Friday, October 21, 2011

Famous Quote Friday

Happy Friday.....

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. 
                                                               Chinese Philosopher Laozi
Explain this famous quote. What does it mean to you and how might it influence your life?

Young Man Walking On Road photo


  1. Alright. I think this quote means all your adventures in life begins with a journey, and every journey begins with a single step. Every step you take takes you a step closer to being older and more mature than you already are. As you take more and more steps into life, you age and are also one step closer to the end of your life journey. You want to remember every single step you took through your one thousand step journey. Remember your life can be one to a thousand to one hundred thousand days long. so remember every step of it before it is over.

  2. Thanks Jimmy for your insight and yes, Calvin, you guessed it first.
    Melanie from Period 8 also guess correctly.

    So what does the quote mean to you, Calvin?
    Mrs. Prisbell

  3. I believe this quote means any journey you take, you will need to start one step at a time. Whether your journey is to bake cookies, cross a desert, or your actual life journey, you need to take it one step at a time (or the cookies will be burnt or might not taste good). Every step you take begins with a single step. If I wanted to go from my couch to the refrigerator I would have to get up and take a first step. Without that first step I will never go any where, let alone the fridge. Even though going to the fridge maybe simple, this quote can be assigned to even bigger things like life itself. Life is a long journey, as 1000 miles is a long, long walk. When life starts, you need to be able to do simple things like breathing and eating. These will be the first steps of life as an infant, but once you start the journey will continue and the "steps" will increase more and more.

    Btw, barnegat won the football Game 27,21 in overtime against the dragons.

  4. what this quote means is that if you want to reach your goal you have you take it one step at a time

  5. I think this quote means that every journey or adventure you take has steps that need to be completed before you reach the end. You shouldn't run through any of them because they all have a purpose.
    -Jenna W.

  6. Very good analysis Andrew, Jesse, and Jenna.

    I especially like the baking reference.
    I am also glad BHS had a win on Homecoming Night.

    All the comments on this quote make sense. Good job.
    Mrs. Prisbell

  7. i think this quote means that if you want to have a big job like if you want to be a singer actress or dancer you need to start by doing small things to build up to that big thing. like if you want to be a singer you can make videos and put them up on youtube and maybe a record producer will come across one of your videos and try to find you. if you want to be an actress you can try out for school plays for the biggest part and the night of the play have your parents record you and put it on youtube and a director may come across it and try to find you too. if you want to be a dancer you should sign up for a class at your town dance studio and at a competition or recital have your parents record you put it on youtube and a dance director may find you and you maybe could be on a dance show or in a dance movie when your older like the abc series dancing with the stars.
    ~Courtney M.

  8. This quote reminds me of what people say a lot," Take baby steps." To reach a goal in life you have to take it step by step, until your at the top. If you don't take that chance, you missed an oppurtunity to be a step ahead. Whenever you get a chance to be a step ahead in life take it, because one day your'e going to look back and wished that you would of taken it. ~Brenna L.

  9. Thanks Courtney and Brenna. Both of you make perfect sense. I wish more people would take this advice. Laozi was a smart man.
    Thanks for commenting.
    Mrs. Prisbell

  10. This quote means that you start all of your journeys in life with a single step. In order to get far in life you have to start small. If you want to own a business when you reach a desired age, you have to attend all thirteen years of school first(k-12). Then you have to go to college. Next you work for someone else's business and work your way up. Eventually you will become the owner if you work hard enough. However, your journey to becoming a business owner began with the small step of attending kindergarten. All of your journeys in life began with a small step.-Devony

  11. Thanks, Devony. Your comment makes perfect sense.
    Mrs. Prisbell

  12. If you guys like this quote, check out the Tao Te Ching by Laozi (Who used to be more commonly known as Lao Tzu in an older system of English translation). It talks about Tao - "the way" -basically the secret to the meaning of the universe. My favorite concept is called "Wu Wei" - the idea is simplicity, action through inaction, living effortlessly 'within' the moment. Inspiring stuff, to be sure, and very influential on countless schools of philosophy to follow, both Eastern and Western.

  13. I read courtney's and it makes a lot of sense. I would have to agree.
    -Jenna W.

  14. Thanks for commenting on Courtney's idea, Jenna.

    Also, thank you, Mr. R. Eckert, for giving us additional information on the ancient philosopher.
    I look forward to hearing what the students say about your post. I would love to live effortlessly. What's the secret to that? Anyone know?
    Thanks again for joining us. You are welcome any time.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  15. I am not sure how to live effortlessly, however, I try to live within the moment so I can appreciate what I am doing and realize how important it is.

  16. That's very good advice too, Devony. Thanks
    Mrs. Prisbell

  17. I think it means anybody can walk a thousand mile journey starting with one single step

  18. oh and go on my blogspot. thanks to mrs. Prisbell i would have never made one but i did . check it out

  19. This is the problem with being one of the last people to comment, all the good ideas are taken. Basically, I think that this quote means if you want to accomplish something you need preparation, take the initiative to do something. Not everyone is born in money, fame, and common sense (aka Harry Potter). You won't get anything by living in a closet under the staircase (yes Alanis I went there). For example, if you want to be a doctor, you can't just walk into a hospital and say "hey i want to operate on this random guy's brain, what say you." They will probably throw you out and tell you to get a job at Wal-Mart first. To get the job you have to prove to them that you are qualified, you need to have excellent grades, go to an amazing college, complete a hospital residency, a show experience so that you know what you are doing. This all comes with preparation, you have to work for everything and have a go-getter attitude so that nothing can stand in your way. Hence, I think this quote means that in order to get something in the future, you have to start working towards that now and every action you take will impact the outcome in the future. I think I have had enough philosophy for one day, thank you very much ;)

  20. Umm I think that this quote means that everything that starts as something small can go on and on. In the mathematicalworld, u can say that a line just starts with a single point, but can go on forever unrolled u end it by putting an endpoint on the other side. Sorry to bring math into this...Js
    ~momobusbasketball20-Morgan Ridgway(:

  21. Yeah, Calvin. I can't wait to see your blog. Good job. PS I thought it was a secret? Ha

    Jazmine, you always bring something new to the blog. Thanks for posting your thoughts.

    Morgan R....I never think mathmatically. Great job!

    Let's all check out Calvin's blog.

    Today is a new day. New grade 8 ILA blog appears today too.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  22. The quote, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." has a great meaning. It means to me that in order to think big, you have to think small. In between the first and the one thousand miles you must work hard in order to reach that goal of one thousand miles. If you do not take that first step you would never be able to reach your goals. This is what this quote means to me.

  23. Thanks Gabby.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  24. I think this quote means alot, depending on what type of person you are. To me, this quote means that to reach a certain goal ,you have to start out by doing something different, something uncommon to begin your journey ( aka your way to reach your goal. ) I think that if more people saw and understanded this quote, more people would succeed in life.

  25. Good point Erin O.

    Mrs. Prisbell
