Friday, February 24, 2012

Factual Friday

Let's stick to the facts.  We talked about changes that need to be made in school, in Barnegat, in New Jersey, and in our nation or the world.  It's important to strengthen your writing style when dealing with persuasive essays.  Be creative but be logical too.  Let's get down to business and iron out some issues right here on the blog.  I will post some of the most common complaints expressed about our school. Try to think logically and present your best reason to support or refute the given issue.  If I remember correctly, some of the popular complaints involved gym class,  cafeteria food and eating locations,  a lack of electives, the dress code, gum chewing, a need for recess....the list goes on and on. 

Let's start with cafeteria food.....

Here's what the school lunch is like in Korea.  Better?

Many of you expressed complaints about the food not being healthy.  Will the Korean menu work here to solve that problem?
How about this image?

The caption on this picture below mentioned mystery meat?  Is that fair?


The caption on the picture above reads....
Kids who ate school lunches like this one regularly were 29 percent more likely to be obese than those who brought their lunch from home.

The caption  for the picture above reads....
Health researchers typically focus on improving the quality of foods served in school cafeterias. But what about improving a child’s whole dining experience. Turning the school lunch into a real sit-down meal, rather than a minutes-long eating frenzy, is just one way to begin improving the health and eating habits of the nation’s children, says Dr. Arthur Agatston.

What do you think about time?  Do you feel rushed at lunch?  Does the time issue cause you to eat all the wrong foods?  Let's just think a minute.  Do we have a minute?
Let's talk about the improvements you would like to see on the menu or during lunch and why they are necessary. Be logical and prove your point.  We will take on another issue next week so check back often.


  1. I usually always bring my lunch, and it is mostly PB&J. I don't feel rushed at lunch, and I eat slow. I don't buy lunch often, but when I do, it is disgusting. The food is really greasy, and it sticks to the plastic. Also, since when were french fries considered a vegetable? My mom always told me that they weren't. It is pretty gross. I would rather have actual potato wedges, but I don't think they use actual potato in their french fries. My mom babysits my cousin's son, and he only eats hot dogs, chicken nuggets, macaroni and cheese, or pizza. We offered him chocolate covered strawberries and he wouldn't even eat it. It is pretty pathetic. I would like to see more natural food at school. Why not make spaghetti? It only takes about 20 minutes, and there is plenty of time to make it. That would be so much better than what we have in school now. ~Emma A.

  2. P.S. I'm finally first!

  3. The school lunch really needs to be changed in our school because it's not healthy, kids are becoming obese from it, and they have no energy to do anything after eating the food. I think that the picture of the school lunch from Korea doesn't look good, but it may taste good. Who knows. I just think that the school lunch at our school really needs to be changed, so kids can become more active with what their doing like at after school clubs or sports. Hi Mrs.P! I can't believe today that your period 8-9 chose me to be an author. I just don't see myself as an author. And I never told you about the People to People thing really. I'm going in September for 6 days and I get to meet a part of Congress, visit different places like Williamsburg but I've been there before and I get to meet many different kids from around the world. It'll be fun! And my Patrick Swayze book is pretty interesting and I'm reading about a lot of stuff that I didn't know about him. See ya tomorrow, Mrs.P! :)
    ~Courtney M.

  4. Congrats Emma on being number one poster. Your comments are harse but may be true, unfortunately. I have to agree with what your mother noticed about the child she is watching. One of my grandson's eats the same way. I worry too.

    @ Courtney M...It was interesting that my class chose author for your assignment. I am surprised though that you don't see yourself as an author. You certainly are a good writer and you have a lot to say. What job were you thinking for yourself? Maybe the People to People experience will lead to a job in politics or foreign affairs. Maybe....

    @ Emma and Courtney M.... Should we present a persuasive essay on this topic to our principal? What do you think our chances are of starting a change?

    Mrs. P

  5. Well, I've always wanted to be an ILA teacher actually. I've always thought about college and I really want to go to pursue a job as an ILA teacher. I think that we should do this topic for a persuasive essay. This topic would be fun to do. I think we have okay chances for starting a change. I'll see ya Monday Mrs.P!
    ~Courtney M.

  6. Ooo thnx by the way for telling me I'm a good writer. I've always been. The topics that my teachers have used just come so easily to me and I just come up with multiple ideas for the essay.
    ~Courtney M.

  7. I think our school should serve healthier foods. The lunches like the ones in Korea could work. However, kids might not like foods like fish so they might not eat it. If kids get a meal with fruits and vegetables they also might not eat it because they don't like it or they choose not too. I was talking with my parents about this and my father brought up a good point. Why should parents have to pay higher taxes for the schools to have healthier lunches if every student has the choice to bring their lunch? I agree with this.In addition, children should know what they are eating, they shouldn't be served meats that are labeled as "mystery meat." To gaurantee that they know what they are eating, they can bring their lunches from home. If they want to eat healthier, they can pack fruits and vegetables that they enjoy eating.
    I don't think time is an issue because I have plenty of time to eat my lunch without rushing. However, others might have a different opinion because they buy lunch, snack, or both.

  8. @Courtney M ... :)

    @ Devony... You have a very interesting take on the topic. Should we put more of the responsibility on the students and their parents for making smart choices? I like it.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  9. I think that our school should get more choices. For example, if you buy lunch and you don't like the hot lunch that day, then you are pretty much forced to buy pizza or rip and dip or just a plain sandwhich. I think our school should make more choices for us to pick from.

