Wednesday, December 7, 2011

World Wide Wednesday

Because we are in the month of December, I thought it was time to start thinking about what happened in the world in 2011.  I always love when the news reports include a photo montage of the year in review.  Let's try to think about what happened this year starting way back in January 2011. Try to think about the second half of your 7th grade year and what events happened this past summer. September through December should be easy for you all because of your many current event assignments. This topic will take some research, I'm sure.  We may even have to ask the content teachers like Mr. Eckert, Mr. Szot, Miss Patterson, Mrs. Howanich, and Mrs. Mackin. Who else would have a handle on the pulse of the world? Mr. Gordon? Maybe.  I think he would know what new trivia questions have surfaced in 2011. I bet there are many.  Mr. Rizzo, Mr. Iveson or Mrs. Gross? Has there been any new information that would concern a mathematician or accountant?  There certainly have been many developments along those lines. Can you identify them?

I guess you will have to think about that now or even ask these knowledgable professionals. That's your task.  I will post picture, and I ask that you  identify the event and the approximate time that it was in the news.

Note:  As I am writing this blog, Santa is driving through my neighborhood on a caravan of fire trucks.  It is anything but quiet!

First and foremost.....

The photo is from the Blue Jay Parade in the San Bernardino Mountains.  The Fire truck is from the Crest Forest Fire Department a 1926 fire engine which is the last of the three original fire engines bought by the fire department in 1926.

Now, how about these events.....

Space shuttle Atlantis launch

Japan Earthquake 2011

Arkansas Tornado 2011 Map
Arkansas Tornado 2011 Map

The images were so upsetting for this next one.  This is the most benign of all.

a dead Osama in Laden is. Osama bin Laden is Dead and

Happier times....

Image: Kate's dress will go on display at Buckingham Palace this summer.

Who and why?
Where could Muammar Gaddafi be Hiding


  1. BTW if you see a message "This webpage can not be found" at the end of the post, just ignore it. There is nothing missing and I don't know why that's there. It does not appear on the page where I created the post.
    Mrs. Prisbell

  2. In the second half of 7th grade, I was starting to think about the ASK 7 and trying to study for all my quizzes and tests so I could do better than I usually do. I also know that there are no barriers on Route 70 and there have been many accidents and deaths there because of it.Also, I think back in April in Tuscan, Arizona, there was a shooting and injured 19 people and of those 19 people, 6 died.Congresswoman Gabriel Giffords was shot through the head and is now trying to recover. Also, a girl named Christina-Taylor Green was shot and killed. She was born on September 11th, 2011. Her dad made a comment after she died that said, "She was born in tragedy and died in tragedy." The first picture is the NASA rocket going to space and inside is the NASA team with Gabriel Gifford's husband, Mark Kelly. The 2nd picture is the Japan earthquake that left many homeless, poor, injured, or killed. The 3rd picture is the 9-11 memorial that opened in New York City. The 4th picture is Osama Bin Laden who died and now everyone is happier. Prince William and Kate who recently got married over the summer. Steve Jobs who recently died who invented the first apple computer. Casey Anthony who should have got the death penalty. The super Bowl which so many people watch every year. And Barack Obama our president. Hey Mrs.P! first again!!!!! yay!!! :) See you later, Mrs.P!! :)
    ~Courtney M.

  3. Really good job, Courtney M and I forgot about Gabrielle Giffords.

    Did you notice the Wall Street sign? What do you think the math teachers would say about that one?

    Mrs. Prisbell

  4. Some events that I remember is the hurricane that hit here over the summer. I also remember that minor earthquale over the summer that was felt here. For the superbowl, I did some research and found out that it was between the packers and the steelers. The packers won. The picture with the man and the apple is steve jobs and he passed away this year.

