Tuesday, October 25, 2011

T-REX Tuesday

Okay, everyone, Tyrannosaurus Rex Tuesday is here. Now what are you going to do with it? Let's see how creative everyone can be. Does this lead to a story or a discussion of something you read or learned. I can't wait to find out. I hope it's successful, interesting, and surprising all in one. It was your idea. Go for it!

T-Rex Dinosaur

   short-armed raptor dinosaur bones

New dinosaur species similar to T.rex is uncovered in Argentina

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 10:57 AM on 17th December 2008

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1096383/New-dinosaur-species-similar-T-rex-uncovered-Argentina.html#ixzz1bdjpcXup
I hope you weren't thinking of the car or motorcycle called T-Rex....This is the real thing.


  1. I don't know about you people, but when I hear "T-Rex" I immeditatly see Jurassic Park. I could easily see any story with a T-Rex in it, including one of mine. There could be either a T-Rex loose in modern day, or people lost in the Dinosaurs time. I think either 2 popular bands such as DragonForce or Metallica could fight the living nightmare of a T-Rex using their band powers/nicknames. Obviously DragonForce can summon a Dragon and Metallica can summon a "dinosaur" called Metallicasaurous (which can be a robot dinosaur). That would make an amazing, adventureous story for when we write the 10 page story; do you think so Mrs. Prisbell? By the way should I bring in my grandfathers award for tomorrow for class because we will be doing final drafts? Thanks :) -Jimmy

  2. I think T-Rex's could fit very well in a thrilling story filled with excitement and suspense. It's really hard to come up with one specific idea for a future dinosaur story but I am kind thinking time traveling could be tied into it somehow. Maybe some coincidence could happen where a replica time traveling machine could be left in prehistoric time which is then sought out by cave men. They can possibly figure out how to travel back to present day along with some dinosaurs that tag along, and I think we can figure out that mass pandomonium could occur here once they arrive......and this is where the rest could be finished during our 10 page stories we will be writing eventually, right???

  3. Very nice, Jimmy and Erika, you are both thinking ahead to our 10 page story. I like it.

    I will have to get used to the band idea, Jimmy. That's very interesting, though.

    Erika, you know how I like a good time travel story. Good thinking.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  4. This is an interesting topic... I love it! Ok.. I think the t-rex could be in a fictional story, like having a scientist create one in a lab and it would escape only to be a violent monster that destroyes everything in its path and kills everything it sees. I hope this wouldnt be a too violent story for a school paper. Hahaha
    Reese Hardy

  5. A possible story could be how a boy had a pet dinosaur in his backyard. The boy's mother had to buy seven fresh turkeys from the market to satisfy him for a week. Soon, the dinosaur needed to eat more and required more room to live. The familly had to move to a larger house in the country. He grew to an immense size and began to devour even more. Eventually he ate the family. He scoured the town for animals and people and ate them as he found them. Soon not one person was left in the town. What would he do? Go to another town? Starve to death?

  6. This could be a story about a man who creates things that come to life. He dousn't realize this until he draws a dinosaur and it pops of the page. Now he has to figure out how to put it back on the page!
    -Jenna W.

  7. Noooooooooooooooooooo!

    I am going backwards. Instead of being post 4 or better I'm post 7. Well that's what happens when your iPod won't connect to the Internet (also the reason why I didn't post much in the last blog; doesn't look like I missed much.)

    Anyhoo, haven't seen you yet in the blog experience Reese :)

    Back on topic.... ( I must go re-read the original question now, so difficult to multiple task on such a small screen :/ )

    Okay, you guys can ignore everything written before this sentence if you'd like?, just random comments... Hehehe, bet you wanted to know that sooner ;)

    T-Rex tuesday hmmm, didnt Tyler come up with that?

    A good story can include a boy being chased by a t-Rex and getting cornered, but the dinosaurs big head and little arms prevents it from harming the child.

    It may also be a story where Albert Einstein's atom theory went wrong and while the nukes were being built the uranium mixed with explosives caused a worm hole in the space time continueum after the bomb was tested causing the engineers to be sucked into space and landing them in the age of the dinosaurs. A curious t-Rex could have seen the closing wormhole and mistakingly walked in and ended up in our time. The t-Rex may be misunderstood like king kong or Godzilla and be given a cruel name... Like Snagletooth, and terrorized by people who claim it's terrorizing them. Later the t-Rex could have been chasing a cornering a little boy (like mentioned earlier) but instead of harming him, the dinosaur just wanted to play tag like he did with his little dinosaur friends. Meanwhile, the scientists and engineers must find a way back home before supper... because it's spaghetti night ;)

    You think of the rest, I don't want to finish it.

    I got an idea for a blog post thingy, I'm thinking... Finish-Me Driday, but hey what do I know, I'm too lazy to make a good name.

    Anyway, my idea was to make a little tag along game where someone posts a sentence, paragraph, etc. and the next person must add to it.

    Person one: Little Jimmy sat on his porch...
    Person two: Jimmy was enjoying some chowder when...
    Person 3: A dog smelt the chowder and charged at Jimmy...
    Person four: Jimmy picked up his chowder, strapped on his helmet, grabbed his bike, and launched like a rocket down purplefish lane.
    Person five: The dog lazily followed lapping up every spilt bit of the orange, munchy chowder.

