Saturday, September 29, 2012

Mysterious Monday

Welcome to the 2012-2013 school year.  Remember what I told you on day one.  This 8th grade year goes like.....that!  Remember to snap your fingers when you read that line.  This is our class blog.  The first thing you need to do is join as a follower.  Let me know if you have any trouble with signing up for the blog. 

Every week I will post something new on our blog.  I hope you enjoy reading and posting a comment.  It will also be fun to read comments from others.  This blog is an extension of our work in the classroom.  I am trying to bring ILA concepts into your home.  I know many of you are on the computer often so this should be very easy for you.  You can even get blogspot on your phones.  Enjoy the experience.  Now let's get talking about reading and writing.....

This week we will be reading a mystery.  Since we have already had experience writing stories based on pictures of setting, I thought I would show you some interesting setting scenes on the blog.  I am asking you to think "mystery" when you look at these scenes.  Comment about a possible story line you see developing as you look at one of the pictures.  Remember...think mystery

  Cmon thats just pretty Choose one of the pictures and think about a possible story. Share your thoughts.  Remember, your story should be a mystery that needs to be solved. 
A Young Woman Walking On Train Tracks



  1. First of all, the people running across the train tracks are just STUPID. I would probably do a mystery about the picture with the car that is pulled over. The setting would be somewhere in the U.K. (the license plate gives it away). When the character, a former fighter for the Royal Navy, turns on the car, it explodes. It kills him instantly. The detectives would think it would be military related death. A bloodthirsty terrorist is what the police would come up with. In the end, it was his wife who killed him. She wanted to reap the benefits of his life insurance and veteran status. When the wife fails to show emotional distress, the police consider her a suspect. She is arrested for premeditated second degree murder.

  2. In my opinion, the dude in the boat could be leaving a dead body on a deserted island so nobody could find it, or maybe he is just casually riding his boat around some random island. Actually, he might be out fishing and he finds a body floating along. He then would call the cops and before they could get there, the body gets eaten by sharks or hungry cannibal natives. Therefore, the cops never found out who killed the guy floating around until they find out that the guy never got eaten by sharks or cannibals! He was actually taken by the guy who found him and hidden in his basement to make the cops think he got eaten by sharks because the guy in the boat actually killed him! But who knows... He is probably just riding around some random island for no reason.

  3. I know this is the Mysterious Monday thing, but I'm on here on Tuesday and it is still the Monday one? Where is Tuesday, October 2nd's writing prompt things Mrs. Prisbell?

  4. Grant and Shane have quite interesting and a bit frightening ideas. Congrats, guys, for posting the first two comments. I need to let this post stay current for awhile to let others get involved as well.
    @ Shane..... Unfortunately, do not look for a new blog post daily. I will try for once a week but always on different days so check back often. Mrs. P

  5. Did you happen to get my comments Mrs.Prisbell? I posted them both yesterday anonymous and with my newly made google account but for some reason they aren't on here. . .

    1. Raquel.... No luck with the spam folder. Please post your comment again under your name. I look forward to reading your story idea. Mrs. P

  6. Hi Raquel. I will try to find your comments in the new spam folder. I have to locate it though. I will let you know. Mrs. P

  7. Hi Mrs. Prisbell! This is Anna C!

  8. Hi this is Avery. i think the snowy forest is what I believe to be a perfect setting for a mystery. It might have contained a buried body that could be found by an unspecting camper looking for the bathroom. this could lead to an investigation that evolves a man who has a brittle bone desise. he is a lawyer who ripped off one of his clients who met him in the woods. he knew he would be Camping there. when it escalated to violence all he had to do was bush him into a tree. this broke his spine rendering him paralyzed.He was buried with his equitment. He ended up suffocating under a blanket of snow. That is my thoughts.

