Friday, September 30, 2011

Welcome to Fictional Fridays.

Let's create some interesting characters.  Choose one or all of the images and "create a character" just like we did in class.  Continue with what others have written or add your own new detail to the personality of the person in the picture.  Note: Remember the questions...What is his/her name and age? Where does he/she live? Describe his/her family and friends. What does he/she do for fun? What does he/she value most etc.....Let's be creative but realistic.

  Short Hairstyles for Round Faces 2011

Violet by =leelloor on deviantART
 Have fun.                                                                         


  1. I think that the first character could be a guy who loves to go to work and might have just got a promotion (he looks happy). His name could be Richard Fernandez and 32 years old. He looks like he would live in America, but used to live in Mexico. He looks like an only child who loves his parents, but lives with his wife and two children. He might like to read for fun and loves and tresures his wedding ring. The second person looks like she is extremly depressed. Her daughter might have commited suicide, so she is extremly depressed. Her name could be Hana Aoki age 24 and lives in japan. Hana would probably have a mother, father, a husband and one other child besides the girl who died, a son. She likes to sleep for fun and values her daughters ashes the most. The third people would be named (from left to right) Abdi Ayim age 7 and Ohin Ayim age 6. they both have no relatives besides each other and live in Africa. They love to have races with each other and treasure everything they have: little clothing, food and the oxygen they breathe in every day. The last person could be Amy Smith age 14 and lives in New Jersey. She lives with her parents and two brothers. She enjoys modeling and preforming songs and plays in front of others. Amy is not afriad to be different either. Her brothers are twins that both have autism and all what she does is just to put a smile on their faces. She tresures her brothers the most because Amy has the best times of her life with them. I'm sorry, this is really long...
    -Erin O.(:

  2. The first guy looks like he is 26 and lives with just his two kids. They are 4 and 6. He is no longer married and he is laughing at something his children did. His name is Josh. The second picture is of a girl that models for the cover of hair styling books. Her name is Kelly and is 36. The third picture displays two children that look as though they are psing for a picture on their first day of school. They look like twins and are aged 6. I wuld have to agree with Erin that they live in Africa. The fourth picture is of a girl named Kelsy. I also agree that she loves to model and is in the middle of a photo shoot in this picture. It looks like the time of year is fall and she is around 14 years old.

    -Jenna W.

  3. Sorry I ment posing and at the bottom 12
    -Jenna W.

  4. The first guy name is Carlos and looks like he is at a restrant with friends laughing at a joke he seems to be 25.the next girl looks like a fashion designer looking for an idea and is like 25 too. The little boys seem to be fooling around and look like 7. The last girl looks like her name would be Sarah and seems to have alot on her mind seems like 15.

  5. Thanks Erin O, Jenna, and Haley for your creative comments. I have to admit I do love how Erin whent into so much unbelievable detail on these pictures. You all have great ideas.
    Mrs. Prisbell

  6. im kind of stumped on these characters none of them really inspire my writing but if i had to i would say they...
    1.he is 22 and partys and lives at home with his parents
    2.she is moving from california to new jersey
    3.i really dont know
    4.she is lost and depressed in high school

  7. i think the first character was just told a very funny joke and started to laugh. i also think the last character was just told something sad or depressing and someone wanted to take a picture of her and she kinda showed her dissapointment.
    ~Courtney M. :)

  8. The last character looks like a very somber, serious american teen-Joey Novak

  9. Alright so the first guy actually looks like my soon-to-be cousin Rob! He could be based on Rob (so that is his name) and he can be 26 years old and have a girlfriend named Marissa. He can just have proposed to her and is now ingaged to her. He doesn't have any kids yet but will. He can be an Italian heritage and live here in America. The second picture looks like it could be Mike Lee's mom who passed away in the police car crash. The third picture could be African American orphan twins named Tim and Tony-J. Tim can be the boy with no hair who has cancer causing him to have no hair. They both can find a family and go to America rather than live poorly in Africa. The last picture can be a Irish girl who lives in Ireland. She probably gets bullied in school and oftenly is depressed and always has a lot on her mind.

