Monday, September 26, 2011

Scared? How would this picture fit into a story? Share your ideas.

Where do you think a snake like this would be found?  India?
You read one story; now create your own possibilities.
What are some possible story lines that would involve this creature?


  1. Some good story lines for this picture could be about somebody out in the wild that comes across this deathly snake and has to defend themselves without having the snake strike.Another one could be about the snake's point of view, and how it is feeling about encountering a person and how IT is going to defend itself. The story line could go either way and still make a great story in both point of views.

  2. That was Erika B by the way...sorry i forgot to say who it came was the first time I posted.

  3. This king kobra could fit into a horror story in many ways. You could be bitten on constricted or even spit on.

  4. It would in the story like godzilla would in any story. The main predator would bite there way into the fears of many and slither mockingly.
    Didn't feel like signing in :l

  5. for this picture the cobra could be endaangered and in danger of being killed or caputured.

    Ryan P

  6. hi just makin sure it works
    ~sarah n

  7. It could be about someone who is given a serum and can be snake or human and spies on events for a profit-Joey N

  8. i think you can find a snake like this probably in Africa or one of the islands

  9. i think this kind of snake could be found in india. someoen may find this snake in a closet or in a car.
    ~Courtney M.

  10. also wanted to say hi Mrs.Prisbell
    ~Courtney M.

  11. i think an interesting story would be about a man who survived a venoumous snake bite and told his story. (I'm not sure if this snake IS poisonous)
    -Erin O.(:

  12. The snake could have bitten someone and sent them into a coma. While inside the coma, the person could have an out of body experience.

  13. Umm maybe the snake could be completely harmless, but a guide to the world of the unknown,and could be the climax of the story because someone could be fearing the snake and have it pop up everywhere only in the end to solve his problems. Js(:

  14. The story would be about a new pill that turns the vemon in snakes into a kind that is completelt harmless to humans, but still be harmful to its prey. The snake in the picture would be the snake that the scientist are using to expirement on. It would be in the snake's point of veiw on the situation and how strange this all is!
    ~ Alanis B

  15. a man could be raising some snakes from eggs and when they grew, they put the owner in danger of being bit or constricted.
    ~Angela H.

  16. Did this work?
    --Mike King

  17. This cobra could be used as a threat for a story. For example, it could have its home in the middle of a farm. The main character could be trying to get rid of the snake so he can continue to make money of ofhis crops
    :Reese Hardy

  18. yea i luvv reese's idea or maybe the story line could be about the point of veiw of the snake i think it would be really cool to see what it would be like to be a<3

  19. The snake could be kind of a mystery, like, it could appear in meaningful places and times throughout the story, although you won't find out why until the ending.:)

  20. "The Dinner Party"!!!
    Or a story where a snake dreamed of being famous, and naturalists (<vocab word) realize his species is endangered. The snake may be really hard to catch, and enormous compared to his species. They snake may be known for strking and hides during the day and camouflages at night. The naturalists may catch him and one was bitten, and rushed to the emergency room. Later, studies pin the snake are finished and the snake spent 4 years in captivity and was released into the wild.

  21. Oops, forgot my name!
    -andrew b.

    P.S. Me and Joey won our meet, I came in 4th overall and 3rd for the team, also got my best time ever!!!

  22. It makes me think of a story I could write about a snake coming back to life.
    -Jenna W.

  23. Well thought out ideas from Erika, Blayne, and Allan.
    Ryan, are the humans the bad guys in your story?
    Joey, interesting but strange idea you have.
    Hi Courtney M., Kevin, Mike K., and Sarah. Can't wait to hear your story ideas.
    Erin, Angela, and Emma have similar ideas. Does the snake die?
    Alanis,snakes point of view sounds interesting.
    Morgan R.....I don't even know what to say about your interesting idea. Love to hear more.
    Emmalee and Andrew, would you consider your story from the snakes point of view too like Melanie or total danger like Reese?
    Jenna, your idea could blend with Emmalee's idea. Very interesting indeed.

    Thanks all of you for your comments. You truly have great immaginations.
    Look for Fictional Fridays coming soon.
    Mrs. Prisbell

  24. Maybe the snake is looking for prey.

  25. Probably is, Mike.What might the prey be? Human or animal? Keep thinking. Thanks. Mrs. Prisbell

  26. It could be a person turned into a king cobra and must meet a ransom of killing someone to turn back.....or as always ...true love will brake your curse.

  27. I love Emma and Angelas comments. Alanis has a good idea too.

  28. I am glad you are reading the other comments, Paisley. That's how we get ideas. Mrs. P

  29. Melanie and Emmalee stole my ideas!!!!!! Argh! OK, enough of self wallowing, to add on to their idea's, I think we should do the point of view of a snake right before it strikes out to kill it's prey or person. Then, we could turn the tables and make it the point of view from a mongoose because mongoose, as we all know, eat snakes. We could explain the terror of the snake or the blood-thirstiness of the mongoose. In addition, maybe two snakes are fighting over territory; I'm not sure if snakes do that, but if they do wouldn't that be cool? We could explain how they strike out at each other and and how they swiftly glide over the grass. Not a huge snake fan, but I know for a fact King Cobras like the one in the picture live in India. We actually "worship" snakes. I'd like to explain that more in detail in class if possible so as not to give people the wrong idea. Anyways, Blayne, why do all your story ideas have something to do with death???? Just saying. :)

  30. Thanks, Jazmine.Yes, we definitely want to know more about worshiping snakes. Tell us tomorrow.

    Hello to Calvin. Glad you were able to post a comment. Feel free to share your snake story ideas.
    Mrs. P

  31. The snake could be friendly but no one take a chance to know the snakes true colors. The other animals just think the snake wants to kill them. So the snake wanders alone in the wild.

  32. So, Gabby, is this a fable too with the animals talking and expressing feelings? Mrs. P

  33. Hello Mrs. Prisbell it is Jimmy from period 8/9! It is about time I got on because i have been having problems with my computer! I finally got it now. So anyways I thought the snake could be lost on another planet simmilar to earth. It could be told from the snakes view of him trying to get back to Earth. Maybe astronauts could land there and he could slither on board and get back home.

  34. Hi James. I like your idea that puts the snake on another planet. Very interesting. Glad you could post a comment.
    Look for more prompts soon.
    Mrs. P

  35. Yes. It can be from the snakes point of view...
    I do not remember writing that at all!

    The snake could be the king of the snakes and he feels like conquering the world.


  36. Can a snake conquer the world, Andrew?

    Mrs. Prisbell