  9. Thanks for joining the discussion, Avery and Anna C.
    @ Anna.....I am glad you became a follower. I can't wait to hear your story ideas.
    @Avery...... Another frightening story line. To use your word.... intense. Good job. That's the picture I would have chosen too.
    Mrs P

  10. The man who is fishing could possibly be a troubled office worker turned hitman disposing a body. Oh, and am i still allowed on here?

    1. Hi Blayne. Of course your are welcome on the blog. You are a faithful follower. I was surprised you didn't comment on rhe June post I put up for the summer. We look forward to your comments. Check back often :)
      Mrs. P

    2. I hope Blayne spreads the word that we are up and running again and Alumni welcome!

    3. Ill try the best i can to tell the freshman that we can still go on and comment on the blog... and hi Avery -_-

  11. Honestly, my favorite picture is the car on the side of the road...if i were to write a story on it, it would probably be about a missing person. Then, someone like Sherlock Holmes (but cooler and less British) would have to find the missing person and stuff. No massacres or finding dead bodies like other people's stories...
    -Alexis Addonizio
    (p.s Hi Mrs.Prisbell!!!)

    1. I dont think its possibible to be less cool if youre british. British accents are the best!

    2. @Grant..... You are so funny but I tend to agree about the British accent. I was a huge Beatles fan at your age. Mrs. P

    3. Do either of you plan on watching 'Elementry' tonite at 10? I watched the first one and can honsetly say that it will soon be one of my favorite shows if it contiunes on this streak.

    4. @Avery..... LOVE "Elementary". .... Let's talk next week. Mrs. P

    5. I recorded it and watched it today... I dont like the monitor/companion/rehab person. Holmes really does pay attention to details, though.

  12. Hi Mrs. Prisbell. I was just writing my final copy of my Speculative story and I have just found out that I am out of white lined paper :(
    So, I was wondering if it was ok if i used the same exact paper only with holes in it. That is all I have... Is it ok if I use that? Thanks.

  13. Hi Alexis. Thanks for not following the boys' lead. I think your story has potential.

    @Shane.... Not sure if you got my response. The paper us fine. Use my aol mail for questions not related to the blog :)


  14. @Alexis and Blayne... i think you should choose a profile pic. We all have one but you. also @Ms. p I looked at the book, Flowers of algernon, and are we reading the novel or short story.

    1. They arent the only ones without a profile picture...half the class doesnt even have an account!

    2. I figured out how to make one!

    3. @ Avery.. Is this better, and if your wondering, my profile pic is an elephant seal

  15. Does my profile picture show up? It comes up on my screen, but what about other peoples'? Just wondering because you never know with these computers these days...

  16. @ Avery...... We will be reading the abridged version of "Flowers for Algernon" from our lit book. We will also view the movie.

    @ Shane..... I do see a picture foe you. I need some of these profile pics explained. Mrs. P

  17. @Mrs. p... Good news, I think Richard will be back Tuesday!

  18. Ok I would pick the snowy forest picture. So theres this town near the forest and in the past week 5 people were reported missing. The police have no leads to where the people went and they searched everywhere in the town and found nothing. The police station gets a call one day and the mysterious person on the phone says he has the people and he won't free them until he gets $100000 ransom. The caller hangs up and the police have to decide where to search and they decide to search the forest. They search the forest and find footprints that lead to a cave. In the cave then fine the 5 missing people and the person who kidnapped them. They then arrest him and free the people.

    1. Whenever I hear about ransom, it reminds me of an austin powers movie where doctor evil goes back in time and threatens to blow up the white house. It is better seen than told... If it doesnt come up as a link, you can copy and paste it into the address bar.

      P.S. @Alexis Austin Powers is british... what do you think about him

    2. I watched that video. It was kinda funny how he wanted so much money and they didn't have it. Now whenever I hear about ransom I'll think of Dr.Evil.

