Thursday, October 11, 2012

Fictional Friday

 Let's create a character.

Friday leads us into the weekend. What better time to post narrative prompts than on a Friday.  I hope your "down time" on the weekend will lend itself to creativity and imagination.  Last week I asked you to create mystery stories using a setting prompt.  This week I would like you to take a look at the pictures I have posted dealing with character.  Let's make these people come alive.  Choose a person. Give that person a name, a personality, a life.  Where does this person live?  Who are this person's friends?  Family?  What does this person do in his/her spare time?  What does this person value?  What problems could this person encounter?

Take a look at the pictures below.  Choose one and make this person come alive.  Describe the person and create a possible story line. What would the setting be?  What conflict may arise?  How will your character handle this problem?  Be realistic and use your imagination.  Have fun.

teenager at school
casual teenager preparing to school standing  on white background Stock Photo - 3491337Teenager Needing Troubled Teen Boarding Schooladrian-abc-fam.jpg

I look forward to reading about your characters. 


  1. 1st again!! WOOOOO!!!!
    Im pretty sure that the 7th picture is a person from a show that my sister watches, so I wont choose her.
    I choose the boy who is pouting at his locker.
    His name is Benjamin Reginald Irvin Thomas..and, yes, he is BRITISH! His accent has been a big part of drawing his friends in. William is also called (by his close friends) B.R.I.T. He is fairly outgoing. Benjamin is interested in R.O.T.C (Reserve Officer Training Corps). He likes firing rifles to compete in skeet shooting. Brit lives in Boston, Massachusetts. This city is very patriotic, and sometimes he feels like the entire city is bias against him. When the United Kingdom blockades ports in Africa, The U.S. is deprived of oil. Britain was running low on resources and didnt want to pay outrageous costs. The citizens of Boston are enraged. Riots fill the city. Drills rapidly penetrate the ground in states like Pennsylvania and Texas. Benjamin is stuck in the middle ("and the pain is thunder;" it was too tempting to put MJ lyrics in there). He decides to remain a middleman. When the Royal Army calls upon him to fight the U.S. uprisings and spy on the U.S. Army, he decides to stay loyal with his former country. His best friend Ryan discovers his ordeals, and (despite his mixed feelings) he turns Brit into the Boston Police Unit. Brit is accused of treason and is sentenced to life in prison. Brit craves revenge, but when parole came around, he would get bloodthirsty and fail to pass parole. After 62 years in prison, Brit is released, at the age of 79. He lets go of his grudges, moves back to England, and lives the rest of his ruined life as a bag boy at Booths Supermarket. He dies 6 years later at his home. When the British Government finds that Benjamin hasnt been paying his bills, they go to investigate. Brit is found eight months after his demise. In his final moments, he could remember the decision that changed his life. He had a 50/50 shot; Brit got the short end of the stick.

    1. -_- British really? and they found his body 8 months later?!?!?! That is disgusting...

  2. i choose the pretty girl who has her chin resting on her hands probably thinking about her future and what not.Her name would be Aria Pearson and her personality would be bubbly, happy, and sweet. Her life long dream would be for her to be an interior designer in the big city of NY. Though, her dream would be difficult to reach because she lives in a small town in Montana. Her best friend would be Frankie, a boy who also shares the same dreams as her and sadly is made fun of in school for being "different". Her mother and father would own a farm and would not accept their daughter for they dont want her to go to NY, but to run the farm later on in life instead (do they have farms in montana?).In her spare time she sketches and she values most her friendships. Lastly, a problem she could possibly face is that her parents refuse to let her leave her small hometown. Then, she would have to leave anyway completely ruining her relationship with her parents but made her happier in the long run...Second to post :P

    1. Alexis..... I found some of your comments in spam. I was able to repost this one for all to read.
      Interesting story line and nice job on bing second to post a comment. It's hard to beat Grant. Ha