  5. Lets do this! I am going to make the longest blog post anyone has topped so far! This amazing year of 2011 has been an amazing experience. NASA launched their "last" space shuttle because president Obama shut it down or something. In Thailand the flooding and natural disasters got really bad. Including Japan and Haiti with earthquakes and Hawii with a Tsunami. The east coast of America was hit by hurricane Irene; which costed billions upon billions of dollars in repairs still undergoing. Plus the 10th annaversarry of 9/11 and the offical construction of the Freedom Towers began this year, I've seen the first tower myself. Along with being the country with literally thousands of tornadoes, America is on a 2011 record spree! Plus, Osama Bin Laden was finally killed by USA marines and the prince and princess got married over the summer. Don't forget the one and only CEO of Apple Steve Jobs died recently, down-grading the production of new Apple products. Casey Anthony's trial was for murdering her young child. I don't even know how she got away with it, the lawyer must be REALLY good. Even with all the obvious proof they had to prove her guilty, she got out of it. But it's obvious she is probably feeling really guilty and is not going to have a great afterlife! Wall Street protesters have been there months declaring they want all their jobs back. It's not going to do anything because with all the time they spent protesting, they could've gotten another job by now! Super Bowl XLV was between the undefeated (this season) Green Bay Packers and the Pittsburgh Steelers. Packers won I think 35-21. Barack Obama is running for re-election against several Republicans, who aren't very bright at all. Republicans include: Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, Michelle Bachman, and Herman Cain. I think Obama is going to win only because all the Republicans made themselves look REALLY stupid. Newt Gingrich (or something like that) has showed up to start becoming a bigger option for a candidate against Obama. And Mr. Eckert told us today it is the 70th annerversarry of the bombing of Peral Harbor in WWII. Mrs. Prisbell, you forgot about all the musical factors of 2011! During the Super Bowl XLV halftime show, Slash saved the Black Eyed Peas from a booing crowd because in my opinion they were bad live. Slash is coming out with a new album either around Chritmas or sometime in early 2012. It seems this year rock n' roll fans dropped and modern music increased in fans by the millions this year! Justin Beiber, Lady Gaga, and Katy Perry skyrocketed in fans. DragonForce, Avenged Sevenfold, and Aerosmith fans dropped like flies. This is why all modern bands such as them and any earlier bands are making new albums to get their fans back. Take that Andrew and Jazmine if you're reading this, I didn't cheat like you guys! I've been typing this since 3:30 and it's 4:00, it's been a long time! Italy's government dropped this year to 3rd worst government in the world as well. This is also the first year that moblie devices (in the U.S) have outnumbered people in America! New York City are getting new taxies in 2014 and they had the first model done this year for preview! Also China and Russia hacked into the Pentagon's computers and stole information on the Republican candidates for some odd reason. Obama has put up higher defenses in the computers for 2 billion dollars. Ugh this is tiring work making all these letters!! This year finally concluded the Harry Potter movies when the Deathly Hallows came out in July and November. That's important to some people, especially my family. I'd like to see someone top this1 Tell me what you think Mrs. Prisbell! -Jimmy

  6. I think that all the Math teachers would say that it's really bad how our economy is so bad in this country and how they should work harder so more people can get jobs and actually make money and not be homeless or poor and be able to make money to buy their selves or their family things like food which most people die from, not eating for a long time. Hey Mrs.P! I like how you asked me today if I went on the blog and I said yes and then everyone in class asked me if it's my home page and then Brian said it's like her facebook page. That was funny! Well, see you tomorrow and hope you enjoy the band and chorus concert! :)
    ~Courtney M.

  7. Oooo and why we should remember today is because this day back in 1941 we were bombed by Japan. We called that event Pearl Harbor. We should always remember today and why this horrible tragedy took place and how it has changed history.
    ~Courtney M.

  8. @ Jenna...Thanks for reminding us of the East Coast weather issues.

    @ Courtney M.....Hahaha...I agree about the guys' comments in class. I'm glad you explained Pearl Harbor. Also, I am definitely looking forward to tomorrow's concert.

    @ Jimmy....Well, what can I say? Your post was long and extremely interesting. I love the way you editorialized after each entry. Ha. Thanks for getting us up to date on music throughout 2011. Additionally, you were correct about the "last" space shuttle from the US in space this summer. Remember, my son works at NASA and I was in Houston when that occurred. It was both sad and exciting at the same time.