    3. Austin Powers is an ok British person but his accent and his constant use of the word "shag" makes me highly dislike him lol

  19. I am so glad you are all posting comments on your day off. You made my day! We will talk more on Tuesday. Thanks Grant, Avery and Raquel.
    Also glad to hear Richard is due back Tuesday :)

    Mrs. Prisbell

  20. I told Jimmy Cascio that he should come on. He might be the second alumnus.

  21. It may be a little late due to the fact I wasn't thinking when I saw the 'join as a member' button but I have finally made an account.
    In my opinion, I would chose the picture of the little girl walking on the train tracks. The child would be running away from home and when her parents realize she is gone they contact the police, little did they know she had been abducted. The kidnapper found out they were searching for the child and hours later antoxicated her with drugs then left her on the beach where the waves and the sand meet to make it look like she dround so, when they founf the little girl she wouldn't be able to ask her any questions of who the mysterious man was. with the help of prestent day technology, detectives can find out who the killer is.

    1. -_- this story is very messed up! First she's drugged and then she's found washed up on a beach? but it could be a good story lol

  22. Welcome glad you could post your story. Wow! I must say you have suggested another very sad story line. It really makes us think. Thanks

    @ Shane.... Thanks for telling Jimmy Cascio. I would love to have him back. He will be tough to beat his comments. His ideas were detailed and unique. Love to have him back :)
    Spread the word...
    Mrs. Prisbell

  23. Avery..... Ask Ryan Cramer to join the conversation here on the blog. By the way, explain your picture.

    @ Blayne..... Nice seal.

    @ Grant.... Thanks for the link and the reference to Austin Powers.

    New blog post coming next week. Let's try to get more classmates to post on the Mysteryonday setting blog first.
    Mrs. P

  24. @Mrs. P... Ryan dosent think you had the blog when he was in your class, he will try though. My picture is the symbole for Eminem.

  25. It looks like Donovan lilley joined, but hasnt commented yet.

    1. Hes more on the quite...shy..silent side, but hes awesome

  26. this is my comment ,
    mike maffucci

  27. Hi Mike.... Thanks for posting. Now, what do you think of the pictures of setting? Can you start a mystery from one of them?

    @ Donovan.... We are looking forward to your story too.
    Mrs P

  28. I would pick the person on a boat picture. I find it weird that he is just travelling in a boat that you have to row at early morning. He could have just murdered a man because he didn't get all of his money back that he lent to him so now he got his payback. Leaving by boat is a quiet escape to a different country. It is a long row but some people would do anything to not get caught. Toward the end of the story the man gets caught and has a life sentence in jail.

  29. Hi Reno...... So where is the body? Interesting way to escape a murder rap. I guess he can't be followed.
    Thanks for posting your ideas.
    Mrs. Prisbell

  30. I would pick the snowy woods. It looks like a quite mysterious place. Perhaps many murders took place there. Murders that cannot be explained. The person committing the murders can be a human, or something else, like an unknown creature. No one can come out of those woods alive. Toward the end, the mystery is solved by a group of men, but only one surviving.

  31. Thanks Tommy. I love the way you describe the snowy woods. The idea that a murderer could be human or.... not is a fabulous idea.
    Mrs P

  32. @Reno... What does your name mean? Speaking of people in boats... A LOT of latinos hop on boats to reach Miami, Fl. Miami is one of the most southern parts of Florida. That is part of the reason why it has rich hispanic culture. Like you said criminals will do anything to escape...technically those hispanics are criminals.

  33. @ Grant..... I am glad we were able to discuss your last comment about those traveling by boat in class today. Maybe others will follow and post on the blog to stay updated on rhe conversations.

    Mrs P

  34. There was no intent of prejudism.

  35. Why would a train exist in the middle of a modern farm's field?it is a dream fabricated by the Cia who are trying to cover the real secret which is that the human race never existed,it was just a figment of alien child's imanigation.

  36. ugghh I have to write this Idea again my computer had to reboot

    I think the little girl on the train track gets ran over by a train, but the train wasn't supposed to run on that track. The conductor calls a detective to investigate the cirme scene. While examining the body(or what's left of it), they find a strange, gooey substance that scientists call 'ectoplasm', the stuff ghosts are made out of. Then when they've almost solved the mystery, the little girls body is missing. To their suprise, they find a greenish translucent ghost of the little girl, skipping and singing in the exact spot on the train tracks where she was ran over at the same exact time.