  10. I feel that our school lunches are rather unhealthy and I usually find myself asking what is being served that day, based on the looks of the meals. I don't think anyone would want to buy a meal that is unappetizing, but most kids are almost forced to buy meals that they wish they hadn't. Unfortunately, our schools have little options to choose from just as Jenna said. If you don't prefer that lunch for the day, then rip and dip and pizza are the only other options. This is where the problem begins.
    When I say that we need healthier lunches I don't mean to have fruits and vegetables everyday or serve meals as in Korea, because more than likely students wont go for that either, but maybe give a broader range of food selections to fit individual students lifestyles.

  11. the korean choice is much more nutricious than the food we have here. most of our school lunches come from factories and is heated when its time to serve. it is not healthy at all.(dont insult me on my spelling)

  12. Good points Jenna, Erika, and Blayne. What are some healthy choices that students in America would consider? If you don't think the black fungus or whole fish will work for our taste buds, then give some options.

    Mrs. P

  13. Pizza topped with fried chicken isn't healthy???

  14. On this topic, I strongly agree that in America, or at least Barnegat definitely needs healthier adjustments to their school lunches. Everything at school is covered in disgusting grease that it is even hard to look at. If you think about it, the lunches sort of have gone downhill. For example, think of a piece of pizza you would receive in 6th grade compared to one you would get now, in 8th grade. It kind of shows carelessness. Pizza isn't even healthy along with all the other meals offered at our school. Also, the school is encouraging us to make healthier choices so as a student, I believe it is very hypocritical on the schools behalf to offer kinds of food that isn't helping the conflict at all. For me, I don't buy lunch, I bring but there are probably many students that don't have the time or anyone to pack lunch so they are basically forced to buy the schools noxious food. Think of it this way: if you are a student who regularly buys school lunch everyday, that means you have been eating greasy food, everyday for approximately three years; gross!Foods like these can also lead to obesity, a major problem for the whole nation. Moreover, only inadequately amounts of fruit or a healthy part of the lunch are served. Some healthy choices students in america might consider may be a wider variety of fruits, good meat such as chicken that is fully cooked and does not contain mystery meat or meals that clandestinely include vegetables. Who knows, if someone eats the food, they might actually start to like the vegetables and be venturous to try new things.
    As you can see, school lunches are strongly in need of changes.
    P.S. Earlier in the comments I see Mrs.Prisbell asked if we should write a persuasive essay on this topic to the principal. I think that would be a great idea, maybe it could resolve some of the conflict.

  15. Every one of us has the same issues with the school lunches. They aren't healthy. I understand that it's partially the schools fault for providing these kinds of foods, but it's also the students' fault. the kids choose to eat the garbage that the school gives out. However I do believe that the school should take better care of the kind of food they serve at lunch. At least make sure the food is fresh.

    I have a few personal experiences to back this up, and Emma can support me. One time, our friend wanted to buy an apple for lunch, when she got back to the table she realized the apple was rotten, there was literally a dark bruise with green fuzz on it and it was disgusting. She had nothing to eat that day. Another time, she got a salad for lunch, but the lettuce was brown and the carrots were green. The next thing actually happened to me. I got a sandwich that one of the lunch ladies made me and I thought it was freshly made. However, later that day (at home) I fainted and spent 3 days at home the stomach virus.

    So the least the school can do, if they don't want to change the entire menu, is thoroughly scour the foods (especially fruits and veggies) to make sure they are edible.

  16. Please post names....This comment is for the person who likes pizza and fried chicken. Of course, it could always be Mr. Eckert playing Devil's Advocate.

    @ Courtney W....Thank you for your well thought out comment. You make some valid points. I may be able to offer extra credit to a small group to draft an essay for the principal. We'll see how much interest this stirs.

    @ Jazmine...You make some good points here with proof to back them up. I hope you and your friends reported the food issues to the lunch ladies and your friends should have received different food. Always bring it back up if there is a problem. They are very nice about exchanging food if something is wrong. I hope you shared your experience with the nurse.

    Thanks for commenting...
    Mrs. P

  17. I think that some of our choices are healthy but I think that we should have two different hot lunches so if you don't like one of them then you can choose the other healthy one istead of having to then take something not as healthy. Some more choices could be just plain chicken instead of chicken nuggets or just plain turkey with gravy and mashed potstoes.

  18. If kids decide that they want to eat healthy, it is their responsibility to make sure they are eating healthy. They can't depend on the school to supply them with everything they need for life, and this is one of the things they cannot ask the school for. It's their health and their decision to eat nutritious foods. Therefore, it is their responsibility to bring the food if it is not available to them.

  19. Thank you Jenna and Devony. It's interesting, Devony, how you put the responsibility solely on the students. I would like to see how many agree. This seems the opposite of what Jenna said.


    Mrs. P

  20. I agree with you Devony!!!!

    The school is not here to baby sit the students. If kids are so worried about being healthy, why don't they take the initiative (in case you haven't noticed, that's my favorite word) to supply themselves with a healthy meal. I understand that many kids don't have the time to make a lunch in the morning and need to buy a lunch, but the school serves salad-even though I don't know how fresh it is. If they aren't satisfied with the choices, then they should do something about it. Maybe they should get up 10 minutes earlier, PB&J on whole wheat bread with some water isn't that complicated and it's healthy too. If the students stop eating the food, then the lunch ladies will get the hint and try to change the menu.

  21. @ Jazmine.....You and Devony think alike. I like your use of initiative. :)

    Posting new blog now. Enjoy.

    Mrs. P

  22. They tell us about eating healthy yet the lunch they serve gives kids "a 29% more chance of being obese then kids who bring their lunches" but nothing seems worse then that Korean food-nick degennaro

  23. Nick.....The Korean food is very healthy. It appeals to their taste buds but not ours. Sad.

    Mrs. P
