Thursday, June 14, 2012

Time to Think Thursday

It's now a few days before summer officially begins.  I know for all of alreay has started.  Teachers are back at school as I write this post.....and it's very quiet.  We already miss all y'all.  By the way, I will be visiting Texas this summer with my grandsons just in case you were wondering about the "all y'all" line.  I need some practice in my Texas dialect. I am sorry that for your first day off the sun is not shining but you will have many glorious beach days, I'm sure. 

Please post on the blog and let me know how you will be spending your summer.  Reflect on your 8th grade year.  What memories will be special to you and how do you want to shape your Freshman year in Barnegat High School?  Remember the speeches you heard on graduation night.  Devony told you all to never give up even when things get tough.  Mayor Cirulli told you to watch out for all the temptations you will encounter in high school and beyond, and Mr. Papernik, Mr. Nichol, and Ms. Wood all told you how important it is to stay in school.  Take every bit of advice to heart and make your mark in the next four years.  Get involved in your school, make and keep good friends, and, of course, put forth your best effort always. I wish you all the very best of luck in your futures whatever they may be.  As I told many of you in your yearbooks.....I know you will be something fabulous!  Enjoy.
  Mrs. Prisbell

Here are some of my favorite images of LBI that I will be taking with me to Texas....

Good morning, Island!

photo: beach


Long Beach Island, NJ sunset (by Lisa Harrison) on the bay...
It's rare to see a sunset unless you are bayside.  I hope you all get to enjoy a sunrise or sunset on the Island this summer.  I look forward to hearing each one of you on the blog.  I welcome your comments even as you go through high school.  Please check back from time to time.  You are the first class with the grade8 ILA blog so that makes you all special.  That's only one reason, of course.  Let's talk soon.