Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Time Travel Tuesday

It's time to take ourselves back to the 60's in honor of The Outsiders.  Check the illustrations below and tell me what you think.  Describe what you think it would have been like to live in the 1960's. Check the styles and the activities.  I will  look for some musical groups, movies, and favorite TV shows of teens so you can get a real feel for the time period and what our characters in The Outsiders were experiencing.

Guys in Madras...

The London influence for girls...

Peace Sign Bing - Squarestock vector : Hand-Drawn Psychedelic Groovy Peace Sign Notebook Doodles on Lined Paper Background- Vector Illustration 



A 1969 crossing... 

In the movies...






The Greasers...

 and The Socs...

Was it harder to be a teen in the 60's or is it more difficult now? Explain.

Think about your own personality, likes, and dislikes. Would you have fit in during this time period? Why or why not?

BTW...This is my favorite blog post yet.  I could go on and on with pictures.  Have fun with it.


  1. Oh, wow. These pictures are really interesting. Honestly, more than half of these remind me of the show "That 70's show" even though it takes place in the 1970s. One of the characters is a hippie and they often show various peace signs and they wear clothing like these. Here are some pictures incase you are unfarmiliar with the show:


    To live in the 60s I think would be a challenge. You would have no modern day technology, little TV, and I actually wouldn't mind the clothing! Most weren't too bad, and since I often wear plaid shirts, I wouldn't mind wearing a madras shirt. I think it would definatley be harder to live as a teen in the 1960s. Many teens were involved in gangs or in danger of them. Today, the gangs looks for people in their 20s more often, I think.

  2. I think that living in the 1960's would be harder than living now. Back then you had to get off the couch to adjust the antennas and change the channel. Also, most of the shows where black and white which makes it boring. I noticed that some of the stuff back then is sort of coming back. For example, the plaid shirts and the peace symbols. And I also noticed that every one seemed to get dressed up on a daily basis and I could never do that. I ersonally think that life now is much better.

  3. ok im hoping this works! i think today is harder because now we dont only have to be worried about being jumped, but also about cyberbullying. There is so many new ways to hurt people. Also they had less worries because there wasnt as much technology in there world there is still gangs and things like that so the problems they had is still here its just there is more.
    I personnaly wouldnt fit in these categories because i love my phone and the computer and i would never like it! at least im not in that time! I agree with jenna today is better but alot harder!

  4. Personally, I am more fond of the 80's rather than the 60's. But the music for the 80's was inspired by 60's musicians like The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, and Jimi Hendrix. Even though I am a Speed Metal, Heavy Rock and Roll, and Metal liker, I still like the 60's music. Clothing would not be such a problem because many people still wear 60's style clothes. I know my grandparents and parents do still wear some. Hippies were crazy back then, what we need is Hippies nowadays. They were big on peace, music, and saving the Earth; and that's what America needs now. Not some protesters on Wall St. complaining they don't have jobs! My mother remembers the Woodstock music thing and she was telling me about it. I like the picture of the Beatles crossing the street on one of their first ablums (I think). I know all those 60's TV shows like Star Trek, Batman and Robin, Gilligans Island, and The Mod Squad. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was president during that time; I did a report on him in 5th grade. He was great as a president, one of the best we've ever had in my opinion. My mom also explained who the whole cast of The Outsiders was and I know who everyone is now for when we watch the movie! A 60's teen had no hard life like we do now. Maybe bad, yes, but our era is worse than ever! Although we have technology now, it doesn't help us solve our problems. Even modern music is a bad influence to kids, unlike the 60's and 80's. May I recommend doing an 80's Metal Moday? We can all post about our favorite musical artists and bands from anywhere basically from any year, it doesnt have to be the 80's. Maybe we should change it to Musical Monday! Thanks! -Jimmy

  5. @ Erin O....Thanks for the "That 70's Show" info. Late 60's and early 70's blend together. I don't remember girls wearing madras, only the guys.

    @Jenna...You made me laugh with the "getting off the couch" comment. You are right about getting dressed up, especially in the early 60's. As soon as the hippies became popular, jeans, vests, and beads were the style.

    @Marissa....I am glad your post worked.You are right about kids being in more danger now. Sad.

    @ Jimmy...I am glad you like the music and TV references. I actually crossed the Abbey Road crosswalk myself when I traveled to England. I believe that album was late 60's. Your ideas on modern day hippies is well taken. I also like your Musical Monday idea. I just have to figure out how to link it to what we are learning in the classroom. I'll work on that.

