's doing my favorite thing in the world making people laugh. By doing this I make a complete idiot out of myself in the process, but at least I don't have to worry about making a good impression. With my friends, they've been with me in my most glorious hour to my most antagonizing minutes, so I don't think they deserve any special treatment (jk I love you guys;)

    Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.
    Oprah Winfrey
    Finally, I think that this quote is very true. So many people are with you because they have something to gain; a true friend won't care about your social status or your wealth, they'll look at you. If you are friends with someone only because they give you answers to the homework, then that's not really friendship; I HATE people like that (emphasis on hate). It happens to me all the time, you should be friends with someone because you two help each other out and understand each other; not treat them like dirt after they answer your question. A real friend won't care about how big your house is or what name brand clothes you have, they will look inside of you for personality and care. That's why I love my friends :)

  22. PS I have finally out posted Andrew i=with the longest comment ever. So take that Andrew! :)

  23. I couldn't find a news article. Sorry. Did we need one? I could look again before I leave for school tomorrow. I don't think I can find one though. Do you want me to bring one in for wednesday because i have to do a current event tomorrow night? I'll look again! I'll be on here in the morning! Bye Mrs.P! :)
    ~Courtney M.

  24. My fav quote is 'accept what can't change, and change what you camy accept' this doesn't really related to friendship that much but I guess it kinda does lol. So like it can relate to friendship because you have to accept someone for who they ate or who they want to be, but if you can change something like if they have a bad habit or a bad attitude , you could be the influence to change them for the better .

    The George Washington quote means like its better to be on your own and I guess somewhat lonely than to be I'm a bad group. For example, it is more meaningful to be a loner than to be in a gang with drugs and violence, making a bad reputation for yourself.

    The Martin luther king Jr quote doesn't nesiserilly pertain to bullying but bit like in business. This is because, say u have an invention or something and your buddy really likes it, but when it comes time to present it, everyone is picking it apart and your pal
    is staying silent, being that his comment would be the only positive one. This would really make u ask yourself if it friend is good enough to go against the crowd for you.
    Okkie the aristotle quote because it is very true. This is because it takes like maybe one second to want to become friends with someone, but will take alotta time to become friends. You don't really know the person at all yet, but in a few months to a year u will deff no more about the person and end up liking them more or less.

    Ok the oprah whinfrey quote has to ne the best outta all of em. This is because it is a very honest thought. Although this happens prob a lot in howywood, we have cases but slightly different in out lives. For example, last year on the bus I had a phone with internet and people just wanted to sit with meh to go on u tube and stuff like that but in the end they never got to lol. Sometimes you just have to hide your wealth or fortunes until u find a true and honesty friend who doesn't really care about the money whatsoever.

    The buddah quote is like so true. This is because the sod beast can just hurt you, but the ev friend knows all anout you and can tell everyone your secrets, know how to tick you off, and all sorts of things in that nature. But what makes it even worse, is that u trusted them at one point or another and know wonder y you were so 'stupid,blind' or whatever. This kinda ties into the oprah quote because if if friend knows it rich and finally gets what they want out of u or you refuse to give them anything, they can turn the tables and make stuff up about you or embarass you, which is why you need to know that you have true friends, and need to be able to make true friends.

    The menciuos quote is cool because friendship is the same to friends but different to them . Like these stow.SD have this friendship and those have that. So like there are like different lrvels of friendship ,so to speak, that go on forever and overtime you may loose or gain some but in both bodies they have the same amount of friendship.

    Ok so the Emerson quote is the new fav lol. This really relates to me because like I can be stupid with many of my good good friends, and I really don't care who else thinks I'm like stupid or silly. Im also not afraid to share my true thoughts and emotions with them . My friends don't get like a person who changes like the trends but one that stays the same becuase I don't change for anyone . I am who I am and I will be stupid if I want to and know that my friends won't make fun of me for it but laugh together at out mistakes.

