Monday, July 8, 2013

Memorable Monday.....July 2013

It's memorable Monday "deep in the heart of Texas" and only 81 degrees after a heavy rain.  That's fantastic since most days it hits 100 degrees.  I do miss the ocean breezes of the Jersey Shore.

Since it is summer, I am sure many of you are hitting the road, so to speak, with your families for a nice road trip.  What is there to see, you ask?  How about the world's biggest ball of twine?  A thousand pound meat ball, maybe?  In the spirit of John Steinbeck and his travels with his faithful dog, Charly, let's discuss what the states have to offer.  I'd like to hear from you and also please take a tally to see how many states you have been to or through (by car) and how many you still have to explore.   I will do the same.  I need a map so here it is.

I know what areas are lacking for me.  I need to reach Kentucky.  I am not sure how I missed that on my many road trips.  I also have to reach the northern section of the country to see Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan.  To round out the top 10 of missed states,  I will sadly add Alaska and Hawaii.  I apologize for not including them on the above map.
I know from a comment on the last post, our own Grant is in Hawaii.  I can't wait to hear him sing the praises of the island state. 

Although most of my favorite pictures taken during my travels are still just on my iphone, I will search the computer for some to share here.  Feel free to describe your favorite state to visit or simply pass through.....
Feel free to write a mini personal narrative of your travels here, as well.  I truly miss reading your writing. 

Here are some pictures to ponder....
Moving east to west

There are many reasons to travel around our great states.  Some like to visit ball parks, and some like to find national treasures like monuments, zoos, and parks.  My family always started our travels in search of colleges and universities.  It was always an experience. 
I can't wait to hear about your travels. 

Mrs. P


  1. I have been to New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New York, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. I hope to visit more states in the future and possible other countries.

    1. Hi Shane. It sounds like you and your family took the 18 he drive to Florida. Did you have any reaction to the states south of NJ? Did you have a favorite? I took that drive a few times when my kids were young. We always loved the breakfasts in Georgia. That's when I first fell in love with grits and biscuits and gravy. We would also stop at the roadside Stuckey shops for Pecan Log Rolls. Now I find myself living on Pecan Point Drive. Everything comes full cirlcle.
      Thanks for posting. I would live to hear some of your travel stories too.
      Mrs P

  2. Driving through New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland wasn't that interesting because we drove through them all of the time to see relatives. Virginia was okay with a lot of good restaurants. But then, North and South Carolina were just driving through thick forest on a highway with a gas station every couple hours. I guess all of the cool stuff happens closer to the shore there. Georgia was where we first started to see palm trees and we had to put on the air conditioning in the car. Towards the end of Georgia going into Florida, I remember that they had to put fences on the side of the road so the Crocodiles/Alligators (Whatever they are) wouldn't come onto the road. I could see them all crowding by the fences trying to get onto the road. I don't remember much of the drive home because I was asleep. We left in the early morning and got home late at night the same day. It was extremely fun and I hope to take this drive again someday.

    1. Thanks for sharing, Shane. I can picture that road trip perfectly now. I loved your alligator anecdote. I assume they are alligators since north Florida is know as "the swamp" and the Florida Gators are well know at the University of Florida in Gainsville. I wonder if the crocks are more readily found in the Everglades in the southern section of Florida. Have you ever taken an airboat ride through the Everglades? Now, that's scary!
      Thanks for posting
      Mrs P

  3. hello, well, i sorta havent gone anywhere overly far or exotic, been to ny state like twice, phili like 9000+ times and dc once. the only really semi-exotic place that ive visited is a kadampa buddhist temple in upstate ny. was really awsome. and of course my millions of camping trips.
    Michael Maffucci

    1. Hi Michael,
      The Buddhist temple must have been amazing. I also visited a temple when I was in Shanghai. Can you explain your experience? Appearance, atmosphere, emotion? Not many people have had this experience.
      You have plenty of time to expand your travel as years pass. Enjoy every adventure :)
      Thanks for posting. Enjoy your summer.
      Mrs P

  4. I have been to Maine, Massachusetts,Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, and Nevada. On Friday, I will be leaving to go to Florida. Like Shane, my family does the drive to Florida but we do it nearly every year. I'm going to be so bored on the car ride though since my family goes almost every year... This year I will be spending two weeks in Florida instead of the usual one because the second week I will be with my best friend and her family. Last year I went to Maine and this year I might go for a week also. This summer has to be my busiest summer thus far and the best!! :)

  5. Hi Raquel,
    So nice to hear from you :). Please tell me about your experiences in both Maine and Nevada. They are so very different. I bet you will have a great time with your friend in Florida this year. What section of Florida will you be visiting? Since I have not been in Kentucky myself, I would love to hear your description of the state. Write again if you get time. Enjoy your travels and thanks so much for commenting. Miss you guys :(
    Mrs P

  6. In Maine my dads cousin rents a small cottage thing that is on a lake and we stay there with my aunt, uncle and cousins. It takes about 10 hours or so to drive there but its so worth it. It's very nice on the lake and I enjoy kayaking, canoeing and swimming in it. And if you kayak for about 2 or 3 miles in a certain direction it will bring you to this awesome beaver dam on this small creek. I also loved hearing the loon birds at night and looking up at the night sky and seeing so many stars.
    I went to Nevada when I was very little, about 4 years old so I don't remember many details. I went to a wedding in Las Vegas with my family and we stayed at this cool hotel. One thing I remember that it was so hot and dry and the hotel had these awesome pools with sand in them and that's pretty much all I remember about Nevada.
    One of my aunts lives in Ohio and we drive there every once and a while. She lives right outside of Cincinnati which is very close to Kentucky so occasionally we would go to Kentucky to aquariums and malls. I can't really give you a description of the state because I have never been through Kentucky and I was pretty much on the border of Ohio and Kentucky.
    The section of Florida I will be visiting first is Longboat Key which is right outside of Sarasota and 2 or 3 hours from Orlando and the place me and my family always visit. My grandparents have a timeshare in Longboat Key and that's why we always go there. With my friend, we will be staying in Orlando so we can visit one of the parks there. I hope you're having a good summer Mrs. Prisbell! :) I miss you too!

  7. Raquel
    I really enjoyed reading your descriptions. They brought back many good memories for me from each of those states. You made me laugh with the heat in Nevada. People always say it is dry heat which is supposed to be better than humid, I guess. For me it was like putting my head in an oven and trying to survive. Ha
    Have a great summer and keep in touch. I will try to put up another blog post in August.
    Mrs P

  8. I used to go on vacation every year... not lately, however. I do suppose I haven't been on vacation for all of middle school, all three years.
    Besides that fact, the places I have visited in the years prior were Pennsylvania, New York, Maryland, and Florida. Quite few, but still charming.
    I have the rest of the world to explore. I hope to, one day, see every different culture in person and see just what sets them apart from the others! As of now I have been stuck in my house for a month and a half... what a pity.

    How is Texas? I would like to know what special things you've seen.

    1. Hello Connor,
      It is such a nice surprise to hear from you. I love your comment about visiting other countries and seeing what sets each culture apart. I found that extremely interesting on my trips to both China and Italy. I know you will get opportunities such as mine as well as long as you have your mind open and you are determined to make it happen. I have found that there are subtle differences in each part of the United States as well. Texas is quite different from New Jersey not just in the 100 degree weather daily but also in the friendliness of the people. I have never spoken to so many strangers as I do daily here. I love the experience and I wish I had done that more while I was living in NJ.
      Thank you so much for your comment. Look for a new blog in mid August. I am heading to California soon to visit my daughter but I will write when I return. Enjoy your summer :-)
      Mrs P
