Monday, November 12, 2012

Metaphor Monday

Metaphor Monday......
Let's be creative. What metaphors come to mind when you look at these pictures? Choose one picture and create your metaphor. Don't tell us which one. We should be able to figure it out. Have fun.

A metaphor can be used in many different ways. How would you describe the pictures below?

Some students may have a little trouble with Metaphor Monday.  Let's just keep this post open to using your choice of figurative language.

Look at the picture and describe. Give it your best shot using simile, metaphor, personification, or imagery of any type. Be creative.
Aero Woods

Con Dao Beach


  1. FIRST COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AWWWWWA YEAH!!!!!! I would use the adjactives holy ( as in church) totally epic and bright

    Micheal Maffucci

  2. Since I'm bored, the last picture is a vibrant picture which includes calm, lazy seas, a tall, magestic and looming mountain, with a large array of peaceful and, not so peaceful wildlife.

    Michael Maffucci

  3. The sunlight was a flashlight turned on with full baterry. LOL this is Shane posting from mikes kindle in band.

    1. always a good thing 2 know were your posting from (sarcasum):P

  4. I sit immersed and allow the foamy mist from the untamed ocean to spray my face lightly as though it was the touch of a feather.

  5. Sulight breached the snake-like tree branches that loomed overhead, casting a leafy shadow on the forest foor.

  6. @ Mike and Shane.....Why aren't you playing an instrument or something? Just wondering....
    Thanks for posting. @ Raquel... I love your vivid verbs. Awesome.

    Now I have to retrieve Alexis from Spam.

    Mrs. P

  7. @ Thanks Alexis. Glad I found your post. I like the thought of an untamed ocean being compared to the touch of a feather. Very different...
    Mrs. P

  8. The stars were nothing but specks of dust lying in the background of the real planetary jewels. that should be a linein star trek :]

  9. @Mr.p Shane and I could ppost during band cause Mr.c lets us talk for the last five minutes of class and there is an unsequred Internet network effective in the band room and gym

    Michael Maffucci

    1. I will have to ask Mr. C, Mike. BTW I retrieved you from SPAM. You're welcome :)

      Mrs. P

  10. The sunlight peaked through the trees and set an ominous glow on the forest floor.

  11. Oh by the way that was Mary.

  12. Thank you, Joe and Mary. You have both created wonderful imagery. Good job.

    Mrs. P

  13. One metaphor I got from these images was, "Life is a road,it has many twists and turns, but you still move forward."

    1. I'm sorry I hadn't gone on in a while because I knid of like posting here. It's fun!

  14. Thanks Connor. I appreciate your participation. Nice job. Feel free to check the previous post and continue the story line. TAG, you're it. Check it out.
    Mrs. P

  15. Hallo nochmal. ich weiß, Sie wollen Deutsch. Es ist eine Schande, wie unsere Glas mit den sub gehandelt. Wir möchten zu entschuldigen.Голоса говорят так только некоторые из них могут слушать.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. can't you stop speaking in different languages?!

  18. Immo, cur loqui Germanicae, Russian, et Latine, "Voice of Reason"?

  19. The trees stood guard over the citezens below,as they drank from the light that rained down over the floor and absorbed the mist that ran through the forest

  20. First of all, Sean, your sentence is awesome. What an image you have created.

    @ Mary.... I actually enjoy the challenge of the languages.
    @ Raquel....What? So Voice of Reason knows German, Russian, and Latin ( a dead language). Now to the Voice of Reason...

    Dear Voice,
    Guten Tag. Ich weiss das sie sprecken Deutsch. I know that you speak German. You then said that it's a shame our GLASSES were

    You needed to say....unsere Klasse in der Schule which means our class in school.
    So you want me to excuse you all for how you acted, Voice?
    This is the German for that request. Wir wollen Sie, uns zu entschuldigen. You were very close.

    Your Russian confuses me. Are you saying only some will listen?

    Je pense que c'est le temps maintenant pour parler en français. Ceci est ma langue préférée de tous.

    Who is with me? Please respond.
    S'il vous plaît

    Mrs. P

  21. I would really like to learn French. It seems like such a nice language. :)

  22. Ενδιαφέρουσες πώς μερικοί μιλούν μίσος λόγια μας. Λοιπόν, οφείλω να ομολογήσω αυτή είναι η τελευταία μου γλώσσα γνωρίζουν. Ναι, υπάρχουν πολλοί άλλοι μαζί μου, αλλά δυστυχώς θα πρέπει να εξαφανιστούν για μεγάλο χρονικό διάστημα. Εγώ είμαι ο κύριος ομιλητής των φωνών. Εμείς θα παρακολουθήσουν πάνω από όλους εσάς κατά τη διάρκεια της καταιγίδας.

  23. @ VOICE..... I do agree that I too am disappointed that others do not share our love of languages. I am saddened by the comment that you must go away for awhile. You are welcome to return at any time. I do prefer the romance languages of French and Italian but of course German is also enjoyable. We probably should verse ourselves in the German language since we will be reading Anne Frank's diary in the spring and knowledge of German is definitely necessary to fully comprehend. Thank you for your Greek comment. I did learn something. Why is it you still speak of a storm? I think we will be safe although a new storm does head up the coast again. Be safe and come back soon.

    Mrs. P

  24. To all....
    Chercher un nouveau blog la semaine prochaine.

    Suchen Sie ein neues Blog nächste Woche.

    Cercare una nuova settimana prossima di blog.

    Can you identify the language and the message...without your translation website? Try.

    Mrs. P

  25. 查找一个新的博客下一个星期。

    Please tell Anna we need her here on the blog.

    Mrs. P

  26. What do you mean by find a new blog next week?

  27. I mean I will have a new blog post ready for you all next week. I am working on it now.

  28. Voice of reason, jag har visat ditt meddelande. Поэтому вы будете скоро уезжаю? пожалуйста, сообщите нам.

  29. This storm doesn't go up the coast or even involve the weather

  30. Is that Mary who spoke to the VOICE in two different languages? Bravo!

    @ Voice..... Should we add meteorology to you many areas of expertise? Just wondering.

    Mrs. P

  31. This envolves no meteorology. A storm is just a metaphore for something that is going to happen.

  32. xin vui lòng cho chúng tôi biết lý do tại sao bạn đang đi để lại cho chúng tôi.

  33. @ Voice..... Foreshadowing? What is the cause of this "storm" yet to come?

    Anonymous, please identify yourself. I have yet to translate your message. It seems to have an Asian sound when spoken.

    Mrs P

  34. @Anonymous..... Why do you think I am going to leave you?

    Mrs. P
