Wednesday, October 19, 2011

World Wide Wednesday

What's happening in the world today?  Read the paper or search the Internet.  Let us know what you found.  Let's share the news.  Make sure it's real, though.


  1. Yesturday the FBI discovered a man who is a look alike to terrorist Osama Bin Laden. The man is named Gaspar Llmazares; he is a Spanish Politician (In Spain). The FBI used $25 million dollars to change Gaspar's image into the wanted picture before America killed Bin Laden. Gaspar was beaten and made ruin of his politician life in Spain because of this. The FBI also used Gaspar's image for Atiyah Abd Al-Rahman, a Al Qaeda leader who was killed by a CIA Drone over the summer. Gaspar is now trying to sue the FBI. Nobody in America ever knew it wasn't Bin Laden's picture on the wanted posters until yesturday.

  2. Today I heard that somebody vandalized a few schools in our area .And the damage was worth more than $2,000. My mom said she heard that this morning on the radio

  3. Wow, Jimmy. That is incredible. Thanks for that info. Now I want to go back and look at that wanted poster again.

    Calvin, can you get more information on this? What schools where involved and where? Thanks.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  4. Police say vandals caused $2,000 worth of damage to playground equipment, trailers and school building exteriors during the Oct. 8 weekend.Vandals targeted the Cecil S. Collins, Russell O. Brackman and Robert L. Horbelt schools and used spray paint to cause damage, police said Tuesday.
    Here is some more info on Calvin's post

  5. I read that the Collin's school is supposed to be reopening in a few weeks. They are working on the roof and then most of the classrooms are being repainted and it is going to look like a different school on the inside now.
    -Jenna W.

  6. Thanks Blayne and Jenna. First, I had no idea about the damage to our own schools. Second, Jenna's news about Collins is great. I see the workers filling up bins every day so I bet it will look like a new school.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  7. Hahaha, I have the world wide web in the palm of my hand (iPod) but I really don't want to use it, so for now the only news I have is I'm posting this, and I have a current event and project do tomorrow for mr. Eckert. I will share my current event on here later, cya


    Oh and I'll copy and paste it dice I know how much you love it mrs. Prisbell ;)

    Just kidding....

  8. While doing my current event, I found an article on about a bunch of animals let loose in Ohio. At first I thought it was pretty funny, reading about wild animals running through Ohio. Then, I heard how they got out... A man opened up the gates at his farm, and then shot himself. I found that a little disturbing, but thought it was still pretty interesting.

  9. I was on YouTube and I found this terrible story. An orphaned boy in China was hit by a car, leaving him dying in the streets. This wasn't even the worse part. A total of 4 people walked by the boy was he laid there. Nobody called the police or even helped the boy. The poor boy was hit again,and still people walked by him as if he was liter on the ground. An elder chinese lady even moved his body into a trash pile. More people walked past him, until finally a decent human being came along and called 911. The boy is in critical condition in the hospital and they are unsure if he will survive. The other crazy part is that a security camera caught all of this and it is being passed around the interent. I feel terrible for this boy and I hope that the people who just walked by him should be sent to jail. What they did was unforgival, if they were hit by a car they would want to be saved. What happened to treat people how you want to be treated, and humanity in general?
    Alanis B.

  10. Oh my goodness, Max. That is very disturbing. I wonder what the animals had to do with anything.

    I await your post, Andrew :)

  11. Sorry I didn't sign my name above. Mrs. Prisbell

    Police say vandals caused $2,000 worth of damage to playground equipment, trailers and school building exteriors during the Oct. 8 weekend. Vandals targeted the Cecil S. Collins, Russell O. Brackman and Robert L.

    Richard Hines, also known as "the tortoise man," will be paying a somewhat hefty price for keeping four Aldabra tortoises — from 7 pounds to 320 pounds — in his backyard.

    I didn't realize someone already posted about the vandals :p

  14. Thank you, Courtney. I didn't hear of this until tonight. Do they have suspects?
    Mrs. Prisbell

  15. Mrs. Prisbell,

    I don't think there are any suspects because the article I read said to contact a detective if they have any information.

  16. Ok so i just read an article on the asbury park press website and i thought it was gonna be really boring until i kept on reading....i know this is soooo random but the article talked about people cleaning up the bay and then it said in this one town they actually used llamas to clean up the mess... i thought this was funny because idk y they would use llamas lol -*Melanie*

  17. I just read an article about this really high-tech library they set up for teens, the reporter describes it to look like "a neighborhood library ten years from now". this library is filled with the latest digital media, like laptops, music keyboards, recording equipment,video cameras and gaming consoles. the article goes on to describe the differences of this library and a normal library, like instead of being really quiet, its really loud, with all of the video games, music and conversation. I thought it sounded pretty cool lol :)

  18. When I was doing Mr.Eckert's current event I found an article about how as of now the United States is planning to take the soldiers out of Afghanistan on the deadline of December 31, 2011. This will end eight years of America's involvement in the Iraq war. About 160 active-duty soldiers attached to the U.S. Embassy will stay there. However,officials are still not sure if soldiers will return to Iraq to train their security forces.

  19. Thinking abot using this for my current event- I kinda scammed through the first paragraph.

    Apparently Mexico city is going to make "earthscrapers", the exact opposite of a skyscraper. Skyscrapers go high in the sky, right? Well these earthscrapers will go deep underground to bypass medicos 8 story building limit. I will go read the whole thing now and add details later.