    Thanks all.
    Mrs. Prisbell

  6. I think it's weird how some of the fads from the 60s are coming back like peace signs I know my room has these little peace sign colorful wall stickers and also last year especially plaid was like a big style everyone was wearing plaid shirts. the London influence is just like that girl from Harry potters style even though I have never watched the movie I have seen her Emma
    Watson. Basically in the 2000s it's been a mix of all eras coming back! Like in the 80s the cabbage patches, my little pony, starwberry shortcak were stuff my mom grew up with and then came back and became popular as I grew up with it to.

  7. I think the 60's would have been a weird time period to live in. I don't think i would have fit in with the people than because I'm not like any of them. I think it's harder to be a teen now because now drugs,drinking,and violence are on the rise for teens. There has been so many drinking and driving accidents that have killed so many teens. I would have not fit in with any of those people in the 60's because there all different from me. There personalities are being cool and hanging with cool people who will make them more cool when i am just quiet and I care bout what I will be doing in the future and they surely don't care about that. Some TV shows and music from the 60's are: I love Lucy, Elvis Presley, The life of Riley, Gilligan's Island, Bonanza, Batman, Star Trek, Get Smart, The Monkeys, The Munsters, My Three Sons, The Andy Griffith Show, Addams Family, The Jetsons, The Chiffons, The Angels, Paul and Paula, Little Peggy March, Stevie Wonder, The Seasons, Steve Lawrence, The Tymes, and The Jackson 5. Those are some show's and singers and songwriters from the 60's. I enjoyed this one too Mrs.Prisbell . That was a good topic to do it on! :)
    ~Courtney M.

  8. You make some good points, Hayley. I'm glad you are back on the blog.

    Thanks Courtney M. I love your list of some of my favorite shows and musicians too. I was a real TV fan and I even went to see the Monkeys perform in NYC in the 60's. Glad you liked the topic too.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  9. I think living in the 60's would be a huge difference than living in the present day. I don't believe I would fit in back then because their interest's don't really apply to me. I wouldn't dress the way they did haha.
    I went to google images and typed in 1960's and i saw a lot of pictures to do with hippies, some that you have posted on this blog. Most movies and TV shows were in black and white too. I also realized the majority of girls had short hair and guys had longer hair. As far as music, The Beatles, Bob Dylan, The Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix and The Beach Boys seemed to be some of the most popular artists. I song that appeared to be well-liked was called "The Twist" by Chubby Checker. A popular movie was called "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" in 1966. Ovcourse the movie "Charly" based on our book Flowers For Algernon, was a great movie filmed in 1968. Tv wad different then, they only had 3 channels: ABC, CBS, and NBC. They received their TV reception either through a pair of rabbit ears antenna located on top of the TV or an aerial antenna attached to their homes or on the roof. A show still popular today that was as well in the 60's is "Alvin and the Chipmuncks" even though it has been edited to a more modern veiw.
    I think it would be harder to be a teen today then the 1960's because there was still gangs, violence and drugs just now it got more than two times worse. The amount of smokers, fights and gang member has gone up as well as increased in violence and power.
    I agree Mrs.Prisbell, this blog was an interesting one!:)

  10. i agree with Courtney!!! That was very well said court!!! i LOVE, "I Love Lucy"! thats one of my favorite shows!!! :)

  11. When i say courtney i mean courtney m.! sorry for any confussion! :)

  12. Hey is that the wiggles?! I never knew they were that old! (dying your hair must really be effective haha!) where's the big red car?

    Back on topic, I believe the 60's was harder... Way harder. Drugs were almost everywhere and there were so many unknown diseases like aids at the time. Sure hippies cared about the environment, but look where all that smoke got us, same with older cars and factories. Now we are stuck worrying about our environment and future generations. Back then kids did work and they could be beaten. (hey Henry, what's 2+2... uhh, 7? Wrong *whack*) they also had to fear bullies, opposite gangs, and anything else in their lives, we really don't have these problems today.

    Today, we have access to anywhere in the world and access to all the information on the planet, did the teens of the 60s? No! Soo many little things we take for granted today never existed in the 60s.

    P.s. I zoomed in on the picture, that's not the wiggles, that's Startrek!!! My dad used to love that show


  13. Thanks Mrs.Prisbell and your welcome!!! Hope you enjoyed the concert when you went!!!! Thanks Jess!!! I love I love Lucy too!!!! I'll see you both tomorrow!!! :)
    ~Courtney M.

  14. I was reading Coutney M's post and I have seen both the I Love Lucy show and the Andy Griffith show. They are actually still on channel 59, tz land.

