Wednesday, October 17, 2012

World Wide Wednesday

Welome to World Wide Wednesday.  There are a lot of possibilities when using that title. I have decided to devote this day to strange and interesting animals across the globe.  We have read a few short stories already with the use of a snake. "The Dinner Party" was our first encounter with a snake from India.  That was followed by "The Adventures of the Speckled Band."  I  think the deductive talents of Sherlock Holmes impressed many of you.  I do realize that we still need to discuss the new television show, Elementary, at length. I wonder if animals will appear in any of the episodes in the future.  Also, just recently you encountered "Old Ben" which involved a snake, a horse, and, of course, the hogs which caused Old Ben's demise.  

What has been your favorite animal story?  It doesn't have to be one that we read together either.  A few of you red Black Beauty for classic summer reading.  I hope some of you will share the experience here.

Now it's time for you to put your imagination to work on the blog.  I have found some interesting pictures of animals from around the world.  Please choose one and see what kind of story you can create.  As always, please share and feel free to comment on stories written by your classmates too.
Don't forget to start with a comment about your favorite animal story of all time.  Have fun.


Bengal Tiger1 Bengal Tiger




What is this?






I look forward to reading your story ideas.  Let your creativity fly.


  1. ummmm my favorite animal story would have to be charlottes web (only because thats the only one i've ever read on my own)i would probably write a story about the would start off with the point of view of the hunter,he was lost in the woods and he was very poor. Then it would jump to the point of view of the bear, which would describe the bears life and how dangerous it was and at wat great lengths he would go to to get food. The story would basically jump back in forth showing how both of the characyers feel. In the end, they would meet hunter and bear and they would fight, the hunter would need to win to live and the wear wanted to win for food (eww) but they both die.
    (P.S the money with the mustache really creeps me out)

    1. @Alexis..... I found you in spam again. You are number 1! Thanks for choosing the bear. I am sorry that both have to die though.
      Mrs P

  2. To start, my favorite animal story by far was "Old Ben" because it told the story of a friendship between a young boy and a snake. I thought it really showed that snakes aren't as bad as people think they are! They are more scared of us than we are of them! Also, with the animal pictures above I pick the "What is this?" In my opinion, that is quite a strange name for an animal... So I am giving it a more suitable name like...... Mustache monkey! It's a monkey with a mustache! In this story the mustache monkey is a new species found by a scientist traveling and exploring through the thick jungles of Africa. He first comes upon the animal when it through a banana peel at him and made a loud screeching noise followed by it jumping away in the canopy. The scientist chases after the beast and encounters a whole family of them! Then, he quickly takes out his camera to take a picture and get's the first picture of of this new species! Unfortunately, this is the only photo evidence of the mustache monkey because they are devious little creatures that like to hide from humans. Some scientists believe that they are mimicking there cousin, sasquatch, here in North America by hiding from humans. While some other scientists think that is just a bunch of bologna and the sasquatch or the mustache monkey doesn't exist. They claim the picture is edited and the mustache is a computer generated image. Sadly, the mystery of the mustache remains a mystery to this day because they hide so well from us. Actually, I don't blame them because we really aren't the nicest species on the planet...

  3. Lol sorry for spelling and/or grammar errors in my last comment :P. I was rushing.

  4. I read black beauty. It was an interesting story because it was put in a horses perspective and you can see all that he went through. I would pick the parrot picture. When the parrto was first created it's feathers were a dull brown. Parrot was able to blend in with the trees very well and caught a lot of prey and food because he was sneaky. The other animals became jelous and wanted to make the parrot colorful. They came up with a plan and set a pile of berries out for the parrot to eat. When the parrot saw the berries he flew down and ate the berries immediately. The juices from the berries splashed all over his brown coat of feathers. And that is how the parrot became so colorful. I hope that was okay! ^^

  5. I'm sorry for spelling mistakes also because I was rushing too. . . I meant parrot instead of parrto. . . Lol :D

  6. @Raquel... Wow, that sure sounds like a folktale i think... With a moral at the end like that. Mrs. Prisbell, tell me if I'm wrong.