  3. I'm pretty sure that I would choose the guy who is smiling leaning against the white wall. He actually looks happy and will have a happy storyline unlike Grant's gruesome sad tale... To start, his name should be Shane because it's such an awesome name. He is very jovial because he has just found out that he has gotten the highest grade in his class on some huge test! To celebrate, he plans to go out with his friends that night to a Japanese hibachi restaurant (Where they throw the food in your mouth and set stuff on fire). They always do this when someone gets a good grade on an important assignment. After the restaurant he is stuffed and decides to go back home and lay down on the couch watching TV,his absolute favorite thing to do. Shane, being a person who does not like to get up early in the morning almost misses his bus to his school in Miami Florida the next morning. Actually, he gets there just in time and successfully makes it to his school. Then, he meets his friends, John and George, at their lockers and talks for a bit before homeroom, because the passing time is extremely short and they have no time to talk then. In Geometry class that day we were learning a very hard and interesting concept. The teacher couldn't stress enough to STUDY STUDY STUDY because this topic is difficult to understand. Shane kept putting off the studying everyday to go watch his TV; Then, when the night of the test comes he crams for hours to try and learn this concept. Actually, John calls Shane asking if he could come over to his house and play some Basketball or something, but Shane couldn't go because he was studying for a test that he should have been studying for since last week! Unfortunately, Shane missed the bus that morning because he went to bed an hour before it came... When Shane managed to get to school he had no time to talk to his friends because he was already late for homeroom. In Geometry class he struggled on the test and was afraid to see his grade the next morning. Sadly, he finds out the next morning that he failed it horribly and got the lowest grade in the class; And he was really looking forward to that hibachi restaurant too! :( So i guess the moral of the story is to study the night you get the notes and not cram the night before the test. I know i said it would be a happy storyline, but i guess I lied :P. It started out happy ,but then went downhill from there. Well, at least he didn't spend 62 years of his life in prison. O_o

  4. I would pick picture number two. She seems lonely and is going through hard times so...
    This girl's name is Cadence and she has a very artistic, yet shy, personality. Her parents fight almost every day and theres is nothing she can do about it. Her main goal is to become and artist and have work displayed around the country in museums such as the Milwaukee Art Museum. She has such a dull life except with her friends so its hard to get inspiration. she watched how so many could come up with the most beautiful or clever ideas, but she never had time to even begin. She was constantly studying every textbook in her possession because her parents kept forcing her to go in her bedroom and study. They did this because with the situations that have taken place between parents, all they could do to keep their daughter supervised is to tel her to study and leave them alone. Imagine being stuck in a room day after day reading books when all that you want to do is paint, sketch, shade, and draw. Cadence never said a word to anyone outside of her home for the reason that she was shy and was nervous around others after only hearing yelling at Cadence's loud, stressing home. She was given a copper handle paintbrush with horse hair for the bristles by her beloved aunt, Thanh who was Cadence's role model. Thanh was a great painter and sculptor and owned a small shop where she sold her work. Cadence would decide to live with her aunt Thanh for a few years to get away from the harsh conflict between parents and pursue her dream as an artist. Within two years of living with Thanh, Thanh would marry a man that had criticized pieces of art work to submit them to auctions and museums. This gave Cadence the opportunity to make her dream reality by simply impressing Howard Stuake, the husband of Than. Cadence would eventually create the world that she wanted to with several strokes of her copper brush and have her first painting hung up in a young artists' gallery at the Local Museum of Art and Literature. Once her parents noticed her amazing work and talents, they turned into more relaxed adults, that still fought with eachother.^-^ The story would have started bleak but ended up more lively with mixed characteristics of the beginning. I hope that's all I had to type. (please tell me that it is!)

  5. @Grant...... First congrats for being first. Next..... Oh my goodness! 62 years in prison? He had no life at all. So sad :(

    @ Shane.... Was this a personal narrative? You should have at least changed the name :)
    Should I give Mrs. Gross the link to our blog too? Just wondering...
    You may win for length!
    @ Connor... You did a nice job with your story line. I love the interesting name and the positive ending. To quote least it's not 62 years in prison. I an also glad you used the technique of the character having a special object that is actually tied to the ending. Good story.

    Nice job to the three of you. Check back to see if any one else posts this weekend.
    Mrs P

    1. @Mrs. Prisbell... This was not a true story lol. Although, I do like Hibachi Restaurants :P

    2. I was just kidding with you, Shane. :)
      I am working on a new post for this week right now. Look for it midweek.

      Mrs. P

  6. @Alexis..... I know you posted second and wrote about the second girl who wants to be a designer in NYC despite her parents dream for her to live and work on the farm in Montana. I received it in an email. It is not showing here as I read on my phone. I do agree with your comment about Grant's character's body being found months later but it does happen. Grant is a realist with a big imagination. I will search for your post Alexis.

  7. Hey Mrs.Prisbell!!!!(: How have you been? How was your summer? I really miss ILA with you. I don't really like English this year.