  15. Sorry, meant tv land.

  16. Thanks Courtney W for doing a little research on the time period, and especially for noting the movie "Charly" was in 1968. BTW I actually saw Chubby Checker live right in Seaside Heights in the 60's. Everyone did the Twist!

    Jenna, good point about TV Land. These shows are classics and still fun to watch.

    Andrew, you make it seem so tough to live in the 60's. I think it may be harder now. Certainly worth a good debate!

    Mrs. Prisbell

  17. P.S. I forgot to tell Courtney W and Jimmy C that I saw Jimi Hendrix in consort too in NYC in. the 60's. JS

    Mrs. Prisbell

  18. Thanks Jenna!!! I watch those shows all the time and your so right Mrs.P! There so good to watch still!!! :)
    ~Courtney M.

  19. :) to Courtney M.

    I am surprised no one even mentioned the blue Mustang, especially after our reading today.

    Also, Caitlin C, Grace, and Nicole...who looks most like Cherry Valence? Check the picture above.

    Guys with parts can also try to identify themselves in the picture above based on the descriptions we found today.
    What do all y'all think?

    Mrs. Prisbell

  20. I personally think that the danger for like teens and stuff us airtight the the same but in different way. This is because, back in the 60s people were getting jumped, shot,killed, and so on. But today its more like cyber bullying like marissa said. Although gangs do still exist and do some things like they did in the past, not everone has to worry about them know. For example, back in the day, everyone was really like watching their backs, waiting to be jumped, but nowadays, I really don't think of being jumped unless i fall into the wrong crowd of people. I remember in one of the Brady Bunch episodes, Carroll said"only times have changed, people havent;" which kinda relates to this topic. This is because eventhough things around us and around the word have changed, it doesn't mean we have. like people in gangs haven't changed, yet they talk with guns now.

    btw, I don't think anyone who reads cherrys part, genuinly looks like her. This is because Cherry has sort of a redish Orange, meanwhile the people who are reading have legit Orange. Lol . plus the faces don't really match up .

    We and why do some of the Greasers have like blood stains on their necks like ewieeeee.

    Hey just a question, is the guitarist in one of the pictures john lennon??????; I think it looks like him Lolol .js

  21. First i want to say WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT YOU SAW JIMMY HENDRIX? The 60's and now is different, but not 100 percent. The reason why i say that is because without the trends if the 60's the way we dress and talk would be very different. Even though we have our own style if you really pay attention it is based on the way people used to dress back then, just with a twist of this generation.

  22. also, i just thought of this. really the 60's was an easier time than now, because more things were under control. In our days teen especially are not under control at all. If i lived in the 60's i would have been living my dream, because in the 60's unlike now, when you wanted to become an artist all you had to do was sing. and what i mean by that is, if their was a talent show at your school and you were a good singer their was a very strong possibility that some one in the audience would be a "somebody" and help you with your career, or all you had to do was go to Motown and get an application and perform for one of the directors their, like Berry Gordy, and you would be set.

  23. Life in the sixties for a teen was probably harder then it is now. To start, numerous kids, like Ponyboy migh thave joined the gang because his parents are gone and did not know where to go or what to do. Now there are foster homes and support groups for those who need assistance. In addition to this, technology was not as advanced in the sixties as it is know. Therefore, teens would not have been communicating as much. For a teen, life in the sixties was rough.Even if you did not lose your parents, there were more chances of you getting bullied or injured since regulations were not as strict as they are now.
    I am not sure if I would have fit in this time period. I like sports, soccer and basketball, so I do not think that would be a problem. I like to try my best at everything I do and I act the way I am instructed to. I do not like when others do not try their best and when they are disrespectful or hurtful towards others. If I open my mouth and say something in the sixties, I might spark a fire, an upleasant one. I might fit in the sixties, but I would have to know more about life at that time to be sure. However, I am almost positive that life for a teen in the sixties was harder than life for a teen now.

  24. @ Morgan R...Love your "Brady Bunch" quote. It fits. I agree about Cherry and the blood....well, you should know where the blood came from on Ponyboy.

    @ Kevin....YES, Hendrix. I think I was 16. You really need to find an American Idol audition. They have been in our area before. Check their website.

    @ Devony....They had sports in the 60's too. Baseball was extremely popular (National Past time) and basketball had some real stars too. These sports were big in schools too.

    Life really wasn't as hard as you all may think. I guess it depends on where you lived and if you were a "rich kid" or "from the other side of the tracks" so to speak. Let's talk about that.

