Saturday, November 17, 2012

Worry-free Weekend

Relax.  You made it through marking period one of your 8th grade year. 

Nice job, everyone, on all the blog comments. It was good to see that many of you took this new experience seriously. I saw great ideas for both reading and writing coming from each of you who shared.

Take a break from commenting for this weekend. You can look forward to more topics next week as we find new avenues to explore in Integrated Language Arts.

Monday you will visit the library for a fantastic book fair, and also you can choose your new free reading book. Read the book jackets and search for a book with an interesting setting and characters who are able to deal with conflict.

You will have a challenging project at the end of marking period two. This will be another chance to showcase your many talents.

Student reading a book in a library [1574R-36100]
Student reading a book


  1. I know you said that we didn't need to post but I will anywho. I got the first comment! Yeah!!

  2. Well, your comment does not count because you did not sign your name. Michael? Mary? Other? Who knows.
    Also, when you post, I would hope your comment would be something of substance relating to my post. Let's all step it up a notch for MP 2.

    Thank you
    Mrs. P

  3. I'm hoping MP2 will be easier just because I will have been used to school and prepared for work.This blog will be released to all classes on Monday right?

  4. Thank you Connor for your comment. Yes, I will open the blog to the other classes but not until later in the week.
