Thursday, June 6, 2013

Time to Think Thursday....June 2013

It's now a few weeks before summer officially begins. I know for all of alreay has started.    I  miss all y'all. By the way, I am hoping to travel back to New Jersey this month so maybe our paths will cross soon.
Please post on the blog and let me know how you will be spending your summer. Reflect on your 8th grade year. What memories will be special to you and how do you want to shape your Freshman year in Barnegat High School or MATES?  You will hear speeches on graduation night. Your Valedictorian will have a message for you all.   Mayor Morano, Mr. Fiorentino, and Superintendent Karen Wood will all have messages for you too.  Listen closely.   Take every bit of advice to heart and make your mark in the next four years. Get involved in your school, make and keep good friends, and, of course, put forth your best effort always. I wish you all the very best of luck in your futures whatever they may be. As I told many of you already.....I know you will become something fabulous! Enjoy.
Mrs. Prisbell
I love the beach.....I am in the Galveston area, but here are some of my favorite images of LBI that I will always hold dear even while in Texas....

Good morning, Long Beach Island!

photo: beach



Long Beach Island, NJ sunset (by Lisa Harrison) on the bay...and an old Victorian home in Galveston
It's rare to see a sunset unless you are bayside. I hope you all get to enjoy a sunrise or sunset on the Island this summer. I hope to catch a sunrise myself over the Gulf of Mexico.   I look forward to connecting with each one of you on the blog. I welcome your comments even as you go through high school. Please check back from time to time.    Let's talk soon.    

Mrs. Prisbell


  1. Hello, well, my8th grade year has been one of rapid changes,rises and falls, and of learning. I had my classes abruptly changed just as I was settling into them and have never quite setteled back in. For the summer, a lot of camp as always and seeing the world differently than before. I have recently been questioning everything, my boy scout troop, my religion, even my friends(noone on here). When i'm home from camp I'll check the blog. As for the beach, I don't go very often, I find no pleasure there, to bright, to hot, to loud. I perfer to find a flat rock on a hill in a forest to eat lunch. Hope all is well with all.

    Michel Maffucci

    1. Thank you, Michael. I am glad you are seeing the world differently than before. How so? It's not a bad thing to question. Delve in deeply and see what you find. I totally understand your feeling of serenity in the forest. I share that love as well. After I visit in Barnegat and other parts of New Jersey this month, I will be headed up to Vermont.... a lot of hills and a lot of rocks. That is true serenity. Thanks for sharing and I hope we talk again this summer. I can't wait to hear what other topics are under question and also what you discover. Happy June to you.

      Mrs. P

  2. Even know eighth grade wasn't my best year in Brackman, it had some of the best teachers. I will always remember Mr. Eckert's intriguing lectures and the interesting topics discussed in science and Geometry. But most of all, I will remember the fun times had in period 8-9 and on this blog. Hope to see more posts up this summer.

    1. well, on the other hand there was those achivment stragities classes.those kinda ruined this year for me, that and the teachers, on in particular, that was to strict to be logical.
      Michael Maffucci

    2. Michael.... just let it go. My dad used to call that "water under the bridge. " it's done and gone so turn your attentions to bigger and better things. I do appreciate your honesty though. Reflection is a good thing :)
      Mrs P

    3. Thank you, Shane. You made my day :)
      I will definitely post through the summer just to check in. I have to admit..... Period 8/9 was very special to me.
      Happy graduation and I hope to see you soon.
      Mrs P

  3. Happy fourth of July! Any new posts soon?

    1. Happy 4th of July to you too, Shane. I am trying to stick to a post a month so I owe you one for July. Big celebrations in my town tonight. More to come later. Have a great holiday and look for a new post in a few days.
      Mrs P

  4. Replies
    1. Hi Grant. Happy 4th to you too all the way in the middle of the Pasific :)
      Enjoy your vacation. You will have a lot to offer to my new post coming soon.
      Thanks for making contact
      Mrs P
