Thursday, November 24, 2011

Fictional Friday

It's time to start talking about your free reading books on the blog.  Part of your January project will include artwork that depicts the setting of your book. Let's talk about the setting here on the blog.
Below are some pictures to get you thinking about setting.

Enchanted Forest

In the country or on the farm
stock photo : two horses grazing on the farm

In the mountains

On a baseball or soccer field

Planet scape - space art

Historical fiction books have a variety of locations.

In a school
This isn't my classroom. There's too much natural light.
Comment above was written by a student.  By the way, this is a classroom in a Japanese high school.

Maybe your story takes place in a home, a park, a mall or .....There are so many options.

Name your title and author and describe the setting so far in your book.  Discuss the best way to "show" the class your setting on project day. You can use any medium.  Original artwork, computerized illustrations, or 3-D structures are all acceptable. Think about effort when you make your decision.


  1. Yay im first!
    Well, I really haven't started reading yet, crazy week. My book is Narnia Prince Caspien by C.S. Lewis. As far as I am now, Edmund, peter, Susan, and the little girl are away from Narnia, but they want to go back. It was really difficult to understand, but this is how I interpreted the first 15 pages: they were off to school talking about Narnia when something happened, I think they went off trail to ditch school, and they were walking through bushes. Soon they were on a deserted beach and were playing in the water and sand. Then Edmund and the little girl wanted to leave behind their shoes, but Susan said they would want the shoes when it gets colder and they will keep thief feet warm while they sleep. Then they were all hungry and Peter and edmund had the sandwhiches their mother packed. Next they decided they weren't hungry, but thirsty, so they made a trail into the woods and found a creek. After drinking, they were still hungry, but the little girl said that maybe the water will fill their stomachs and they won't be so hungry until later. That is where I'm at ATM.

    The setting is at first Britain or England (dont remember which) then on a beach and then in the woods at a creek.

    Done writing for now..
    I would say happy thanksgiving, but thanksgiving ended 7 minutes ago
    It's 12;07

    ~ Andrew

  2. Thanks Andrew. We missed you Wednesday. So what does
    narnia look like anyway.....just wondering.

  3. My free reading book is Theodore Boone Kid Lawyer. The current setting of the book is a courthouse. It has various features, including the bench where the judge sits and the defense table where the accused and his lawyer sits. Next to the defense table is the prosecution's table and beside that is the jury box with fourteen chairs, twelve for jurors and two for alternates. In front of the bench sits the court reporter with a stenograph and near him, down from the judge is a witness chair. Then there is a bar, a wooden railing, that separates the spectators from the trial area. There are tem rows of seats available with an aisle down the middle. Lastly, there is a balcony above the last three rows where there are three long benches. I have to think about the best way to "show" this setting to the class, it might take some time.

  4. My book is called Finally by Wendy Mass. It's about a girl who is waiting for her 12th birthday to come. She has so many ideas for it and she just can't wait. She wants a cell phone a camera her own computer and alot of other things. So far, my book is taking place mostly at school with her talking to her friends and all of them just waiting to turn 12. The girl's name is Rory. Her birthday out of her and all her friends is the closest. She has this long list of stuff she wants and wants to do which include: a cell phone, stay home alone, get a pet, wear makeup, and get my ears pierced. It's an interesting book and I enjoy it. I hate presenting though just so you know. The acting part and the setting part is gonna be really bad for me. I don't like speaking in front of a class. I'm very bad at it and I'm a horrible drawer. But I just want it to come so I can get it over with. And I know the 23rd of december is a half day and it's the day before we get off for christmas break, I just wanted to tell you that I won't be here that day because I am leaving for Florida on the 22nd. I am going there for christmas and coming back the 30th. I thought I would tell you just in case even though I don't think were doing anything important that day. But I'll see you monday! :)
    ~Courtney M.