  8. Hi Courtney M! So nice of you to check back on the blog. Feel free to contribute any time. My present students are excited about alumni joining the discussion. I look forward to your story ideas too. No one from last year posted all summer. I had a summer blog posted the last day of school but no one wrote :(

    Nice talking to you Courtney. Come back soon.
    Mrs P

  9. Oh your welcome Mrs.P!(: That is awesome that your current students are excited about that. Aw thanks. Really? I never checked the last day of school so I'm sorry. Nice talking to you too Mrs.P(: I will. Bye(:

  10. I would pick the 7th picture because. . . I don't know. Her name is Renee and she lives in New York and goes to a performing arts high school. Renee sings. She is serious when it comes to her school work and doesn't like to get anyhing but A's but she has a sense of humor.. Renee wants to become a music teacher in Julliard. She lives with her dad because her mother was killed by a drunk driver when Renee was little. Her best friend's name is Luke and he goes to the same high school and he is an actor and can play a lot of instruments. Renee values her dad and Luke because besides them, she has no one to look to. In school, she is a kind of outcast and people only come to her for help with homework or schoolwork (she's the smartest in the class). There was an audition coming up for a special quire (i don't think I spelled that right. . .) and Renee was planning to try out. She has been practicing for weeks. Three days before the tryouts she got a bad cold. Renee couldn't even talk let alone sing because her throat hurt so bad. When the tryouts came she couldn't sing and she couldn't tryout. Hey, at least it wasn't 62 years in prison! ^^

  11. Hi Raquel.....I like your story so far. Your charater Renee does look like she would be interested in the arts. Sad story about her mom though. You are right; I am glad she is not in prison....yet. Ha
    Mrs. P

  12. I would pick the guy leaning agenst the lockers,he seems to be facing problems like most high schoolers do.his name is John a junior at plansboro high school in plainsboro just outside princiten.he would have to decide weather to go to a county college with his friends or go to a well known college without his the end he decidesto go to the well known college.unfortunately his college forbids the use of gaming consoles,Televisions and computers used for entertainment reasons which is a serious downside to jhon going there. His parents are together but its not a good relatoniship his dad has a drug history and has done ti.e in jail for drug distribution, his mom is the sterotypical American stay at home mom, she cooks, cleans and pays bills all day. His dad works as the manager of the local McDonalds making minimum wage on long 12hour shifts.John however has a part-time job desinging laptops for apple, he has a nearly guaranteed carreer in laptop design for Mac.

    I appoligise for all of the spelling and grammer errors, I typed this on my kindle in a moving vechile

  13. Sorry that last one was mine
    Michael maffucci

  14. Thanks for posting your comment and story idea, Mike. No problem with the errors due to the Kindle. Next time will be better, right? Your story leaves me with many questions. Why is the mom a stay-at-home mom? Are their small children at home? Will money be an issue for his college? How did he get a job with Apple before going to college? Did I mis read the story line? Please post again.
    Mrs. Prisbell

  15. I choose the boy in the button down shirt sitting in what looks like a courtroom. his name is William Burk Smidly. William is currently is training to be a procecuting officer and is currently in on site training. If William gets this job, his parents agreed to let him travel to New York City to become the D.A. there. (For those of you that dont know, D.A. stands for District Attorney.) His whole life he wanted to get involved in crime stopping and this is how he decided to chase his dream. William Graduated 4th in his Senior class and is currently attending Stanford University to get a Masters in Criminal Justice

  16. Blayne.... It all makes perfect sense. You tied up loose ends. The story line has potential. Thanks for contributing. Mrs P

  17. No problem, It was my pleasure posting on the blog, and do the Extra Credit points still carry over grade levels?

  18. You are definitely a funny guy, Blayne. I doubt if your 9th grade English teacher will go for the extra credit. Ha
    I hope you keep posting non the less.

    Mrs. P

  19. Once again..another late comment. Anyway, I would choose the second picture. Her name would be Annabelle Beedles. Annabelle is from India but is a exchange student in a small town in upstate New York. Her family back home consisted of her mother, father, and two twin brothers Mark and Wes. Her exchange family has a mother and a 12 year old girl named Taylor. At the moment, the only real friends she has so far are the ones from India and her new exchange sister.In her spare time she practices her english because she thinks it isn't that great. She values a locket that her mother gave her before boarding the plane to the U.S. The main problem Annabelle faces while living in America is getting bullied by other students mostly because of her thick indian accent. Her conflict is resolved when Taylor and a few of her friends stick up for Annabelle one day at school. In about six months Annabelle left her second family and her new friends and went back to India.

  20. Thanks Kacie. I love rhe idea of an exchange student. It has a lot if potential. I didn't expect bullying as a conflict but it makes perfect sense.
    Mrs P