    Catching on? By the end we can have an amazing story that we can have someone type up and bring to class... Do I dare say it? Sure I do... For extra credit or something... Well this is up to you mrs. Prisbell. If you like it, it needs a name and could be a weekly/ monthly thing. I like it, what do the rest of you think?

    By the way, this is Andrew


    Once again, I dare someone to write more than me :)

  8. Phew... I was terrified. My iPod scared me... When it hit post comment it brought me to one of septembers blogs, but luckily when I hit backspace it was posted on the comment thing. I really didnt want to retype that. Silly iPod...

  9. This could lead to a story where someone thinks of things that are extinct and they are imagining them coming back to life. They imagine a T-Rex coming back to life and roaming around different parts of South America and Africa. It starts to just eat different kinds of plants and new dinosaurs develop over time. Then, South America and Africa will develop over time into a dinosaur country. That would be a fun and interesting story to read.
    ~Courtney M.

  10. I am impressed with all the ideas from this random post. I think Andrew was right about T Rex Tuesday being Tyler U's idea. Anyone else remember who suggested it?
    Story ideas are very good. Thanks Jimmy for being the first to start the stories. I am glad that Reese is back too.

    Andrew has a good idea about a tag team story. I think I just came up with a new Tuesday. Keep your eye out for it.
    Thanks for your comments, everyone.
    Mrs. Prisbell

  11. Someone could be caught with a T-Rex in their back yard, only to have to police seize it and take it to popcorn park zoo... kinda like what happend with Big Black Jack.

  12. Next Time do tiger Tuesday :(

  13. mrs prisbell did you find my pictures in the classroom after class, i cant find them

  14. Sorry Blayne. I did not and I moved all the desks around. I don't think they are there. Period 10?

    Thanks for posting Jason. I will keep tigers in mind.

  15. hey i think it worked lol i think t rex are cool because i have to listen about them because my brother the story could be about a little boy who went back in time and felt how it felt to be a person in that time then at the end he should run and as he is runn ing he relises hes home

  16. sorry i forgot to post my name haha -marissa hartnagle

  17. For some reason when I hear "dinosaurs" the movie we watched in ila in sixth grade "Jumanji" comes to mind with all the dinosaurs and other little creatures. The characters can play a board game not knowing that the outcome will be so outrageous. This game is no ordinary board game, every time you role the dice, something very unexpected will happen. For example, letting out many large T-REX's. They would put the town in danger from letting all the T-REX'S loose and they would have to find a solution on how to get the dinosaurs back in the game.

  18. Once I saw the third picture, an idea instantly popped in my mind. I'm not sure if you ever seen the tv show "Bones", but thats what it looks like. If you haven't seen it(its the best show ever by the way) its about people from the FBI who uncover murders or deaths from studying their bones. Maybe they could be going on a case where they find bones that look like a dinosuar and eventually find a new species of dinosuars. And wow, I think andrew is in the lead by a lot... I got to catch up to him! Haha, just kidding. I could never write THAT much. And Mrs. Prisbell, are you going to do Theatrical Thursday for tomorrow??

  19. I also came up with good names for the week:
    - Tropical Tuesday (Beach Theme)
    - Magical Monday
    - Memorable Monday
    - Words of Wisdom Wednesday
    - Fantasy Friday
    - Wicked Wednesday

  20. hehehe, i have a lot to say before bed Erin =)

    (i still dont know what this "~" sybol is for...)

  21. o yea, excuse all my typo's, the ipod blieves its spell checker knows better than me...


  22. Hmmmm, T-Rex Tuesday? What am I supposed to do with this one! I'm not historical savvy like Andrew and I don't watch Bones like Erin but let's see.... Okay I think this could be a good story starter:
    The giant creature lunged at me. On two muscular legs it towered over nearly everything in it's path, it's only weakness was its arms. They were like two little skinny chicken wings, completely useless. Yet, it's sharp teeth glinted in the sunlight bouncing off of them, making me remember that I was still in danger of being eaten alive by a... dinosaur? that was impossible, dinosaurs are extinct and still are, but the thing looming in front of me sure looked like a T-Rex... a very hungry one too. I struggled for a way to think clearly, but sweat was trickling down my back and my breath constricted as the giant monster gave a tremendous roar which shook me to my core.

    So what do you think? Good enough to expand into a story?

  23. So many good ideas and thanks, Erin, for your new day tags. I will consider them all. Unfortunately, we are not ready for Theatrical Thursday. New post will be up on Friday.

    I love the time travel ideas for T-Rex and I have seen "Bones" so we can talk about that option.
    In class fun activity for today. Hope you all like it.
    Mrs. Prisbell

  24. I luvv this topic... Ok so, you know how wen u think of t-rex, u think of like this beast who just eats every1. well i think it would be cool if we wrote a story from the t-rex's perspective. for example, wat if the t-rex was really just a harmless creature who saw us as monsters. I think it would be really funny to see how some people will interpret it.. i mean everyone's story would be completely different and it gives u more room to be creative.. instead of doing the "traditional" t-rex -*Melanie*

  25. Loved ur post melll, but maybe we could do it from the other animals perspective and see if he really is the head honcho and like is a beast without knowing it and terrorized all of them or that he is like the big brother or sister of them all. It coyld kinda be like a bystanders perspective, get it??????Js
    ~Morgan Ridgway(:

  26. Great idea Melanie and Morgan G too. How creative!

    Mrs. Prisbell