  5. Hmm, how do I make a setting for Narnia?
    In book 1 it was described as a blank nothingness until the sun came up and creatures started to form. I believe Aslan ( the lion) was the creator if I remember right. I read that in 5th grade.

    Book two- Narnia was a place covered in snow with a little village where Aslans people were. There was also the castle owned by the evil snow queen. Narnia was surrounded by trees and mountains and with the exception of a few villages/homes, Narnia was just open land. It is run by animals and mythological creatures afterall :)

    Book three- didn't contain Narnia

    Book four- tba


  6. My book is titled Trapped and it is written by Michael Northrop. It is about a group of 7 kids that get trapped in a school on a snowy day. At first, they think it will be over in the moring and their parents will come pick them all up. How ever, three days later they are still there with 18 feet of snow outside. They have to learn to live off of the schools pudding and peanut butter and jelly. I have already finished this book for the marking periods project so I have a pretty good idea of what I could do with the setting part of the project. Now, I am reading the book Holes by Louis Sachar. It is about a boy that people think stole something but he really didn't. He has to go to a decipline camp and dig one hole every day with a specific measurment. It seems good so far but I am going to do the project on the first one I read.

  7. My book is called "In a Heartbeat" by Loretta Ellsworth. The book is mainly told through a diary of two girls named Amelia and Eagan. Amelia is a girl who was in need of a heart transplant and Eagan, who has died of an ice skating accident, was an organ donor. Amelia's story is told in the present moment and Eagan's was told mainly through the past. I'd say the setting for Amelia would be at her house or the hospital. For Eagan, the ice skating rink. Her mom always pushed her to practice and made her stay there long hours, even before school.

  8. My book is called Loving Ben by Elizabeth Laird. So far it is good yet confusing. The main characters names is Anna. She is 12 years old and the story mainly takes place at school and at her house. Thenook startes out with a bang, for her little brother Benedict, also known as Ben, was born. Anna is in love with her tennis coach Miss.Winter, but she yells at her sometimes so she thinks Miss.Penny would suit her well but she belives it is hard to take someone seriously when there nickname is Lenda, Lenda penny. She really liked her best friend debbie but she has gone off with another girl. As for at home, things are worse. Her brother has severe mental and physical retardation; it is very noticeable because his head is very large. Later on the doctor can operate on it to get some of the fluid out. Now Anna lives a double life: at home she is dedicated to Ben and ay school just mugs through until she can get home to Ben. Basically her whole life is centered about Ben. Once she left home and opened the front gate, she lady being her dads little Anna, and became Anna Peacock, the dummy if the eigth grade. That's all so far, can't wait to finish!!!js

  9. @ Devony...I know you will come up with something great.

    @Courtney M....Don't worry about the project. Hopefully, you can get over your "stage fright" during this 8th grade year. Thanks for the heads up about Dec. 23.

    @ Andrew...I guess you can use your imagination for Narnia. It looks like you actually have a lot of description already.

    @ Jenna...Both books seem to have an interesting setting. Can't wait to see how you show the setting to the class.

    @ Courtney W....So you have some setting choices to make.

    @ Morgan R....So what's the setting? You gave a great summary but you missed what I asked. Describe the house or the school. How will you show us?

    Keep writing everyone. I have 75 students so I expect you all to write about your free reading books. Great job to those who already did.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  10. I'm reading The Phantom Of The Opera by Gaston Leroux....idk how to spell his name. So far the setting is in the old opera house. The only way I could possibly describe the setting would be through a drawing because every little detail in the setting has something to do with the plot and the opera house is so detailed and beautiful...not to mention all of the scenery they use to put on the shows.