    Thanks for sharing your insight on the year in review. PS...not sure if yours is the longest so far though. We will have to check back.
    Mrs. Prisbell

  9. Hayley o........I remember the earthquake it was so weird I was on the beach sittingin the sand and felt like tiles shifting lol. The tornado Watch and hurricane scared me but was really minor here. The NASA thing I remember watching on tv as it set off. A good thing was a major terrorist of our country binladen death not to say like it's good to for people to die I just mean a crazy person like him who killed and made other people suffer. I didn't know who Steve Jobs was until his death Whig was said how many great accomplishments he achieved. Casey anothy don't even get me started she is In my opinion extremely guilty even though people say there is no proof who goes out partying the night there child iis missing that whole case was a shame a little girls life lost and a crazy lady let back into the world no restrictions.packers winning superbowl last year nd have a really good chance this year! And the anniversary of 9/11was sad for many and scary not to me negative but me and many others I saw not tv were expecting terrorist attacks due to the anniversary and binladens recent death. Anyways I had an idea for a new blog post it could be about what some holiday traditions people have are because I know in my homerrom we had this discussion and it was interesting some of the unique traditions

  10. All of the pictures were already explained, so I will talk about the things that took place in my life. Seventh grade was probably the year that I did the most work. I was busy and could not wait to be in eight grade. I did not feel the earthquake, but most people did. I enjoyed my summer this past year. I also wanted to add that Obama is going to bring the troops back home. Some people might not agree with the decision, but that was a big event this past year. The economy never really did improve much either in 2011. I cannot wait to see what the big news of 2012 will be!

  11. Ooo good! We all did good today and hope we do good tomorrow! And yes! never knew much about it but now I do! See ya tomorrow Mrs.P :)
    ~Courtney M.

  12. Loved those comments too!! :) ~Courtney M.

  13. We'll talk more tomorrow, Courtney M.

    @ Hayley...Thanks for not holding anything back with your opinions of Casey Anthony. You are not alone on your opinion. I agree about the anniversary and Bin Laden's death causing pause for concern. Thanks for the holiday blog idea. I will consider Tradition Telling Tuesday.

    @ Devony....I agree sadly about the economy not showing much improvement in 2011. Let's hope for a better 2012. I also look forward to the troops coming home very soon.

    See you all tomorrow.
    Mrs. Prisbell

  14. Ok so umm oh ya, so when u had the Casey Anthony picture, I remembered something that my dad said: he told me that they removed the death penalty it something(that would have been helpful in the life of the outsiders lol)I really think that is stupid. this is because if u go around killing people, y shouldnt u. Also this past yr was very eventful. I remember that I re did my bedroom so it is a dark purple with bright white waynescotting. Also, my uncle mickeys mom passed away, Patricia King, and a breakfast service was held for her. In the summer it was was cousin liahs first birthday!!!there were also some sad, sad times.......... But let's ne hapy. So uh anyways Hermin came dropped out if the presidential election I think after all of the scandals were surfacing. Honestly, michellle bockman has no I sea what she is talking about........look up the videos of her on utube , Lolol. That's kinda all I'm gonna say cuz I'm like exhausted. First away game at southern tomorrow, vestige pickle(:js

  15. Ok I don't know what happened to my words.......vestige pickle???????????? Ya so if u have a question about what I said, commentt.js

  16. i never heard about this but president OBAMA released his offical birth cirtificate stating that he was actually born in the USA..... all of the events above were very important this year

    RY P

  17. I don't know what I'm supposed to write here, it's been pretty crazy this week with all the concerts (go vocal!) Well, umm I know Dec. 7th was the Pearl Harbor anniversary (70th I think), I don't know if anyone already said that. This year I think Micheal Douglas, famous actor, was diagnosed with throat cancer, this just recently happened to the singer Adele too. Lady Gaga is doing some sort of donating thing for children with some kind of problem at Barney's in NY. I also think that they earthqauke in Haiti happened this year (too lazy to actually look it up). I don't watch the news because my dad says its too depressing. Not many people might know this, but the Italian prime minister recently resigned. Amy Winehouse died this year of a drug overdose. There was a hurricane this summer that hit New Jersey and other areas up and down the east coast. The last Harry Potter movie EVER came out this summer and pretty soon they're going to stop selling the movies (cry with me Alanis) :(

    I don't know what else happened this year but I have a feeling it was important.
    Btw Jimmy, what is up with your 4 bookshelf post??

