Monday, October 17, 2011

Metaphor Monday

Let's be creative.  What metaphors come to mind when you look at these pictures? Choose one picture and create your metaphor. Don't tell us which one.  We should be able to figure it out.  Have fun.

A metaphor can be used in many different ways. How would you describe the picture below?
stock vector : Business man working hard on his computer


  1. the orange lighting up the sky was just over the horizion
    oh btw im #1��

  2. The glossy purple sky glistened with the moon and its rings with a calming lullaby. And curse you Blayne for cheating!

  3. Dark Bottom Light Top, Unlimited Happiness.

    -Jason Groom

  4. The lazy potato sack sat infront of the computer playing games so long that his eyes fried into omlettes.

    ~andrew (soon to be #1) =)

    @blayne- pic #4
    @jimmy- pic #2
    @jason- you've stumped me... I have to say pic #1 or pic #3.

    Pic #1 sice you could be reffering to the road to happiness and the pavement is dark while the sky is light

    Pic #2 because the top is lighter and can lead to eternal happiness...

    I really don't know, oh well =/

  5. 1. The outside of the cave was a painting of awe-inspiring colors, however the inside was a wretched place of solitude.

    2. He was eager to get his work done but his head was about to explode.

  6. Nice to hear from Courtney W and yes, Blayne, congrats on being number one. I want to know how you cheated, though. (According to Jimmy)

    It's pretty clear which picture Andrew did and I love the unlimited happiness that Jason G brings up.
    Nice job everyone. Thanks for getting on so soon.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  7. ~The road continued on, seeming as if it was a black hole, slowing sucking you into the darkness.

  8. I like it, Erin. Great image.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  9. jimmy i did not cheat it was posted during gym oh and i think jason did pic 1 also

  10. The jagged rocks surroundng the evening sky were as sharp as the teeth of a shark. ~Erika B.

  11. The computer was the man's soul mate.
    ~Morgan G.

  12. The computer understood him, his programming, I mean!-Joey Novak

  13. The sun gently peeked over the horizon hiding from something, iluminating the dawn sky with a firery orange-red.
    -Jenna W.

  14. Pic 2 looks really different from my iPod, you don't see the rock around the edge of the picture, it just looks like empty black space.


  15. Hahaha, theword I had to type to verify my post was duckarea!
    ... I wonder what that could be...


    p.s. What is this symbol used for? "~"

    Oh yeah, this is my copied and pasted status from Facebook:

    Well, today was the official last day of cross country, tomorrow is counties and then I'm not captain anymore :/

    I remember I wanted to be the line leader and lead in stretches since 6th grade, and now, its all over.

    The cross country team has always been like my second family. Well see some of you guys at counties, and hopefully all of you at our party.

    On a lighter note, I believe I got my best time- somewhere in the 8:40s. Sadly, I didn't achieve my goal, which was to beat Josh. I hung with him and gunner all the way to the final sprint. Looks like I started and ended the season 3rd best for barnegat.

    Look out Josh, your mine next year.....

  16. The big blue sky lit up the big fluffy clouds floating around in the mysterious sky.

    I think the man was a business worker like a lawyer and was trying to get his work done so he didn't have to bring it home to finish it for work the next day so he was rushing and probably didn't get it done.

  17. Well, you all are reall thinking although I am reading a lot of personification, imagery, and similes. Where are the metaphors?
    Very descriptive though.
    @Andrew. I don't even know what to say about copying your FB post. Let's stick to the topic at hand :)

    Mrs. Prisbell

  18. The road wet for miles as if it were a black hole heading toward nothing.

  19. Let's talk about metaphors tomorrow.

    @Andrew....Congrats in Cross Country. I heard your name on the loud speaker this morning.

    Andrew is a gazelle running at the speed of light. Just saying...

    Mrs. Prisbell

  20. The sun played a game of peek-a-boo as it dipped over the mountains, leaving the world in the darkness after being bathed in an orange glow.

    The two moons smiling and winking at each in the purplish sky were the last images I saw before jagged rocks swallowed me into nothingness.

    The sun's bright rays peeked through the clouds bathing everything in purity and grace after the storm drained everything of color, a vanishing act at a magic show.

    the road meandered on through the fields and valleys, careless of rolling hills and green pastures, with a single minded focus of only moving forward.

    The computer nerd stared long and hard at the computer screen trying to decipher secret codes or messages, a surveillance camera trying to detect every single character in the note.

  21. Woah! Mrs. Prisbell spelt a word wrong! It's an apocalypse!

    Oh, and time to change the topic again, hehehe....

    we lost in counties =/

    Might as well type a metephor,

    The sun was an angel reaching down it's arms from the heavens to brighten everyone's moody day.


  22. Ohe yea, Mrs. prisbell, your getting competition.

    Mr. Eckert is making a blog,

    who's will be more popular?


  23. the sun is breathing through every cloud.....

    Ms. Prisbell RULES!

  24. pic # 4
    The sun is as peaceful as a sleeping baby

  25. Wow good job everyone. I am glad Calvin is on and Andrew is correct about my type-o. I will have to check out Mr Eckert's blog. It can't possibly be as much fun as ours. Ha
    Even though the metaphors are few and far between, the personification is fabulous!
    Thanks all.
    Mrs. Prisbell

  26. P. S. Hi Jessie and thanks for the perfect simile.
    Mrs. Prisbell

    pic #2
    METAPHOR: The sky was a purple ocean filled with ivory clouds and TWO moons! :D

  28. Great Juliana.

    Mrs. Prisbell
