Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Time Travel Tuesday

It's time to take ourselves back to the 60's in honor of The Outsiders. Check the illustrations below and tell me what you think. Describe what you think it would have been like to live in the 1960's. Check the styles and the activities. I will look for some musical groups, movies, and favorite TV shows of teens so you can get a real feel for the time period and what our characters in The Outsiders were experiencing.

Guys in Madras...

The London influence for girls...

Peace Sign Bing - Squarestock vector : Hand-Drawn Psychedelic Groovy Peace Sign Notebook Doodles on Lined Paper Background- Vector Illustration



A 1969 crossing...

In the movies...





The Greasers...

and The Socs...

Was it harder to be a teen in the 60's or is it more difficult now? Explain.

Think about your own personality, likes, and dislikes. Would you have fit in during this time period? Why or why not?

BTW...This is my favorite blog post yet. I could go on and on with pictures. Have fun with it.


  1. Ok so, in the 1960's there were the Beatles, twilight zone, and the origional star trek. Personally I would rather live now than in the 1960's, it would be easier for me personally because, in reality, I would probally be a greaser. Also with my shared techonolgy addiction not having that would be a serious bummer. I probally wouldent have fit in during the 1960's I, along with many others including most gamers, have to much appatite for virtual, and realasitic, violence. O and I despise plad and madrass.
    Michael. Maffucci.

  2. The 60s are interesting and I like the Beatles a little and I have seen a few episodes of the Twilight Zone. I think it was easier for teens back then because there was no technology like we have today. Like they didnt have the internet so there was no cyberbullying or any stress or problems with technology. I'm not sure if I would fit in during the 1960s. Maybe I would to some extent but as Michael said, not having the internet or a cell phone would be kind of weird and it's part of everyday life today. That's all I could come up with so I hope it's enough. :)

  3. REALLY! >_< I just hit publish but the page refreshed and I lost all of my post, let me try again:
    It must have been harder to live in the 1960's as a teenager rather than today NOT because of gangs and gang rivalry, but because of the labor and work of everyday living. We have everything made out for us as teens and all of the trinkets and gadgets that we have make life 85% easier, perhaps a bit too easy. We can text instead of writing a letter, run an automated vacuum cleaner like the Roomba, and so much more. Today's society provides millions of video games, cell phones, smart hones, tablets, laptops, MP3 players, apps, e-mail, digital cameras, alarm clocks, touch screen cars (they are new), and all these things that we never think much of because that chore is never on our minds.

    (Be proud Rocky because your post went up just as the page refreshed; lucky you)

  4. In addition, the rise of hippies and gangs just started as if it were the latest trend. The gangs were forming, thinking they were cool but also because of families not caring for their children, and the rise of drug abuse and alcohol, which made all of the hippies so calm and "happy". The Beatles were also a part in the hippie population as some of their songs relate to the events that occurred during that time. For example, have you ever the heard The Beatles' song "Getting High With a Little Help From My Friends"? How about "We All Live in a Yellow Submarine," which they probably wrote while illusive and delusional?

  5. In my opinion, living in the 60s would be much much much easier to live in then today's world. Although, it's quite ironic that I would rather live in today's world instead of the 60s being the lazy bum I am. To explain, it seems like more attention is on today's generation of children then ever before especially in the 60s. Today, most people are worried about us because they think we won't be able to come out of this Recession in time for us to live our adult lives in economic balance. Also, with school and the standardized tests they really try and help us to do well so we can do good in life. On the other hand, back then most kids weren't really being confronted with these types of concerns and were just told do good in school and that was it. They didn't give those grossly overused speeches about not doing drugs and staying out of gangs because there wasn't a lot of attention on them. Back then, they were just other people and didn't have much worries in life about what they are going to be when they grow up and contemplating how they are to do this during a recession. All in all, today we are really pressured to do good in school and learn about life so we don't end up going down the wrong path. There really is more attention on us today then there was in the 1960s and there is definitely higher expectations. This is the main reason why life is harder today then it was in the 60s for teens. In addition, the 60s had really great things especially the Television programs. For example, great shows like "The Andy Griffith show" and "The Twilight Zone" were excellent programs which are much better than some of today's programs. Some really dumb shows like "Jersey Shore" and "Dance Moms" really sadden me because it's quite difficult to find a good thing on T.V. to watch. Why can't they make shows like they did in the 60s anymore? Honestly, they are running out of ideas and are resorting to stupid things that appeal to hardly anyone. In the long run, it's definitely not bad living in this time period and I like it because there is never a dull moment. Although, living in the 60s would probably be great, but who am I to say that if i haven't lived in them? From what I have seen and heard about the 60s; I really think it would be awesome to live in that time period.