  18. Btw I also remember the earthquake that happened near Jersey. I was at the beach with Angie and Emmalee and we were going to get ice cream, and when we got back everyone was freaking out because they felt the earth shake. But get this, The three of us never got to feel it.

  19. You are correct Ryan about President Obama.

    @ Morgan R.....Vestige pickle? Nothing new. Half of the time I can't figure out what you typed anyway. Ha. Oh, BTW so sorry you had sadness in your family this year. Also, thanks for referencing THE OUTSIDERS.
    Have you shared your strong feelings about GOP candidates in social studies class yet? JS

    Mrs. Prisbell

  20. @ Jazmine. You must have been posting at the same time I was. I am glad you mentioned Italy's leader. That was big news.
    BTW the concert was fabulous.
    Mrs Prisbell

  21. I remember watching the space shuttle launch when i felt the earthquake. there was so much commotion going on that the phones didnt even work. that was so hectic. i didnt know it was an earthquake until my dads friend called and told him there was one, we thought it was my dod just being crazy.

  22. @ Blayne... The space shuttle and East Coast earthquake could not have been the same day. I was in different states at the time. Maybe you watched a replay of the shuttle. JS

    BTW ... I saw a report on the news this morning of the most popular/ most money grossed movies of 2011.

    You tell me what the top movie was.
    Jimmy took care of music for us but now I want some research done on 2011 MOVIES.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  23. I'll get some movies. Firstly Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows parts one and two came out in July and November. Here are some 2011 movies that were important to many people: Rango, Mars Needs Moms, Red Riding Hood, Diary Of A Wimpy Kid II, Justin Beiber Movie, Thor, Pirates Of The Caribbean On Stranger Tides, Kung Fu Panda 2, The Hangover 2, X-Men First Class, Green Lantern, Mr Poppers Penguins, Cars 2, The Smurfs, Final Destination 5, Glee Concert Movie, Spy Kids All The Time In The World, Gnomeo and Juliet, Dolphin Tale, Paranormal Activity 3, Puss In Boots, Twighlight Breaking Dawn Part 1, The Muppets, and Alvin And The Chipmunks Chipwrecked. I am only giving examples for others to explain on until the next blog. If I did anymore movies we'd have like 538! New Movies that will be coming out that might be a hit are: Sherlock Holmes A Game Of Shadows, Tintin, and War Horse, Just some suggestions because my other posts have been really long! Best of luck to all next posters! ~Jimmy

  24. There were a lot of movies that came out in 2011 including: Paranormal Activity 3, The Help, Jack and Jill, Harry Potter Deathly Hollows Pt.2, Justin Bieber's documentary Never Say Never, Footloose, Pirates of the Caribbean Stranger Tides, Green Lantern, The Dilemma, The Green Hornet, No Strings Attached, The Mechanic, I Am Number Four, The Roommate, Just go With it, Gnomeo and Juliet, Unknown, The Adjustment Bureau, Rango, Red Riding Hood, The Lincoln Lawyer, Sucker Punch, Hop, Arthur, Your Highness, Rio, Scream 4, Water for Elephants, Fast Five, Thor, Bridesmaids, The Hangover: Part 2, Super 8, Bad Teacher, Rise of the Apes, Cars 2, Larry Crowne, Transformers: Dark of the Moon, Zookeeper, Captain America: The First Avenger, Cowboys and Aliens, Friends with Benefits, The Smurfs, 30 Minutes or Less, Mr.Popper's Penguins, Abduction, Moneyball, Real Steel, Contagion, Tower Heist, Happy Feet 2, and The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1. Glad you told me about the movie thing Mrs.P! Would have never thought about it!! See ya tomorrow!!! :)
    ~Courtney M.