  7. Well my favorite story so far was the Sherlock Holmes story, it was interesting and exciting.If I had to make a story from one of those pictures it would be the first one, the anaconda. The story would be from a mouces point of view as the snake eats him, it would be an informational pice about the digestive tracks of snakes for like5th graders!

    Michael Maffucci

  8. ALAS... my record has received a blemish!

    1. I officially scold you, how does it feel to know you could have saved your reputation. Sadly your phone perished at your hour of need.

  9. My favorite animal story is (if this counts) Dexter the monkey from night at the museum. He is, without a doubt, the funniest animal character from any story. Although he didnt receive the main story line, he will always have a spot in my heart. In the second movie, Able was just trying to Dexter's thunder.... Story to come later

  10. @Shane...... It looks like you are first but I better check the spam folder first. I may find Alexis there :(
    Good job on the story. I am glad you chose the strange monkey. I don't think it is computer generated but you never know. I was surprised about your comment about human beings. There must be something meaner than humans. There must be.

    @ Raquel..... I love your legend of " How the Parrot got it's Color. Shane and I were thinking alike. Very clever.

    @ Mike..... Glad you were able to get on rhe blog. I am not sure how informational text can be in the point of view of a mouse. I would like to hear more. Thanks

    @ Grant..... I look forward to your story. Slow poke. Ha

  11. I found Alwxis in spam folder. Please read hers. Don't forget to congratulate her for posting first.

  12. My favorite story was "The adventure of the Speckled band" and the animal I choose was the gorilla. My story would be about how he was going through his normal, everyday gorilla routine, when he notices a new animal in his pen. As the alpha male he immediately goes to inspect him. The story twists when the new gorilla wants to challenge the alpha male. He is shown in the picture as he sees the other gorilla campaigning around the pen. The story would be about the crazy things that they do to be elected. It is seen in my mind as a comedy. :)

    1. It could be like a funnier, more political Madagascar Escape 2 Africa

  13. Thanks Avery. Only you would see that story as a comedy. Very interesting indeed. Love to hear more about the " alpha male" challenge.

    Mrs P

  14. First of all the first anaconda picture looks pretty freaky with the giant mouth and tiny eyes.

    Anyway, you can write a story on the monkey thing with the mustache and its a new species of an animal (because none of us know what it is) that a forest guide person finds while leading a group of tourists. Then, it goes all psycho and tries to rip peoples faces off and then they have to shoot it with a tranquilizer dart and they take it to a science lab to classify it.

    P.S. Out of the ten, people on the guide, only five of them lived
    Out of the five, four took pitures of it
    Out of the four, three took it to their computer to upload to Google
    Out of the three, only two were uploaded
    Ond out of the two, one was picked by Mrs. Prisbell

    1. I am probably the last person to do anything on this blog. Well, at least I'm not like someone, and I'm not going to say names, who tries to be first all the time.

    2. I am the voice of reason. My real name shall not be unvailed until I feel it is important to do so. So first I feel that you have to be quiet about Grant. He never did anything to you. He just wanted to carry on his tradition, as a joke. Sadly, you couldnt reconize it as one. Let us leave pearsonal attacks out of this and just get along. You have been warned.
      -The voice of reason

  15. Hi Sean..... I am glad you got on the blog. I like your idea about classifying the "monkey." I need some clarification on your PS though. I have mo idea what you mean. Let's talk.
    Mrs P

  16. It's always good to hear from the "voice of reason." Enough said. Mrs P

  17. @Mrs. P... hi I watched the end of elementry. It was confusing until the end to say the least.My mom couldnt watch it, the idea of kiddnapping bothers her.
    @The voice of reason... Hi Grant. We all know its you... well i think. :)

  18. @Avery.... I agree with your mom about Elementary. The director was kind to the parents of the world. I am still baffled about the end though. I just don't think that would ever happen. So bizarre.
    BTW... I thought you were the mystery Voice of Readon, Avery. Ha
    Mrs P