  20. Wow, this idea seems very interesting. It would be 65 stories underground with ligh coming from the top-center and glass panels. It will be a large building containing homes, offices, museums, and recreational areas. Best of all, when you look outside you would see ancient writings from thier ancestors. This has been thought out by the architects, but it is too good to be true... For now ;)

    If you want to read the actual article, I shall put it here if not, ignore the rest :)

    "We have all heard of skyscrapers - those towering structures that dominate city landscapes all over the world - But an Earthscraper? That's got to be a first. The incredible concept which entails building a 65-story structure underground, is the brainchild of Mexican firm BNKR Arquitectura, as an attempt to get around Mexico City's eight-floor building limit.
    The design envisions a pyramid-shaped glass structure that will completely be built under the surface of the earth - So much so, that the city square it is situated on, will remain as is. The 65 floors will not only house offices and residences, but also, a museum and cultural center. The Earthscraper will receive natural light from a giant gap in the middle of the building, as well as, a glass rooftop, which the architects believe will double up as a spectacular venue for exhibitions and concerts.
    And, while the residents, office workers and visitors will not have an ocean view, they will  have a historical one - Literally! That's because the modern day Mexico City is built upon layers of ancient civilizations, dating all the way back to the 13th century, when the Aztec tribe inhabited the area. They began by building small pyramids around the lake - As their influence and power grew, so did their structures, which were built directly above the smaller ones.
    When the Spaniards arrived in 1521, they put their mark by building churches above the pyramids adding yet another layer of history. Modern day dwellers have now added an additional layer to this historical sandwich. Because the Earthscraper will dig 300 meters or about 1,000 feet below the ground, the inhabitants will be be privy to some really cool ancient history, right from the comfort of their own homes and offices.

    If all this sounds too good to be true, it is - At least for now, since this is just a concept the architects have come up with. But if it ever gets built, it sure will rank as one of the coolest buildings in the world - Wonder what the postal address would read. . . . . . hmmm!"

    Copied and pasted from just for you mrs. Prisbell... Hehehe >= >
    Sinister smiley face ^

  21. I read in the asbury park press that in early October, Arkansas researchers found several footprints of dinosaurs in a field which measured around 2 football fields! The researchers don't know exactly what species they are, butthey know that some are carnivores and some are large plant eaters. This location is currently closed off, and the researchers won't say the exact location..

  22. Thanks, Courtney, for following up with information.

    Llamas? Ha Melanie

    Emmalee, where is this library? Don't you all want to go there?

    @ Devony. I hope the US sticks to that end of year deadline. I just wish more soldiers would not have to be sent over there again :(

    @ are so funny but this is a really interesting article. I definitely would not live underground. Even a subway makes me nervous. The reading of ancient writing is certainly a plus. Oh, send me your address when you move in :). Your comment about the adress made me laugh out loud.
    Mrs. Prisbell

  23. HONOLULU — A Hawaii-based soldier says he got something dangerous with his burger, fries and soda when he ordered a Burger King value meal.

    Army Staff Sgt. Clark Bartholomew claims he was injured by needles when he bit into a Triple Stacker on Dec. 1 from a Burger King located on Schofield Barracks, a sprawling Army base in central Oahu.
    According to a lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Honolulu this week, Bartholomew took the meal home and while eating the hamburger, he bit into the needle that pierced his tongue and made him bleed. He was hospitalized and put on bed rest for six days after another needle was found lodged in his small intestine.
    The lawsuit said Bartholomew suffered “severe physical injury, including injuries to his stomach, rectum and tongue” because of Burger King’s negligence. He also suffered “anxiety, fear, loss of sleep, extreme distress and lost wages.”
    Bartholomew’s Haleiwa attorney, Paul Saccoccio, said Friday that the soldier joined the Army after retiring from the Pentagon Police Department in 2007. Bartholomew was outside the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001.
    “He saw the plane strike and he was there during the entire period,” Saccoccio said. “He served this country. He’s a humble man. He unfortunately is placed in a position where he has to seek justice in the courts.”
    A manager at a the Kolekole Avenue franchise where Bartholomew bought the value meal declined to comment Friday, and a spokesman for Miami-based Burger King Corp. said he couldn’t immediately comment.
    The Army & Air Force Exchange Service, which owns the restaurant, is aware of the complaint and reviewing the matter, spokesman Judd Anstey said. The exchange operates more than 3,000 stores, restaurants and services on military installations nationwide and abroad.

    just letting you know I copied and pasted this from my current event

  24. That's a terrible event, Jesse. Thanks for posting it and doing your current event.

    Alanis, I forgot to tell you how disturbed I was about your article from China. So very sad :(

    Mrs. Prisbell

  25. Look for FQF tomorrow, everyone and have fun with MIX IT UP ILA. Don't be absent, please.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  26. fantastic quote friday ,fun quote friday famous quote friday.

  27. On somewhat of a happier news, Michelle Obama, the first lady, had her first tweet.

  28. Good thinking, Calvin. It has to be one of those, right? Ha

    Well, Joey, are you following Michelle Obama on Twitter?
    What did she tweet?

    Mrs. Prisbell

  29. the news article that i found was that obama is only helping the wall street bankers and the rich. he is lowering prices and other things for only the rich and the wall street bankers than the middle class and poor families. he has 49% of new jersey residents than still are giving him a heads up but there are still many people who don't approve of what obama is doing of the many people who live in new jersey. obama is not doing a very good job as a president if he's only gonna help the rich and the wall street bankers while the poor and middle class families can't afford many things or a few things. he needs to worry more about the umemployed and poor families than the rich who can actually afford things they want everytime they want something.

  30. Thanks, Courtney M. I am sue we will hear more about this as election time arrives. Both sides will have their say.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  31. About the animals,I saw on the news yesterday that one lady found all of them and took them to her house. She didn't want to take care of them so they died of starvation.
    Caitlyn Teta

  32. Oh, Caitlyn, that's a terrible story, but thanks for letting us know.

    Mrs. Prisbell