  25. The 9 top movies of 2011 are Everyday Sunshine: The Story of Fishbone, Sholem Aleichem: Laughing in the Darkness, We Were Here, Phil Ochs: There But for Fortune, A Seperation, Thunder Soul, Louder than a Bomb, Hell and Back Again, and Leap Year. I named a bunch of movies that came out in 2011 than the top ones but the Muppets was one of them. See ya Monday!! :)
    ~Courtney M.

  26. Thanks Jimmy and Courtney M for listing the movies of 2011. I only know a handful of those.
    Now I need someone to talk about the ones they have seen and loved.


    Mrs. Prisbell

  27. My top 10 list of movies? Well, I haven't gone to the movies this year much. These are the movies I saw over the year:

    Kung fu Panda 2


    Harry Potter pt 1

    Harry Potter pt 2

    Pirates of the Carribean 4

    Cars 2

    and the new Twilight movie.

    I really was to see Sherlock Holmes.

    Most of the movies i watch are pg because I go with my brother and family. That's why I don't go watch many movies

  28. My 10 top movies of 2011 would have to be:

    1. Jack and Jill
    2. Breaking Dawn Pt.1
    3. Footloose
    4. The Hangover Pt.2
    5. Green Lantern
    6. Never Say Never
    7. The Dilemma
    8. The Smurfs
    9. Zookeeper
    10. Scream 4

    Those were all really good movies! So far, 2011 has had the best movies i've ever seen!!! See ya tomorrow Mrs.P! :)
    ~Courtney M.

  29. According to a website that state the top movies of 2011 called "" they said:
    1. Harry Potter 8 $378.181
    2. Transformers 3 $351.903
    3. Twilight: Part 4 $259.483
    4. The Hangover II $251.882
    5. Pirates...Caribbean 4 $237.354
    6. Fast Five $208.310
    7. Cars 2 $186.197
    8. Thor $180.136
    9. Captain America $174.302
    10. Rise of the Apes $173.601

  30. Thank you to both Courtneys and Jazmine for your rankings. Courtney W even gave the amount grossed by each.

    I think we should make it a class goal to see Sherlock Holmes when it comes out. Too bad it can't be a class trip. Ha.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  31. Yeahh we should do that!!! I never saw the first one but I wanted too!!! I'll go see it with my sis and tell you how it was!! :)
    ~Courtney M.

  32. @ Courtney M....Good idea. I can't wait to hear what you think.

    Check the new blog tomorrow morning.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  33. Ok my top ten movies were
    1.harry potter deathly hallows 1&2
    2.the Muppets
    5.water for elephants
    6.the help riding hood
    10. And of course... Insidious

  34. Thanks Melanie. We missed you today. A lot more happened in THE OUTSIDERS. You can read tomorrow.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  35. Many different things happened in 2011.
    1. iPhones became more popular, including the release of the iPhose 4 S
    2. The Casey Anthony trial
    3. Osama Bin Laden's death
    4. The Japan earthquake & tsunami
    5. Kim Kardahian wedding.....and divorce.
    6. Katy Perry became more popular
    7. Jennifer Lopez, also became more popular
    8. Lindsay Lohan's numberous visits to jail
    9. 10 year 9/11 anniversary
    10. "Zombie Apocalypse" that didn't really happen...
    11. The death of Steve Jobs
    12. Hurricane Irene
    13. The minor earthquake in Barnegat
    These are just a few!

  36. Thanks Eron O. You reminded me of a few that I forgot. Technology and Hollywood do deserve mention.
    Mrs. Prisbell

  37. December 15, 2011 marks the end to the war in Iraq! What a great day this is! Welcome home to the troops and we say, "Thank you."

    Mrs Prisbell