    This is like the longest post like I ever like posted like ever!!!!!(: Js



    You are now involved in an e-mail snowball fight.
    Have fun with it. Remember in an online snowball
    fight you can only throw one snowball per friend.
    You cannot hit someone who just got hit by a snowball.
    But it's complelety legal to immediately nail the person
    who just nailed you.
    So nail your friends before they nail you!!!!!

    This has been started by me

    ~Andrew Becker
    Now let 'em fly!!!!

  26. @ Melanie...I LOVE that quote too. Good idea for Mondays as long as it has something to do with ILA. Start looking for a puzzle. I will too.

    @Jazmine 4 and a half shelves and thorough interpretation of quotes. Nice job.
    @Morgan R....5 and a half shelves long actually. Nice. I like that you have a favorite quote of your own.
    @ Courtney M...Yes, you can make up the quote since you were absent :)

    @ Andrew.... It looks pretty and it's definitely interesting, but....NO. Not here. You crack me up. You will do anything to win posting. JUST write about the blog post at hand. Ha.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  27. This is a test. Marissa

  28. This is my favorite qoate "to the world you are one person, but to one person you are the world" i dont no who its from but if you ever feel like a nobody then just think someone in the world lovesyou !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  29. Thanks for the post Marissa. Now that it works for you I will expect comments on each new blog post. :)

  30. quote,"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
    I think Mrs. Spain would LOVE this quote, she is a big fan of Martin Luther King Junior.
    This quote means that when it comes down to the very end- when you feel alone or you are even dying- you won't care about what your enemies said. You will only care about how many times you needed help and your friends were not there. People think that friends will always stick by them, but that is not always the case. People come and go, and that is when you start to wonder where they went. It hurts more to be ignored and left alone by a friend than to be called names by an enemy. I mean, friends are supposed to support you when you're slumped! And when they don't do that, you can't think about what your arch-nemeses said- you can only think about why your friend isn't there to help you out of the situation.
    I think that this has a great effect on bullying. Bullies take your friends away so you have none, and then you feel truly alone. And you don't understand why all of your buddies have left- you just feel hollow. And then to top it off, someone is bullying you. I truly think that is a BIG part of bullying.
    My favorite quote is by Mia Hamm- "True champions are not always the ones that win, but those with the most guts." I know all of you are probably thinking, "That only applies to sports!" NOT true. This quote means that if you push yourself through whatever problem you're in, you only become stronger. The person who put you in that position may seem like a champion, but by getting out of there you become a real champion.
    And as a wild guess: Is the last quote by Gandhi? It really sounds like something he would say :) ~Emma Applegate

  31. Oh, and Andrew? I bet you can't beat my post!!! I will now do an evil laugh only I will be able to hear! ~Emma

  32. Thanks Emma. Perfect quote by Mia and I like your analysis. The last quote is our friend Eleanor.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  33. @Emma and mrs Prisbell
    Trust me Emma, mine was longer, I did an anlysis on EVERY quote
    And mrs Prisbell, I did post on the topic at hand, it's just gone now :/
    Since I have nothing better to do, I will wrote something.

    Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow ripening fruit.

    I believe this quote is true. You can wish to be friends with anybody, but becoming friends takes so much longer than you think.
    What is a friend? A friend is someone who is trustworthy, loyal, and basically likes you for you. Thier are many people who wish to be friends with popular groups who walk around and act as either a clone or as a slave to these groups or people who "stand higher" socially. Like Aristotle said, wishing to be friends is quick afterall. On the other hand, you may wish to be friends with some one like you, who you could be yourself with. On this scenario, you aren't just another kid to some higher standing person, but you could make a nice friend. It is a slow ripening fruit too. You need to learn about the people you meet and find common interests. Off these building blocks, you need to hang out and have fun conversations. This all leads up to a great friendship. A wish is like a dream, you can only hope it will come along, or you can take action and make it come true.
    (I really want to put that sentence in quotation marks and put by Andrew Becker- haha)

    Well, all this turkeys puttin me to sleep, g'night

  34. Thanks, Andrew. Good way to close this quote session.
    Mrs. Prisbell
