Monday, October 29, 2012

Tag Team Tuesday

Welcome to Tag Team Tuesday

I thought I would give you something to do just in case we are home recovering from Hurricane Sandy.  I sure hope we have electric or at least cell phone access.  Here are the directions.  I will start a story and it will be your job to continue it.  Don't finish it.  Just move it forward and tag the next person to continue.  This should be fun and really challenge your imagination. Enjoy, and now let's get started.  I will  start with a picture for character and setting.

The streets of New York...

...and the story begins here.

Bobby Torino paced the streets of New York, lost amongst his own thoughts. He did not know where he was walking; he just needed to get out and let his mind and legs wander. He peered through the sun glare, which was so common in New York City at this time of year. He noticed the sounds of a thousand cars and the colours of hundreds of neon shop signs, bright, in his face.  The sounds and the images shimmered and warped in in his head. It was the city that helped him in times like this. He had been having soom trouble lately.  The sights and sounds of the city always  helped him look at his life in a new way. As he began to think back, Bobby remembered the day all his problems started. 

TAG.....Please continue the story here.  Remember to write TAG after your section to someone else can continue the story from your dropped spot.  Have fun.


  1. First comment I hope! Unless someone else beat me to it in the spam folder... I Just got my power back finally! I just saw on the news that there was 7 fatalities in New Jersey and places by the sure are basically destroyed :(. Well, I guess I should start my continuation of Mrs. Prisbell's story so.... (Flashback) Bobby was in an old broken down apartment complex in an old musty smelling room. He couldn't believe what he had just done. Bobby had just gotten back from robbing a small, poor, and defenseless corner store for some extra money to pay his well overdue rent. Also, he had just lost his job last week and has been struggling to keep his apartment. Sadly, he didn't no what else to do. All of a sudden, he herd a very loud and rough knock on his door that shook the dust off of it. TAG. Yeah... So there it is. So when did you guys get your power back?

  2. Lol sorry. Where I said "Places by the sure are basically destroyed" I meant Shore. Not sure.

  3. The words " This is the NYC Police Department. Open the door!" echoed off the walls and into his eardrums. Quickly, Bobby grabbed the knife he had used to rob the corner store and the small bag of money and hid behind the old, dingy couch.In less than five seconds, he heard a loud crash and his door lay on the floor. Several men in bullet proof vests holding pistols came barreling through is apartment, searching for the corner store robber. Each of the men went into different rooms, shouting clear when they figured out he wasn't in there. When there was nobody but him in his living room, he made a dash for the door, hoping that he would go unseen by the police and make an escape; but his plan was foiled by one of the cops who had finished clearing a room early. The police officer whipped out his gun, ready to fire when Bobby threw his knife, hoping not to hit him,but to divert him while he ran away, but Bobby was mistaken. The knife sunk deep into the police officers left shoulder. Bobby didn't know what to do, so he did the only thing he knew how to do; he ran away.

  4. He ran as fast as he could racing through the busy streets of the city. Police sirens started blaring, most likely because of him. Bobby pushed people that got in the way. He got to a small alley where he hid behind the wall. He waited for the police cars to pass and when he was sure they did he came out of the alley. The first thought that came to mind was "I need a place to stay." He walked the streets and the daylight was starting to dim. Turning the corner he saw some cops and he quietly walked the other way hoping they woulding catch him. Bobby pulled the collar up on his jacket, shivering. He could see his own breath. "I need to find a place fast," he said under his breath. Walking down some unfamiliar street, he saw, what looked like, an abandoned apartment building about three stories high. It was boarded up and he walked up pulled the plywood off the door and slowly walked in. He thought he was alone until he saw movement in the dark room.... TAG! Well my powers not on still thanks to a tree that fell on some wires and it broke a wire by my house. My parents borrowed a generator so we have limited power. Hopefully we'll get are power back soon! I hope everyone's okay!

  5. Thank you Shane, Mary and Raquel for continuing the story. You guys did a great job.

    I hope everyone is safe and families and friends are okay. This has been a very tough week, indeed. I hope for a return to school and back to what we consider normal. Wishing you all electricity soon. Keep warm and well fed, if possible, and help those in need. Miss you all.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  6. Well I didn't get the first comment and I might not be in school Monday due to fever but oh well anyway, as he walked down the hallway to find the source of the movement a humanoid figure stepped into the shawdos.
    "Who's there!?!" Bobby screamed at the figure
    The figure slowly stepped into the light and revealed it's self to be...TAG
    Michael Maffuci

  7. Thanks for adding to rhe story Michael. I hope you feel better soon :)
    Mrs P

    1. Thanks Mrs P, I woke up this morning with no fever!!yeah!!!
      Michael Maffucci

    2. So glad you are feeling better, Michael. Rest and keep well. I just heard there is no school again this Monday, Nov. 5.
      Mrs P

  8. Just got my power back finally!!!!!! :D

  9. I am so happy for you Raquel. I hope we are all back to school soon so things will feel just a little more " normal."

    Mrs P

  10. Im contristabitur si vos Dont sub stare. Latinam viam unus of meus ventus loqui. Spero autem nobis tempestate

  11. Hello "The Voice of Reason." I assume Gaudeo videre pax is a social studies expression that all teachers of history or historians would understand. My best guess is something like "Rejoice to see peace."

    It seems like the next comment is partically in English. " I'm sad if you don't understand."

    I totally disagree with Grant's translation that it has something to do with a storm.

    Please respond and clarify this immediately. Thanks for commenting. I love languages.

    Mrs. P

  12. I'm sorry if you do not under stand. The Latin Way, one of my favorite to speak. But I hope we have a storm.
    That is what came up in google translate.

  13. No, Mr. DiGrazio you are wrong. The translation for the first was correct, exceptional job Mrs. Prisbell, but the second varies from yours. My second comment stated, " Im sorry if you do not understand Latin, it is one of my favorite ways to speak. A warning, there is a storm coming." Take that as you will.

  14. Well, everyone, I don't know if it was The Voice of Reason who stopped the flow of ideas on this post or maybe the storm just held everyone back from using power. Whatever the reason, I am truly saddened by the lack of response and the lack of creative ideas here. I do want to again thank Shane, Mary, and Raquel who did a great job moving the story along. Michael helped somewhat, as well.

    I am working on a new post for next week so check back often. I hope you are all very busy with your project details. See you soon.

    Mrs. P

  15. I have my own idea can i start a new TAG or should i countiune theirs?

  16. @Avery.... Please do both. Continue the existing thread first. Then you can start a new one.
    Mrs P

  17. kind of took a while for me to post this but im starting off from where mike was... very mysterious and interesting girl. she had the appearance of being homeless and her eyes were dead and wandering. she could be no older than 19 and to his surprise, wearing dirty and ripped clothing as if she had been fighting. Though, he could tell that she had once been beautiful. before he could finish evaluating her, she walked toward him and in the corner of her mouth began an evil smile. TAG!!!

    1. Im not avery but...
      She walked up to him and bit his ear off. She scrambled off with foam in her mouth. Bobby couldnt go anywhere, not even to the hospital because he was a fugitive. He went to the only place he could.... TAG!

  18. Nice Alexis. Now Avery has to start from here....

    Mrs. P

  19. Thank you Grant. Avery missed his turn. He now has to continue from where you left off.

    Mrs. P