  6. @Michael.... A greaser? Really? By the way, if you never had technology, you would not miss it.

    @ Raquel...I definitely understand what you are saying. Now you say you would not want to lose your phone, etc, but if you did not have it, you would not miss it.

    @Connor.... Your response is very well thought out. I am disappointed that you assumed the Beatles write their songs about drugs. Sad

    @ Shane....You certainly thought long and hard about this issue. Do you realize you changed your mind by the end? By the way, it was a simpler time. I do miss the television shiws of the 60's too. Don't worry too much about the recession. Let the adults worry about that. You just do your best in school and you will be fine. :)

    Mrs P

  7. Based on what i have recently learned about the 60's, i can honestly say that life back then was more difficult. Back then, there wasnt as advanced medical things that there are now. the medical field has grown vastly in the few decades. Also, doing homework must have been terrible. there was no internet for quick researches; they actually had to look up stuff in books for EVERYTHING. eventhough life might be a little harder, i think that i would definitely with out a doubt like to have lived during this time period. For example, there wasnt such a video game craze so everyone in every neighboorhood was out side. this meant that the communities were closer. In my life, i dont even know any of my neighbors. another reson, is that there was the whole treat ladies like ladies thing that kind of dissapeared in my generation. everytime i turn on the radio there are extremely objectifying songs about girls that im not even going to get into. plus, it just seems really fun to have lived in such an interesting time, and i feel like i would have fit in

  8. During Superstorm Sandy, my house didnt have power for days. The reason I bring this up is because when it got dark at 7 oclock, we went to bed. There was nothing that kept me from falling asleep. Like Benjamin Franklin said,"Early to bed,early to rise." Mrs. Prisbell is right when she says that you cant miss technology that you never had. For some,It is hard to picture a world without cell phones. Back in the 19th century, (without cell phones) they wondered what life could be like without oil. They didnt have to worry about other technologies.

  9. @Mrs. Prisbel... I knew I changed my mind by the end lol. I tried to make it seem like I didnt but idk.

  10. Now... Pertaining to the topic...
    I would like to see what it was like in the 60s. Due to the baby boom, it seems like there would be lots of kids to get acquainted with. Life could be scary because of preparation for "the big one." I just find it humorous that people thought that hiding beneath desks could reduce the effects of a nuclear weapon. The 60s might seem like a more peaceful period, but when you think about it, it was a gray period. Kennedy's assassination, the Vietnam War, Martin Luther King Jr's assassination, and part of the water gate scandal. The 60s were a tough time, and being a boy, I would not want to be surrounded by "I want YOU" sings. My fellow classmates would disappear through the draft and later lost in war. Life today, in the U.S., is much more safe. Missiles are no longer an issue to us. Our country's military is far superior to any other. If we enter WW III, the U.S. could adopt Allstate's slogan. We will truly be "in good hands."

  11. BREAKING NEWS! The New Orleans Hornets are planning to change their name to the pelicans. The Hornets franchise started in Charlotte in 1985. During that time, there was a team called the New Orleans Jazz. The Jazz moved to Utah (where it would be more likely to hear hymns). The Hornets jumped on the open spot in New Orleans. The team has achieved mediocrity during the last 10 years. Changing their name could start a Pelican Renaissance, if you will. Some analysts are begging for an alternative. Perhaps giving the "Jazz" name back to New Orleans. The Utah franchise could adopt a different name like the Utah Mountain Elks. The mountain elk is an elegant creature and would make a great mascot. This has happened before. The Minnesota Lakers moved to Los Angeles, which have no lakes. Their name is contradicting, but they remain a powerful force in the Western Conference. Sorry that it was off topic, but I needed to share this controversial news.

  12. @ Alexis....You have everything right about the 60's and I can sure see you back then too. It is so sad to me that you mentioned how girls are treated now. I guess that means your date won't open a car door for you either, then. Sad. It was nice.

    @ Grant....I like your reference to Ben Franklin. BTW we had electricity in the 60's. Just saying...
    Also, you are right on when you mention the wars and the draft. I guess it was not such a simpler time to live for the guys. Point well taken.
    As far as the Hornets....I don't see the significance. Glad you are keeping us updated on Breaking News, though.

    @ Shane.... I read very carefully, as you now see. I don't miss much. Ha

    Mrs. P

  13. *REPOST* I remember this exact post from last year!! The Outsiders was an outstanding novel and it was fun to read (and act out) tell'em about that Mrs. P. Anyway, the greasers remind me of the crew from both Greese and West Side Story, Just thought i'd put that out there

  14. This post was a favorite last year too and one of my personal favorites. Thanks Blayne.

    Mrs P