  10. The last girl is going through a tough time. Her parents just got recently divorced and had to move with her Mom to a whole new state. She misses her Dad and brother and it's hard for her to fit in. She's trying to but it's like no one wants her there. Then things start to turn around when she meets a friend when audtioning for the school play. Then from there it starts to go uphill. This story can give us all strength to keep moving forward and to never give up like she did.~Brenna L.

  11. Paisley, Courtney M, Joey N, Jimmy, and Brenna,
    Your creative ideas are flowing. Sorry, Paisley, that you didn't get inspired by these people. Jimmy made me laugh when he joined the first girl to our period 8 class character, Mike Lee (AKA Mike Lie Oo ?? ) I forgot his Japanese last name. Help, Period 8 students!
    Mrs. Prisbell

  12. It was Mike Lie Oota (the rice field).

  13. the last girl-
    she is 15 years old and her name is Jamie Rodriguez. She is cuban and irish. She moves from chicago to china and has to go through moving across the world, her dad dying ( the only person she has left in her family) from a heart attack, and on top of all that, she gets bullied by the other kids in school. She ends up dropping out of high school and going on trips around europe with her awful foster parents. She thinks her life cant get any worse, but while in France, she meets a little girl around the age of 5 that inspires her to find the good things in life rather than focus on the negitive.
    ~Angela H.

  14. the last picture in the segment looks like the girl could be a movie star or actress

  15. Thanks Jimmy.Oota!
    Angela has a great idea. This could be a book.
    I agree, Blayne.
    Mrs. P

  16. I think that the two boys are orphans who live in a place like Kenya or Tanzania. According to my mom it's really nice there (she used to live there), but in this particular area it's more like a village with lower class people who have a hard time getting an education. My mom had to walk 2 miles every day to get to school, so maybe these kids could live far away from school as well. For some reason Africa always remind my of pain and suffering (no offense African American people, that's just how they're portrayed!) so maybe these two boys named Asita (sun god) and Adongo (second twin born). Maybe their father left them and their mother is dying with an illness the boys don't know about. It's their first day of school and they find pleasure in finally being surrounded by people after so much time in seclusion. They look really innocent so it could also explain how, if they finally learn about the mother's illness, they mature and take care of themselves and the mother. In the end, the moral could be: everyone grows up sometime, other's faster than most. This is because the mother dies and the boys now have to go to an orphanage; or they could go search for the father if the mother dies in a few years and not in the beginning. i think this is the most inspirational picture because it will show how fortunate we are to be an American and have people to care for us and love us. Even though these kinds of stories make me want to cry (in a good way):)

  17. Another comment, I forgot about the other pictures!!! :)
    I don't know why so many people say that the last girl is depressed. She looks almost impassive, or expressionless. This means that she is guarded and is good at hiding her emotions. This could also mean that she is a good liar. Which also means.... dun dun duh she is hiding a huge secret. Maybe she just found out that her parents lied to her and that they aren't really the all American family she thought they were. Maybe her parents late night outings and dinners were really secret missions and the parents own a spy agency in which they are the bad guys instead of the good guys. Now she had to choose between siding with her parents or going to the police about her parents. I think this overwhelming piece of information has her stressed out so she's feigning a smile on the outside, but she actually has some inner turmoil. she could also be in shock about the whole affair and right now she wants to let go, so she and her friends decide to go to the park and hang out.

  18. whoops, wow I'm so out of it today. The girl should have a name obviously. Maybe her name in Angelina or Grace. I think she looks more like a Grace though.

  19. Thanks Jazmine. I totally missed these comments of yours. You have a great imagination. Your ideas fit perfectly with the faces.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  20. Well, I wasn't in school for this :/

    You want me to tell you about the people and create characters? That will be lying about them! I don't like lying about people.


  21. Perfect, Andrew! I love your comment as per Charly Gordon.

    Mrs. Prisbell