    This is the best book everrrrrr and if u really want to see how beautiful the opera house is u have to watch the movie-* Melanie*

  11. I haven't started a new book yet because I finished one yesterday. The one that I finished yesterday was called The Juliet Club by Suzanne Harper. It was about a girl, Kate, who wins writing contest and gets to go to Italy for a Shakespeare seminar. Before she leaves, though, her boyfriend breaks up with her for no reason at all, what a jerk! When she gets to Italy she is blown away by all the sights and sounds. The beautiful Italian scenery with rolling hills and beautiful sunsets. The maze that is located in the back garden with huge green hedges and a statue positioned at every dead end held the winning Shakespeare statue in the center. this was one of her favorite places to go. Then, her life is turned upside down when she has to pretend to fall in love with an insufferable boy named Giacomo. One thing leads to another and soon Kate is falling head over heels in love in one of the most romantic countries in the world.

    I'm really sorry this is such a lame post. I'm just so out of it today. I promise a better post sometime this week when I start a better book that wasn't completely predictable and totally cheesy. Word of advise, unless you like cheesy, innocent love stories in which good beats evil; don't read this book, js.

  12. The setting of my book is not really mentioned. I would assume that itwas in the 1900s because of some of the language and how Anna boiled water when the baby was born ....kinda have to explain that but let's save that for a rainy day. Also cell phones aren't even mentioned, only the wall phone. Ok so btw Anna likes a guy now, which kinda confused me like a lot, and she doesn't really know him at all yet. But he was hanging around with Miranda and some other gots and played tennis. After to years of keeping Bens problems under wraps, Miranda saw him with Anna and was telling everyone his monstrous head until Anna put an end to that ninsemce and now everyone feels bad for her and she like kinda likes it. So anyways that's all I have for today. js

  13. I agree Melanie and what a fantastic setting it is.

    Jazmine, I would probably like that book. Did you ever read JULIET? Let's talk. Love the Italian setting too.

    Morgan R....There are no wall phones in early 1900's so must be mid. JS

    Mrs. Prisbell

  14. I actually finished my book in about 3 days, it was so amazing. It was called Radiance by Alyson Noel. It is about a girl named Riley who dies in a car crash along with her paretns and dog, Buttercup. Riley's sister, Ever survives the crash. Yes, her sister's name is Ever. Riley misses her sister a lot so she decides to visit the "Viewing Room" which is a place where you can pick your destination and look over and see the people who are there. Of course, Riley picked her house where she got to see Ever. Also, in the afterlife, she lives "Here" and the time is always "Now" . In "Here & Now" the setup is basically where you left off. You have exactly what you had in your old house, along with the other people who died. The only people that are missing are the people that are still living. As a ghost, you also don't breathe, or have a heartbeat, or die (again!). Riley soon figures out that every ghost has to have a job. And Riley's is to be A Soul Catcher. She got assigned this after she met her "angels" , Aurora, Celia, and others ( I forget the names ). They then look over the memories in her life, the good, and the bad, like they had a video recording her entire life. They assign Riley to be a Soul Catcher because a soul catcher goes back to the living Earth, where they help people who are dying cross the "bridge". The bridge is a, well, bridge where you have to cross over to go into the afterlife. If you don't you stay on the living Earth and are invisible. Riley and her assistant Bodhi have to go and help the Radiant Boy who scares people in a supposedly haunted mansion. On her adventure she meets a ghost hunting tv show and accidentally scares them, and Buttercup licks them, sending them fleeing for the door. Eventually, Riley convinces the Radiant Boy to cross over the bridge. I'm currently reading the second book called "Shimmer". (: Sorry I wrote a lot. haha.

  15. Thanks Erin. This book sounds so different. Think about how you can make the setting presentation unique like the story.

    Mrs Prisbell

  16. I really like my book called girl who stopped swimming by I think joshliyn Jackson . The setting is a suburban neighborhood. It's very typical family neighboorhood. The house is like a big barbie victorian home.They all are close and happy until Molly the main characters best friend is found dead and there yard at late nigh. The suspense in This book annoys me!!

  17. Thanks Hayley. I am surprised that suspense annoys you though.

    Mrs. Prisbell
