Friday, November 30, 2012

Famous Quote Friday

Our writing focus this marking period will be explanatory essays. The best way to start is with an interesting quote. I am sure you have all learned a format for this essay that you used in 7th grade. Nothing is set in stone and there are many different possibilities for setting up this type of essay. You have to use what works for you. Create your own writing style. The most important thing to remember is to let your own voice shine through.

Below you will find the quote I would like you to consider.

gerber daisy Pictures, Images and Photos
“The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all.”

Here is an additional option below.
Motivational Quote - Adversity and loss make a man wise.

Write about the format you would use to develop this quote as an essay. How many paragraphs would be necessary? What's the first logical step for paragraph one? Two? More?

Let 's see what you already know. It may save us some time. Now express your thoughts about this quote.


  1. Well to express the second qoute I would use a three paragraph explanatory essay. The first paragraph would state the qoute and give a brief explination of it's meaning. The second paragraph would express the qoute's meanging in greater detail. The third and final paragraph would summarize the second paragraph and show Rutherford insisted to the qoute's meaning and, finally, a well worded concluding sentance.
    Michael Maffucci

  2. Michael....we can talk further about your strategy. I am a little confused. Now, what does the quote mean to you? Take it a step further.

    Mrs. P
    BTW Where were you when you commented?

  3. Mine would probably be set up the same way as mike's essay would...and i would choose the first quote, which to me means that the flower is actually referring to a person that is brought up through alot of hardship and still comes out at the end being even more fantastic. In the end you know that they went though alot just to get were thay are, and they are more special because of that. He/She is more impressive because of what they hav expieriencedin their lives.

  4. First off, I would start out with: The insightful (Who ever made the quote) explains, "The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all." This quote simply explains that people who learned lessons and grew up through problems and tough times really have a grip on life and certainly have more experience than most people, and they have the most success in their livelihood. Of course, next i would summarize more about the quote and such. Then, in the second paragraph I would relate it to some famous person, preferably Martin Luther King Jr., and explain further into that. Next, I would relate the same quote to my life somehow in paragraph form. Lastly, I would make a concluding paragraph summing the whole thing up ending with some concluding transition sentence. In addition, I would like you people to see what this quote means to you: "The only way to keep what you have is to give it all away." This is quite an interesting quote that can be interpreted many ways. How would you guys interpret it? I'm pretty sure I already mentioned it to Mrs. Prisbell in one of my OERs.

  5. By the way, a very wise man told me this quote. I didn't make it up.

  6. First paragraph: “The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all.” This quote, by the sage (author name), expresses that those who have experienced trouble and misfortune will often turn out the wisest and generous in their generation.(further explanation would commence along with a relation to some modeled figure)
    Second paragraph: I would then have the writer (or me) to express how this quotation relates to you, or applies to your life. then what, and how much, this quote means to you.
    Third and Final paragraph: Start of with the quote and explain to the reader what message it sends: “The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all" show that you should take into consideration those people that have the more difficult and labored life, and show to them the knidess they show to others as it is all they ask of people like you.

    (I hope I used "sage" as the correct term)

  7. Sorry, I meant off and shows not "of" and "show"

  8. @ Alexis.....Thanks for your comment. Now think of an example of a person in history who experienced such adversity and came out on top.

    @ Shane....Thanks for your comment. You explained the explanatory essay format the same as I would present it to the class. Good job. I may call on you to share in class. Also, your profound quote is awesome. I am curious as to who the wise man is who shared this adage.

    @ Connor....I love your use of the word "sage." Nice job! Thanks for your comment. Now, how would this quote relate to someone you have discussed perhaps in social studies class this year or years ago?

    Keep on thinking, all.

    1. Maybe I should have said "Keep thinking, all y'all.

      Mrs. P

  9. I would first start with restating the quote and the authors name. Then explaining what the quote means. I think it means that people that have hard lives end up being really successful in life.
    Then my second paragraph would be relating the quote to someone famous in real life and explaining how they represent this quote. Say Harriet Tubman. And I would also write how it relates to me and other people somehow.
    My third and final paragraph would be a summary and explaining the quote again in different words with a thoughtful concluding sentence relating to the quote somehow.

    1. How would you extend this essay to 4 paragraphs? Check Shane's suggestion, Raquel.
      Thanks for posting :)
      Mrs P

  10. @Mrs. Prisbell... The "wise man" i spoke of before that told me this amazing quote was my karate instructor. I believe he said someone told it to him first, but I would definitely believe him if he told me that he made it up.

    1. @Shane... I should have known. Karate and "wise" just seem to go together.
      So how do you interpret the quote?
      Mrs P

  11. Peace is only an illusion if you make it one

  12. Ah Avery..... A man of few words you are. What does it all mean? Let's talk.
    Mrs P

  13. @Mrs. Prisbell... I would rather tell you in person what this quote means to me because I want to see what other people think of it on here. The interpretation for it is something where you sort of have to think outside the box. Well, mine is at least.

  14. I look forward to your interpretation Shane.
    Mrs P

  15. A word to the wise ain't necessary-its the stupid ones that need the advice. And now i speake to the wise directly, go ahead and tell me how you interpretate this quote. And the stupid...please dont take offense,I blame the internet.
