Saturday, September 24, 2011

Does this picture inspire you to write a story? Share your ideas here.

Think of possible story lines that would include this picture.

timber rattlesnake


  1. Okay. Here we go....share your story ideas and comment on the ideas of your classmates. Let's see how creative you can all be. It's a challenge. Are you up for it?
    Mrs. Prisbell

  2. The story could be about how the snake got its scales. It would start off with the snakes having soft brightly colored skin. The skin would be the envy of all the animals. To the other animals having such nice skin was a priviledge. But the snakes were sly, cunning and very materialistic creatures who always wanted the next best thing. So when a parrot comes with it's brightly colored feathers, a snake tries to steal the feathers. But since one foolish young snake tried to steal the parrot's feathers, the snakes were cursed with rough scaly skin. Their once envious skin was now repulsive.
    Or instead of it being centered around a snake itself it could be about a person with a personality like a snake. They would be a famous criminal who would " snake" his way out of sticky situations. He would be very sly and slimy.
    But the first thing I thought of when I saw this picture was slytherin. Harry Potter has corupted my mind (:
    ~ Alanis B.

  3. The story could be about a snake who entered a garden and terrified the locals. The snake may be frightened himself, but enjoys the smell of the ripe tomatoes. He may not want to leave the garden, and the locals may be forced to stay away , until one boy gets list in the garden and a rescue team must go find him. The boy is found feeding the snake mice he found on his journey and animal control takes the snake back to the wild, where he finds another garden.

    -Andrew B.

  4. Hi Alanis and Andrew. I am glad the snake inspired you. Alanis, good job coming up with folk tale/legend type story line and great twist using the snake personality.
    Andrew, I like the way you involved a young boy with the snake almost like he is befriending the snake. Maybe the snake is his only friend. It has potential. Good job to both of you. Mrs. Prisbell

  5. The snake is staring down visitors of the reptile house with his evil glare. In his mind, he is planning an escape route for when everyone has left. He wants to be FREE!-Devony

  6. Good idea, Devony. You can tell the story from the snake's point of view. Clever. Mrs. Prisbell

  7. The story could be about a snake who is being hunted, because usually he is hunting others.... so now he is on the bottom of the food chain.

    Ryan P.

  8. Thanks for posting right away, Ryan. Interesting idea if all the characters are animals. Check the next picture. Would your story change?
    Mrs. Prisbell

  9. The snake could be the main character of the story. his family could have been taken so he has to complete tasks to get them back. Another in the snake could possible be a movie star

  10. The snake looks like it is protecting an egg. The story could be about the snake's battles to keep the egg safe.

  11. I think the story could be like a dream,so to speak, because the snake is surrounded by different colors instead of colors that blend with its skin tone. So sometimes dreams are sort of real life event taken out of context and put in a whole different three demensional universe, for example.Js(:

  12. I think you can write a story using the snake as the main character. You can make the snake a very sly ans sneaky character who attacks other small animals quietly, to make everyone else believe the animals have just disappeared.

  13. Blayne,
    Does the snake talk in your story?
    Is the snake battling other animals or humans?
    Morgan R,
    What kinds of dream sequence were you thinking?
    Will the snake get what he deserves in the end? JS
    Thanks all for commenting on this picture.
    Mrs. Prisbell

  14. I think the story could be about a human who turns into a snake and has to stay alive as a snake for one week before it can turn back into a human.
    -Jenna W.

  15. This stroy could be about a snake who keeps on trying to catch his prey. He might have a little family waiting for him to come home with some food. But, the snake keeps trying but fails. On his last try, his final try, he succeeds and brings home a soft juicy mouse to his family and continues to live a happy life, now finally understanding how to hunt and catch prey by his own.
    -Erin O.(:

  16. Jenna, I like that idea...very different.
    Erin, sounds like a good idea for a legend with a moral for folk type tale. Good idea. Mrs. P

  17. I think Alanis's and Emma's ideas are the bomb! To Alanis: WHY???!!!! You Malfoy! :)
    Anyways.... Snakes, going along with Alanis's second idea, I like how she describes someone's personality instead of the snake it self. The snake, per say, could be a metaphor. I'm not sure how a person can be slimy but I think its really good. It could also be a story about the snake getting its scales, but in a good way. This is because if you actually look at the scales of a snake, and if you've held one (I have on many occasions) you know that the scales are a really big asset. Maybe snakes originally had pink fuzzy down covering their body, they would have more or less look like puff balls! :) Then, after many years of hardship and almost coming to extinction, they were rewarded with their long slithering bodies. after years of slithering on the ground the down comes off and is replaced with a hard, scaly, and polished coating. They would then choose their colors, because they reside in green or dirty areas, they were smart and chose the color that would best enable them to hide from predators and prey. Just an idea :)

  18. I forgot to mention that the original snakes were in the shape of a ball. Whoops! Just add it in after pink down! Thnx ;)

  19. Jazmine, you certainly know a lot about snakes. Sounds like a fable starting to develop here. Good job.
    Mrs. P