    That issue comes up soon in our novel.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  25. Hey, me again. I think that being a rich kid was harder than being a greaser. This is because I'd ur a soc I have a reputation to be clean cut, rich, have the fancy cars, and all that, but in the other hand if u were a greaser, than u didn't really have a reputation that could go bad because they are at rock bottom. So what I'm saying is that the greasers don't really have much to loose but eachother and maybe a pocket knife or two as the rich kids have their expenses and high class rep.

    I connected the dots between the blood on the greasers in the picture to the book right after I posted lol but my phone was dying lol.

    I have a topic for one of the blogs, Movie Mania Monday, and we can talk about movies from the 'golden age' or like new movies based off classics, or the ones we even watched in class!!js

  26. i personally think out of everyone grace looks more like cherry :) she has the same person ality lol

  27. i feel bad for jonny

  28. im sad they dont even care if im alive or dead my parents dont even care i think it was smart that we went back it would of ruined ponys life if he didnt! soda needs him in his life without pony soda would be helpless poor soda well at least we went back i didnt think running away was a good idea anyway. and i believe that cherry was super cute

  29. i am feeling alittle boosed up

  30. mrs p can u make a new blog im bored with this one/!1!

  31. @ Marissa and Kevin....New blog on Friday. I average twice a week.
    It would be a good idea for you to read what others said about our book.

    BTW Love the idea of posting as the characters. Who gets the credit for that?

    @ Morgan R....Good idea on the classic movies. We can talk more about that. I will add Movie Mania Monday to the list of possible blog topics.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  32. In my opinion I think that this could go either way. I agree with Andrew 100% on how there was a greater lack of care especially with things like AIDS and gangs. However, back then it was a much more simpler time and 40 years from now people will be saying the exact same thing about us. Now a days you have all of the unreliable advantages of the internet filled with wrong information. In addition, I believe that the media is turning us into walking, talking it girls and it boy (for lack of a better term). We are so innocent that we believe anything that people will say on the TV without giving it a second the (news reporter: this just in, we have new information that the sky has changed color from blue to orange. You must all watch out for the zombie apocalypse... The next day: HELP WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!!) Back then, you had to see things to believe them. So, really it could go either way and technology is a big variable in this.

  33. Very well thought out, Jazmine. Thanks for your insight. I was surprised to see how you feel about today's youth. Interesting.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  34. I think it is harder to be a teen now than in the 60's. In modern times, we have brand new problems to deal with. That's why old people are always saying, "I don't remember that when I was a kid." or "You kids and your generation! Why, in my day..." I mean, what happened to normal hippies who threw concerts??? Modern generation 'hippies' are people like the Wall Street protestors. We have taken things to an extreme! In the 60's, you had people like hippies, hippies, and hippie-haters. Now we have SOOO many categories to put people into, it's crazy! I agree with Andrew that there was a lack of care. Things are so out of control that we have no time to not care. I also agree with Jazmine when she says that the media controls teens. Who doesn't want to be on television? Everyone is on the couch watching Glee or Pretty Little Liars so they have no time to actually see the REAL world. Drugs like meth or oxycotin weren't that popular. And going against what Andrew said, we still have to worry about gangs and bullies. Just last year there was gunshots fired at the A&P. And gangs still exist. And just like that article we read, gang violence has gone up. There are gangs in Barnegat (some around the corner!)and people who have some big drug problems (some down the street!)
    Just as a point, I also think that people act like each other because they are afraid of being different. That's like being a friend to someone you don't know at all- and they could have been a copy so long that they don't know themself either.
    I would NOT fit in the 60's. I just can't see myself there.... I'm not that outspoken like people were back then. People also tried to look like everyone else and be the same, and I could NEVER do that. I like to be different. It's fun. You can say random things like 'pink elephants' in a conversation without people thinking "OMG... Where's the nearest mental asylum????" People try to hard to be some one else. You were born original, don't come out a copy. ~Emma A.

  35. There is a similar quote to your last line. See if you can find it and who said it, Emma. Thanks for all your deep thought. You make a lot of sense. Some of you sure paint a dismal picture of today's youth. Is there anything you all can do about it?
    That was one thing that the youth of the 60's tried to do....rebel against the way things were.
    This is worth a discussion anyway.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  36. being a kid now is much harder... if you get a text in class your like" who could this be from i have to see." that can get you into trouble. Back in the 60's, people didnt have this problem. Also kids today dont get outsider and play sports as much as technology. When you get home from school today, many people are like " whos on this game, or oh i wonder whos on facebook. Back then it was like "who wants to play football or 'hey lets go chase some middle schoolers'

  37. Ha! I like your comment to show THE OUTSIDERS mentality, Blayne.

    Thanks for adding your thoughts.
    Mrs. Prisbell
