Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Time Travel Tuesday

Welcome to Time Travel Tuesday....

Let's take the 1860's idea of a time machine presented by the author
H.G.Wells and bring it into our time. 

Where will you be 10 or 20 years from now? What are your plans for the future?
What were you doing 5 years prior to that time to get you there?
Describe your future life as you see it in the year 2022 or 2032.  It seems strange to even write those years.  They seem fake. 

If you want to think of "real" time travel, tell us where you would go, past or future.  You pick the year.  What would you expect to see?  Don't forget to include why you chose that time period. Would you try to change history or secure a better future? Explain.



  1. Hey Mrs prisbell if I had a time machine I would go into the future. So as to avoid causing an apolicic change in earth's history, I would probally go to at least the year 2150 so as to avoid meeting myself at that point I will have been dead for at least50years.the time machine would work by opening a small rift in the fabric of space-time allowing me to simply step from my position in time to another, pre-selected point. This method would also allow one to travel in space, which would be jessicary for survival as otherwise one wouldd end up appearing 138 years in the future but outside earth's. Atmosphere thus killing them instantly.
    Michael Maffucci

    I appolige for any spelling and grammer mistakes in this post it was done on my kindle while I was walking.

    1. mission accomplished I posted the first comment, and I forgot to mention that the rift in space-time would Loki something like the 3rd picture except the User of the machine would be in the rift and not earth
      Michael Maffucci

    2. You beat me to it Michael!!! Well I would go to the future to see my future self. But. . . I wouldn't try to change anything because in those shows and movies when the character changes something, it usually results in an apocolyptic world or something. 10 or 20 years from now I would probably be a CEO of some company (I don't know what company tho) and driving around a Mustang Boss (because I want that car!). Everyone else drives those hover cars but I would prefer it the old fasioned way. :) So yeah it's kinda short but thats all I can think of! ^^

  2. Thank you to Michael and Raquel for posting so soon this morning. I like both of your ideas for future travel. The future is very tempting indeed. @ Raquel....I can't wait to see what company you lead in the future. I hope we hear a lot about your success.

    Mrs. P

  3. Awww man i missed it this morning, Anyway whenever i hear time travel the first thing that comes into my head is Back to the future. Did you know the date Marty Mcfly traveled to just went by i June? Where are the hoverboards Science!?! Anyway, i would travel to the year 2076 to see if i became suscessful in the world and try to change something if i wasnt.

  4. I think it would be better to time travel into the past. You could know everything that happens. You could prevent wars, inform citizens about natural disasters, and, best of all, you could invent anything. You could make facebook,microsoft, google, and MCONALDS. The possibilities are endless. Those companies are probably the most profitable. To think that you could generate that much revenue, is a fantasy. You could have the world at your fingertips. You know the outcomes of sporting events. You can invent television. It is great just to wonder "what could've been." If time travel was available to humans, only the rich would be able to use them. Even the thought of time travel is a headache because to go back in time, there must be an infinitely amount of universes. That is unbelievable! I think the future wont be flying cars, but much more efficient transportation.

    1. A bit late today grant, dont ya think, ahh never mind im just messin with ya, and wouldnt travelint to the past be considered cheating and all the revenue stealing from the rightful creaters?

    2. Have you never seen back to the future?one character does just that and nearly destroys the econimic world!!!!!!!

      I wish to remain anonymous

  5. @ Blayne.... I love BACK TO THE FUTURE too.

    BTW @ Grant... Anonymous is right. in BACK TO THE FURURE 2 Biff does exactly what you say and he is very successful at first but it does not last. It ruins him and the "economic world."

    Mrs. P

  6. 10 to 20 years from now, i want to either be a world renound fashion/interior designer or to be a very rich doctor lady...and about the "real" time traveling i would most definitely go to the past and do what grant wanted to do, which was basically steal other peoples invention for money. i dont care what the movies say about ruining the economic world. For all i know it couldmake life BETTER :)
    (p.s i love the movie Back to the Future)

  7. @Alexis.... I am so glad your comment did not wind up in spam this time. I like your plan for the future. They are both interesting and very possible. I am surprised you are joining the idea of stealing invention ideas.
    It seems easier than it really is, I am sure. You have go have the know how.
    Mrs P

  8. I'm with Alexis on where I wish to be in 10 to 20 years from now, I have always wanted to be a fashion/interior designer since I was little. For the time travel, I would most likely travel ahead to 2018 to make sure I was accepted to a collage and not waiting until the last minute. By that I would be able to make sure I wan't making any silly mistakes while growing up :)

  9. Good idea Kacie. You are making good decisions already.
    Thanks for your comments. Mrs P

  10. I'm a bit late, but better late then never! I would go to the past to see all of the dinosaurs and actually see if they look the way they do in movies like Jurassic Park. Then, I would go in the future to see if it was actually there still and there wasn't some apocalypse! Hopefully, there won't be, but if there is then i hope it's after I win the lottery and buy a huge mansion and get a 15 mile driveway with a moat full of alligators. I would be the top guy in some company thing that makes a ton of money, and have enough money to go see some cool places on the planet like Germany or Japan. In the end, I really hope I get that winning ticket.

  11. @Shane.... Better late than never...
    You have some interesting ideas both past and future. Not too many people would want to go back to dangerous dinosaur time. Also, in rhe future what type of company do you see yourself running? Just wondering what skills you will be using? Where's your strength and what is your passion?
    Thanks for your comments.
    Mrs P
