Wednesday, November 21, 2012

World Wide Wednesday

What's happening in the world today? Read the paper or search the Internet. Let us know what you find that is news worthy. Let's share the news. Make sure it's real, though.

Hoax 9/11 charity ordered to repay $121K in donations

Christopher Baxter/Statehouse Bureau By Christopher Baxter/Statehouse Bureau
on November 19, 2012 at 11:37 AM, updated November 19, 2012 at 12:00 PM

  • A view of Point Pleasant Beach from one of the helicopters traveling with Vice President Joe Biden's tour of superstorm Sandy damage along the Jersey Shore.
  • What's going on in your town after Sandy?


    1. Well i'm pressed for time so this wont be great but in mass. The sties are not allowed to open on black firday how ironic, the birthplace of thanksgiving is banning shopping on their holiday several major retailers such as toys r us are moving their black Friday sales up to thanks giving to avoid this new sat of laws
      Michael Maffucci

      1. Ok I apologies for the errors in my post, I read about a set of redemmed "blue laws" that are banning all cometical and industrial buildings and combanies from operating on thanksgiving day, these laws affect the States of Massachusetts, Mane and several other States in thenew England area. N.J. is not affected by these laws.
        Michael Maffucci

      2. Thank you Michael. Don't be so quick to post. Read carefully first. :)
        Mrs. P

    2. Sadly, all of that fighting is still going on in Israel and Gaza. Why can't we just all get along? The Palestinians have like 20 countries over there already so we take one away for the Jews with no country and they get all mad. If you ask me I think they are just greedy and want their land back that isn't even bigger than New Jersey...

    3. In the sports world, Rutgers University and the University of Maryland are set to join the Big Ten. Rutgers is leaving right after the renovations to the Big East Conference. Ironically, the day after the announcement, a season ticket renewal form was sent out to ticket holders! Maryland, on the other hand was in the ACC (Atlantic Coastal Conference). Maryland's great facilities will soon draw great recruits who want to play big time football.

      Another story is a picture of Ray Rice, the Baltimore Ravens starting running back, waving a terrible towel after their 13-10 win over the Pittsburgh Steelers. LaMarr Woodley tweeted, "If youre not a steelers fan, dont put your hands on a terrible towel." In the past, when teams whose players violated the terrible towel,(like T.J. Houshmandzadeh, who wiped off his cleats with it) they were eliminated by the Steelers in the playoffs. The Steelers have won the Super Bowl twice when terrible towel was violated. LaMarr Woodley's comment was a way of saying "We're coming for you."

    4. @Shane..... I agree with you one hundred percent. So sad

      @ Grant..... Thanks for the sports info. My son is a sports writer for USA Today. Check out his work online. I like that you paid special attention to detail when writing about these issues.

      Mrs P

    5. There is a cease fire between Israel and the Gaza's Hamas. People were celebrating in the streets hoping there is a new era in the relations between Irael and Hamas. But they are still not sure if it will end the bloodshed between the enemies. Like Shane said, they should get over it and get along.
      Oh and Happy Thanksgiving everyone! :)

    6. Today's Macy's Thanksgiving Parade was held mostly to calm Sandy victims and give them a day of relaxation. Free food and drinks were provided by Dunkin' Donuts who drove across New York to deliver doughnuts and coffee to everyone present at the parade that revealed their location on their twitter account. For Sandy victims only, free front row seats were given to people, until of course, they ran out. This parade eased the tension from Superstorm Sandy across New Jersey and New York as brightly colored balloons and floats rode pass them; Thanksgiving has been made available to everyone this year, especially through the charities that are handing out food to those with no homes so that they can have somewhat of a Thanksgiving dinner themselves.

      Was this a good-enough news report?

    7. Thank you Raquel and Connor. You both did a great job retelling a news report. I appreciate your participation, especially on a holiday.
      Mrs P

    8. Sorry it's a bit long Mrs Prisbell, but it's good AND very recent knews(Half an hour before this post)

      A 64-year-old Minnesota man was charged Monday with murder for killing two teenagers who he said broke into his Little Falls home, shooting them in the head, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reported.

      Byron David Smith was arrested after he told police he shot and killed two teenagers who he said were breaking into his home on Thanksgiving Day.
      "If you're trying to shoot somebody and they laugh at you, you go again," Byron David Smith of Little Falls told investigators, according to a criminal complaint filed Monday.

      Smith was charged with two counts of second-degree murder in the deaths of Haile Kifer, 18, and her cousin, Nicholas Schaeffel, 17, both of Little Falls. The teens were shot on Thanksgiving Day, but their deaths weren't reported until Friday.

      After the teen fell down the stairs, Smith said he shot him in the face as he lay on the floor.