  38. @Mike..... I think you win for the strangest storyline ever. Let's talk about the alien idea in class.

    @ Hi Sean..... I am glad you were able to comment too. I love a good ghost story. This one has potential for sure.

    Mrs P

  39. @ Avery... You have inherited the role of "liar" because you said Richard would be in school today. I bet Aaron will miss his nickname:(
    @Aaron... you should make an account, so you can see this. :)

    @EVERYONE WHO HASNT FOLLOWED THE BLOG... You can follow the blog on the top right side of the page by the pictures of other followers...because in this day and age, if it isnt online official, its as good as a thief's word.

    @NEW PEOPLE... What are your thoughts and feelings on British people and their accents?

    1. @Grant. I was told by multiple people that he would, including...well no names *Cough* Reno *Cough*.
      @Mrs. P... i might be out again tommorow.

    2. Grant, we all know that british accents are TERRIBLE so stop trying!!!!!!!! :)

    3. @ Alexis and Grant..... Am I the only one who loves a good British accent? I would like to hear some in class tomorrow. :)
      Mrs P

    4. British accents are amazing!!!!! I want one!!!!! I'll try to talk British in class tomorrow. . . Maybe. . .

    5. I will look forward to it Raquel. It actually may fit into the lesson nicely.

  40. @Grant. British people's accents are hard to understand sometimes and it annoys me when I meet a British person on XBox-"I do love my crumpets, how about you nice gentlemen do you eat crumpets and drink tea on a regular basis? Oh, and I do love the sport of football here in England. Your version is just filled with brutes who would roll around on the ground like pigs" I HATE THEIR ANNOYING ACCENTS AND THE WAY THEY TALK!!!I WISH THEY WOULD JUST TALK NORMAL.

    1. @The World. I hope British people can't read this.

  41. snowy forest pic.- a man's body was found in the woods with multiple puncture wounds in his legs, arms, and neck. Near the man's hand was a large hunting knife with blood on it. Foot prints nearby suggest that he was murdered.Police asked his mother about what he may have been doing. Turns out he was an inmate in a prison for more than 15 years for murder charges. Now the police only had to discovered why he was in the woods in the first place. Investigations of the prison show that he had escaped and ran into the woods. The puncture wounds in his neck were from guards' tazers. The hunting knife was a smuggled in self defense weapon used to fight off guards. He had died from starvation. Now their was a new mystery to be solved. Who brought him the hunting knife and how did they get it in? After much research, the police found that a cake had been delivered from his mother. She was immediately arrested.

  42. @ Avery.....Feel better soon. We miss you.

    @ Grant.... No name calling on the blog! Thanks for helping others become a follower. Also, thanks for posing a question for others to answer. Nice leadership role...

    @ Sean....Be careful who you insult on the blog. Yes, my friends in London can read our blog.

    @ Donovan....Very interesting idea for your story..... I like the way you tied it all up at the end too. I didn't suspect the mom at all.

    Mrs. P

  43. It might be a little late but i think British accents are amazing and I want one so badly!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Thanks Kacie. I am so glad someone agrees with me :)

    Mrs P

  45. @ Raquel... "This comment has been removed by the author." I can't help to wonder why. Reminds me of when your on Youtube and you click "Show comment" and it has been removed. You probably posted a good mystery story too... :(

    1. I didn't post a story. I replied to the wrong person. I was trying to reply to Michael's comment but somehow replied to Kacie's instead. Computers are weird. . .

  46. Speaking of British accents, I was born on an American Naval base just outside of London and thus I am both an American and British citizen. England has WAY better health care then we do and I might move there when I'm older.

  47. @Shane.... Raquel can explain the deletion tomorrow.
    @ Connor.... Let's talk more about your British connection tomorrow.

    Mrs P
