Monday, July 8, 2013

Memorable Monday.....July 2013

It's memorable Monday "deep in the heart of Texas" and only 81 degrees after a heavy rain.  That's fantastic since most days it hits 100 degrees.  I do miss the ocean breezes of the Jersey Shore.

Since it is summer, I am sure many of you are hitting the road, so to speak, with your families for a nice road trip.  What is there to see, you ask?  How about the world's biggest ball of twine?  A thousand pound meat ball, maybe?  In the spirit of John Steinbeck and his travels with his faithful dog, Charly, let's discuss what the states have to offer.  I'd like to hear from you and also please take a tally to see how many states you have been to or through (by car) and how many you still have to explore.   I will do the same.  I need a map so here it is.

I know what areas are lacking for me.  I need to reach Kentucky.  I am not sure how I missed that on my many road trips.  I also have to reach the northern section of the country to see Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan.  To round out the top 10 of missed states,  I will sadly add Alaska and Hawaii.  I apologize for not including them on the above map.
I know from a comment on the last post, our own Grant is in Hawaii.  I can't wait to hear him sing the praises of the island state. 

Although most of my favorite pictures taken during my travels are still just on my iphone, I will search the computer for some to share here.  Feel free to describe your favorite state to visit or simply pass through.....
Feel free to write a mini personal narrative of your travels here, as well.  I truly miss reading your writing. 

Here are some pictures to ponder....
Moving east to west

There are many reasons to travel around our great states.  Some like to visit ball parks, and some like to find national treasures like monuments, zoos, and parks.  My family always started our travels in search of colleges and universities.  It was always an experience. 
I can't wait to hear about your travels. 

Mrs. P