Friday, October 28, 2011

Figurative Language Friday

Some students had a little trouble with Metaphor Monday, although the original examples of figurative language in general were spectacular.  Let's just keep this post open to using your choice of figurative language.

Look at the picture and describe.   Give it your best shot using simile, metaphor, personification, or imagery of any type.  Be creative.
Aero Woods

Con Dao Beach


  1. I am first, finally!
    The jolly green giants swayed in the wind as I heard the rustling leaves, and they seemed to speak to me. Each tree had its own story to tell.

  2. @Andrew....Perfect! You incorporated so many techniques. Mrs. Prisbell

  3. The trees stood utterly still, statues in a living museum where no leaf dared to fall. A breeze drafted through bringing a sense of fear and despair in its wake. All was silent, except the unmistakeable croak of a raven.
    Ok, so I really don't like forest, and they creep me out so forest descriptions usually end up sounding like something out of a horror novel. But I like how this one turned out. (: Also I am still in a Poe mood from reading A Tale-Tell Heart.
    ~ Alanis

  4. The trees were grasping for air, rising higher and higher like giants looming over a peasant. Golden rays of light poured through the sky, trespassing through the dark forest while a calming breeze rustled the air and glided through the outstretched hands of malachite leaves.

  5. The trees towered above me giants of a different world. They loomed menacingly above me blocking out the sunlight enveloping me in the shadows. Each tree held its own little community of beings, from squirrels to birds to insects, each fighting for survival hundreds of feet above the Earth.

    the rolling waves splashed against the white beach, the sounds flowing with the salty breeze. Around me sounds of toucans cawing and insects chirruping greeted me like an old friend, come back after a long journey. Tendrils of grass danced at my feet among the soft sand and in the distance a large rocky mountain rose up and into my line of vision.

    I'm not the best at description of a setting, but I think these are satisfactory. :)

  6. The mighty mountains were a magnificent touch to Mother Natures portrait, being continuously battered by the waves of the ocean; meanwhile the exotic plants dropped off from another dimension danced along to the consecutive beat of the sea breeze.


  7. All the leaves rustled about on the moist forest floor while the sun provided warmth to all resisdents among the trees.

    The cyrstle clear water wispered its secrets to the sand while the moss colored rock stood near, trying to over hear the cOnversation.

    -Jenna w.

  8. ~The dim radiance of sunlight dances down below through the trees as if welcomed from high above.

    ~The crisp shoreline runs around a majestic beach, with a towering mountain looking down upon all of it's surrounding foliage.
    ~Erika B

  9. The vibrant forest danced with the wind as the leaves of the trees rustled and created a sothing song.

    The waves crashed on the shore qucikly and angrily as if a storm was brewing up. As the storm came closer moving faster at every second the waves started to push each other out of the way, just to outlast the storm.
    ~Brenna L

  10. I am pleasantly amazed at all the fantastic figurative language. My favorite lines are below:

    @ Brenna....waving started to push each other out of the way...

    @ Erika if welcomed from high above.

    @Jenna...water whispered its secrets to the sand....moss stood near trying to overhear...

    @Andrew....Mother Nature's portrait.....danced to the consecutive beat...

    @ Jazmine...and insects chirruping greeted me like an old friend...

    @Emma...rising higher and higher like giants looming over a peasant...and glided through the outstretched hands of malachite leaves.

    @ Alanis...statues in a living museum where no leaf dared to fall.

    They are all so filled with interesting imagery. Good job.
    Mrs. Prisbell

  11. The sun glistened like a shimmering big blue ocean.
    ~Courtney M.

  12. Thanks, Courtney M.

  13. ~As I stood gazing at the colossal skyscrapers that reached the sun I wondered if I could climb to the top of one.

    ~The crystal blue ocean gently brushed the sand on the shore while the sun smiled and lit up the Earth.

  14. The leaves waved to me as I ran through the thick forest as fast as lightning.

    And I don't really have figurative language for the second one, sorry :)

  15. Mrs. Bopp gave away the spoilers...

    ***** SPOILER ALERT*****

    The assembly is called (__________)
    it is about (________________)

    You can find out tommorow, me and Devony know it though :)

    I shall stay anonymous because I think I Speke anonymous wrong...
    iPod only spell checks when it wants to correct me, not when I want it to spell check :/

  16. ^ that should spell spelt
    Classic example of my iPod knowing better than me :/

  17. I haven't been online in a while! So anyways: The dimond-tintied, crystal clear water washed the beach creating a shiny new sparkle that created a bright marble color. The mountains towering over the great beaches below, and reaching up to Heaven beyond the skies...

  18. On this warm, bright, summer day, the beach called my name as the clouds drifted away bringing more sunlight.

  19. I love when the personification seems like the person is interacting with a part of nature like Courtney W's "beach called my name" and Devony's "while the sun smiled" and Max with "the leaves waved to me." Thanks too to Jimmy C. I like your mountains reaching up to Heaven.
    I am glad Anonymous did not spoil the assembly. Hope you all enjoyed it.
    Mrs. Prisbell

  20. ~The towering mountain hovered over the calm ocean waves, acting like a mother, protecting its child.

    ~The woods grew higher, became darker and felt colder. Blackness. The rush of fog made my hair stand on end. We were trapped in the endless forest of trees thats looked as if they were vicious monsters, waiting to strike their prey.

  21. The trees danced like barnegst blazers in the wind.
    The water was a sheet of glass.


  22. Thanks Erin O and ?????

    Mrs. Prisbell
