Friday, August 30, 2013

Fun-Filled Summer Friday

     It's the last Friday in August and here you go again entering another school year.  I almost said here "we" go, and then I remembered that I am officially retired.  I want you all to know that you are always on my mind and I will always be a teacher in my heart. As summer ends we can say goodbye to all the fabulous traveling and get ready to set our minds to studies. I say "our" minds here because I will be tutoring a group of boys here in Texas  to improve writing skills and vocabulary.  I hope to invite them to join the blog discussion.  They will be taking the SAT soon, like many of you, so vocabulary enrichment will be very important. 

I would like to share some pictures of my recent trip to California to visit my daughter.  It was a very special trip.  I never realized how much I missed the Jersey Shore until she took me to see the Pacific Ocean. Enjoy.

 Irvine---  Love the palm trees at the mall.....

Laguna Beach --- Just fantastic views with the cliffs and the ocean......

With patisserie cases overflowing with the most delicious treats, how could one resist? 

Where did your travels take you this summer?  Please share some of your experiences on the blog.  I would love to hear about areas of our country or wherever you traveled this summer.  If this summer found you at home, please share what kept you busy as you "destressed"  after ending your 8th grade year.
Here is a list of core vocabulary words in context to get you all thinking about the SAT as you enter high school.

Good luck to you all and keep in touch.

I am a slightly ambivalent about this whole retirement idea.  It is very unorthodox for me not to be thinking about the next lesson I am about to teach, but if I think pragmatically, I think I can get used to the idea of adding more relaxation and even altruistic deeds to my life.  I am finding the residents of Texas to be quite amiable. It often makes me nostalgic as I remember the simpler times of my childhood in New Jersey. My life seems less ambiguous now that I am settled here in Texas.  There was a time right after leaving all of you that I felt slightly aloof, and I thought that I had made a huge mistake. I tried to be prudent, and I carried on with my plan. Some may have thought that I was naive or even gullible to think I could move cross country.  It was futile to worry.  Armed with fortitude, I made the journey from New Jersey to Texas with a side trip to Vermont, as well. I feel like I succeeded and am now enjoying my serene neighborhood of Sugar Land.  What a perfect name for a town!


  1. I was wondering when an August post was coming out. I started to worry maybe you forgot that you said in the last post about there being an August post but apparently not :). This summer I went to a lot of water parks and theme parks. Even though I'm not much of a ride person i'll go on any water slide. Except for maybe the one in Germany that has a loop in it... I saw all of the new boardwalk planks and it looks really awesome! I wonder how much stuff they found under there from people dropping things between the cracks. If I never knew anything about Hurricane Sandy I wouldn't have known that it had ever hit the Jersey shore because it looks 100% better now! Although that's just from what I saw.

    1. Hi Shane. Thanks so much for responding. I know what you mean about the true joy and excitement of a water park. I just returned from a trip to Sea Workd in San Antonio. It was fabulous. I was there with my grandsons. I am so glad to hear the results of Hurricane Sandy are in the past and everyone is back to enjoying the beautiful Jersey Shore. Have a great opening of school. I hope high school is everything that you want it to be. It's in your hands. Keep in touch. Mrs P

    2. Hi Shane
      Received a weird comment today on the blog. Just wondering how you are doing.
      Mrs. Prisbell

  2. This summer I went to Florida as I told you in the previous blog post. It was a lot of fun! The water at the beach in Longboat key was a bit rough but other than that the weather was perfect! I got some nice pictures of the beautiful sunsets there. I went kayaking and saw a manatee not too far from me and it was really cool. I even got to go paddle boarding for the first time! It was hard but fun once I got the hang of it. I went to Epcot for the first time too and it I had a lovely time there and the weather was perfect that day. Then after a week my friend and her family picked me up and we drove to Orlando. It was really nice there and we went to Downtown Disney, and Islands of Adventure (where Harry Potter World is), and we went to this huge water park. It was so much fun and it was so nice! This was the best summer ever for me! :)

    1. Hi Raquel,
      It's so nice to hear from you. Wow, what a fantastic summer you have had. There was never a dull moment. I too love Epcot because it always felt like I was touring Europe. Awesome. Also, the Florida Keys are beautiful. My parents used to live in that area of the country so I have visited the Keys many times. Did you make it down to Key West to visit Hemmingway's home? It's very special. Have a wonderful opening of school. Make your high school years everything you want them to be. The power is in your hands. Keep in touch. Mrs P

  3. Unfortunately, I haven't gone anywhere nor done anything special. My vacation was filled to the brim with days at home. As much as I wanted to get out, I really didn't, that is, until marching band practice started.

    High school is just as boring and lonely as it is different from middle school. I barely see any of my friends. However, the block-scheduling is nice to have for when homework is assigned.

    Now, I am really excited for Halloween and I am intrigued to know what everyone else is doing. So far, all I have to look forward to is Halloween... with school starting it is the only bit of color around.

    1. Thanks for checking in, Connor. I am so happy to hear that you joined marching band. I am sure you will meet a lot of new friends through the band. The school spirit and many trips and cpmpetitions will fill your high school days with pure fun. Enjoy every minute!! I can't wait to hear about all the plans for Halloween. Please keep me I formed. I will work on a September blog post soon. Have a great year.
      Mrs P

  4. Just to let you all know...this is Grant DiGrazzio...the gig is up

    1. Just want to make sure you check my comment below. Thanks Grant.
      Mrs P

    2. Hi Avery. Just received a strange message on the blog so, of course, I thought of you. 😊
      Mrs. Prisbell

  5. Hi Grant. It took you one year almost to the date to confess to Voice of Reason. I went back in posts to check and the vocabulary and messages really did sound like Avery. Did you do that on purpose? You even responded to some Voice of Reason posts to throw me off. Clever.
    Feeling the urge for a new post now. FYI finally, THE GIVER movie will be released Aug 15! Pass the word. Did Anna mention she and I emailed? I sent greetings to all of you. Thanks for the contact. Miss you all.
    Mrs Prisbell

  6. I am pretty sure the voice of reason is Avery. Considering he told me and he spelt Grant's last name wrong...

    1. Hi Shane. It is so nice to hear from you. I tend to agree with your theory about the Voice of Reason. I hope your school year is ending well. I am actually planning a trip back to NJ in a few days. I may run I to you guys somewhere so keep your eyes wide open. Have a great summer.
      Mrs. Prisbell

  7. Hi Mrs. Prisbell. I just wanted to inform you that on television I recently saw a movie trailer for The Giver. It is sort of ironic considering we were viewing fake ones in class.

    1. Hi Shane,
      It is so nice to hear from you, as always. I am eagerly awaiting THE GIVER in theaters. I think the release date is August 15. What did you think of the trailer? I hope the director does not change rhe story too much. It will be interesting to see how the director decides to end the story. Definitely check back in August and let me know what you think. Have a great summer and thanks for thinking of me. Mrs. Prisbell

    2. The blog was in the back of my mind lately and i was shocked to find that i have been (once again) accused of being the V of R. Just to clear something up, the voice of reason has always been Avery. That is part of the reason that I didnt respond to your earlier comments.

    3. Hi Grant,
      It's so nice to hear from you. Thanks for clearing up the Voice of Reason mystery, my gut always told me it was Avery. I hope you are having a wonderful and productive summer. Don't forget to see THE GIVER next month in a theater near you. I can't wait to hear the reviews.
      Mrs. Prisbell

  8. Received a weird comment today on the blog. Just wondering how all y'all are doing. I mean you guys. 😊
    Do I sound like I am from Texas now?
    Mrs. Prisbell
