Saturday, September 29, 2012

Mysterious Monday

Welcome to the 2012-2013 school year.  Remember what I told you on day one.  This 8th grade year goes like.....that!  Remember to snap your fingers when you read that line.  This is our class blog.  The first thing you need to do is join as a follower.  Let me know if you have any trouble with signing up for the blog. 

Every week I will post something new on our blog.  I hope you enjoy reading and posting a comment.  It will also be fun to read comments from others.  This blog is an extension of our work in the classroom.  I am trying to bring ILA concepts into your home.  I know many of you are on the computer often so this should be very easy for you.  You can even get blogspot on your phones.  Enjoy the experience.  Now let's get talking about reading and writing.....

This week we will be reading a mystery.  Since we have already had experience writing stories based on pictures of setting, I thought I would show you some interesting setting scenes on the blog.  I am asking you to think "mystery" when you look at these scenes.  Comment about a possible story line you see developing as you look at one of the pictures.  Remember...think mystery

  Cmon thats just pretty Choose one of the pictures and think about a possible story. Share your thoughts.  Remember, your story should be a mystery that needs to be solved. 
A Young Woman Walking On Train Tracks