      "I want him dead," the complaint quoted Smith telling an investigator.

      Smith said he dragged Schaeffel's body into his basement workshop, then sat back down on his chair, and after a few minutes Kifer began coming down the stairs. He said he shot her as soon as her hips appeared, and she fell down the steps.

      Smith said he tried to shoot her again with his Mini 14 rifle, but that the gun jammed and Kifer laughed at him.

      "Smith stated that it was not a very long laugh because she was already hurting," according to the complaint.

      Smith said he then shot Kifer in the chest several times with a .22-caliber revolver, dragged her next to Schaeffel, and with her still gasping for air, fired a shot under her chin "up into the cranium."

      "Smith described it as 'a good clean finishing shot,'" according to the compliant, but also that he acknowledged he had fired "more shots than (he) needed to."

      The following day he asked a neighbor to recommend a good lawyer, according to the complaint. He later asked his neighbor to call the police.

      A prosecutor called Smith's reaction "appalling."

      "Mr. Smith intentionally killed two teenagers in his home in a matter that goes well beyond self-defense," Morrison County Attorney Brian Middendorf said after Smith appeared at Morrison County District Court on Monday morning. Bail was set at $2 million.

      Smith's actions "sound like an execution" rather than legitimate self-defense, said David Pecchia, executive director of the Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association. Pecchia said his statements to investigators suggest he had eliminated any threat to his safety by wounding the cousins.

      Smith's brother, Bruce Smith, told the Star Tribune of Minneapolis that the incident was the eighth burglary at Byron Smith's home in recent years.

      The only report the Morrison County sheriff's office has for a break-in at the home was for one on Oct. 27. It shows Byron Smith reported losing cash and gold coins worth $9,200, plus two guns worth $200 each, photo equipment worth more than $3,000 and a ring worth $300.

      Little Falls is about 100 miles northwest of Minneapolis.

      Schaeffel's sister, Crystal Schaeffel, told the Star Tribune that Kifer had broken into her home before. Little Falls police records show Crystal Schaeffel reported a theft Aug. 28, but the department said the report was not public because that investigation was continuing and because it named juveniles.

      "It wasn't right for them to be there and, yes, he had a right to defend himself. But to execute them like that..."

      A Facebook page was created to commemorate the teens.

    9. China is trying to build the worlds largest skyscraper. However, unlike any of the other contenders it is planning to complete this amazing feat in less time than it takes most countries to design a structure - A mere 90 day.The building is planned to begin construction in South East China by the end of December and if all goes according to plan, ready for occupancy, by April 2013.When finished the 220-story skyscraper will stand 2,749ft. tall, or 32ft. taller than the current record holder, Dubai's Burj Khalifa. Also, the developers are to be believed it will cost a mere 628 million USD (United States Dollars)Finally, Spread over one million square meters, SkyCity will employ 3,000 construction workers who are expected to speedily put up about five floors every single day. The finished structure will contain 5,000 residences, a hotel, a hospital, five schools and even office space that will accommodate up to 31,000 workers.

      P.s This is Alexis :)

    10. @Sean.... Please share your article in class. It should start much discussion. Please only summarize and give opinion on the blog. No cut and paste please. :)

      @Alexis.....the building in China is very interesting. I imagine it in modern Shanghai but your notes say south east China. Did they mention a city? Let me know.

      Mrs P

    11. the city is Changsa. At least thats what it said in the article...

    12. @Alexis.... You must be in Spam again but I did look up Changsha. It is south west of Shanghi. I assume it must be a big city to accommodate that new building.
      Mrs P

    13. Rutgers University is playing the University of Louisville tonight at 7:30 for the Big East Championship. The winner will go on to (most likely) play Florida State University in the Orange Bowl. Rutgers has never won a Big East Championship in football since they joined the Big East in 1991. It will truly be a tough, well-played game.

    14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    15. The current blog has pushed me back into the ring. I know that you can’t fully comprehend the storm that I speak of yet. Just remember there are more than one of us, the voices. The post above had become outadated by the changes in our lives.

    16. If I may, the Voice of Reason has one flaw that reveals his true identity. "Just REMBER..." This shows that a student would most likely be typing this. The voice works hard to avoid spelling errors because he knows it will show us his real identity. "I'm terrible at spelling" -The Voice of Reason

    17. I would love to know what your talking about the spelling is flawless and the top post was inccorect in content not spelling

    18. Fits of rage are not normally followed by carefulness

    19. Ha! It sure sounds like two people who sit next to each other in class too. Take it outside, Voice and Grant!

      BTW .....the phrase " what your talking about" us incorrect as well.
      Let's stick to the news here, okay? Thank your for your Rutgers update, Grant.

      Look for a new blog tomorrow morning.
      Mrs P