  19. My favorite animal story is probably "The Adventures of the Speckled Band" because mystery stuff is so thrilling. Anyway, I would write a story about the tiger. So a man living in a small village the woods befriends a tiger. Nobody in the village trusts the beast for obvious reasons so they threatened to kill it. The man decides to let it go so it wont be murdered. Three years or so later, the same man lost his job and ran out of money to repays his debts to his boss. The boss then tries to hunts him down, but he flees into the woods. The boss finally catches up with him and aims a hunting rifle directly at his chest. He pulls the trigger, but at the last second, the same tiger had jumped in front of the man, taking the bullet for him. The boss was stunned enough to allow the man to take the gun right out of his hands. He quickly cocked the gun and shot his boss right between the eyes. He then drops the gun and kneels down by the tiger who is heavily breathing. The man begins to cry while hugging his tiger friend. He can here his heart beating slower and slower then finally stop all together. The friend who he was forced to betray had saved his life.

  20. @Donovan.... I love your story. It was very heartfelt and sad too. I love when animals show their loyalty and admiration to man. Good job. Well thought out.

    Mrs P

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. The voice of reason must remain anonymous. We may need the wisdom of the voice again in the future.

    Mrs P

  23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. Let's keep this blog for what it was intended. Mrs. Prisbell

    Look for a new blog post on Tuesday. The new post could call for personal reflection OR let the stories begin...

  26. I am the real voice of reason there is no other. I must remain dormant until I am called upon for action.

  27. Let it be known that as "blog administrator" I am the only one with the authority to call upon the "voice of reason."
    I will defer to V of R when needed.
    Mrs P

  28. My favorite animal story is Sherlock Holmes because I like the anaconda. When I was young I tortured my Mom with books on snakes that she had to read to me, she hated the pictures of them eating the rats!
    My story would about the anaconda's journey from Central Park Zoo back to its home town somewhere in South America. It would be in third person with a narrator and it would be an exciting journey filled with suspense. Despite his evil reptilian looks he would come to make friends along his journey that would help him get back to South America. However he would not go unnoticed by one persistent animal control agent, or guy, whatever they are called! But the question is, should he eat the guy in the end? HHmmm.... leave comments please.

    1. hey joe in my opnion the snake should only wound the guy... not eat him, the animal control guy deserves punishment but not the death penality

      Michael Maffucci

    2. mission acomplished! first responce to joe!!!!!!!!! wooohooo!!!!!
      michael maffucci

    3. Definitely kill the guy, just because it would make it more entertaining and saving the guy in the end would be boring(even more boring then the British)

  29. My favorite animal story of all time has to be, with out a doubt, the new kid, it is a novel series about demons and the devil. whats more animalistic than that. also, the new Sherlock Holmes show Elementary is very exciting and fast paced, there is so much to follow that it gets the viewer lost until Holmes explans it in the end. the slight change of making Holmes a druggie and Watson a companion also adds to the final story line of the show. The way Holmes also seeks out the tinyest of minor detals with a photographic memore will send the ratings skyhigh, entertaining with each episode. And the koala would make a great story about the troubles of living in the Australian wilderness constantly getting hunted down and even the danger of being poached by greedy hunters.

    1. p.s. the "mystery picture" is that of a Emperor tamarin, a small primate that lives in the rainforest.
      Link to the Emperor tamarin facts

  30. @ Joe....Thanks for giving the class a task. Let's see who replies. Did you think of making he story 1st person so we can hear the thoughts of the snake like in BLACK BEAUTY? I am for saving the animal control agent, but that's just me.

    Thanks Mike and Alexis for being the first two to comment on Joe's story.

    @ Blayne....Thanks for returning. I totally agree with your ideas on ELEMENTARY. Good job locating my mystery picture. How did you ever find it?

    New post today, Tuesday. Enjoy.

    Mrs. P

    1. i actually just went to google and typed in mustasche monkey and he showed up

  31. My favorite animal story we have read so far this year would have to be "The Adventures of the Speckled Band" mainly because it had a lot of suspense. If I were to write a story about one of the animals I would pick the elephants. The story would be written in the animal's point of view. Basically, the elephant is carrying on with it's everyday life in Africa until a U.S. zoo takes it in and then explains all the problems the elephant faces while living in captivity.

    Hopefully I'm not too late on posting my comments :)

  32. Kacie.... You are not too late to comment. I like your idea of a story in the elephant's point of view.

    Mrs P
