Monday, October 3, 2011

Are you ready for Mysterious Monday?

Sherlock Holmes Mystery
Let's make some predictions. 
Gather your evidence and share your predictions here. 
Which clues do you think are false?
We will continue our reading tomorrow.


  1. So I guess I will eb the first to comment for Monday! Anyways i think that the stepfather ordered the Gypsies (or his Cheetah or Baboon) to kill the daughter. He is probably greedy and wants to save the money to keep smoking his pipe everyday from the Gypsies. The metallic whistle the girl hears is probably the Gypsies attack call.

  2. i think the father lied about not hearing the scream from his daughter and that he commited the crime

  3. What I want to know is why the door was un locked and who else has a key to the door. It is assumed that they want to keep the animals out, but how can animals open doors??????? I think that they are hiding something ,meaning the girls .also how did she die, she wasn't killed on the spot she did not have any wounds or shots or anything . It had to be ingested . So as for who I think did it remains up in the air,because the gypies are right out side her window and could have done something with that, but the dad isnt lookin too slick for the sister was immune to his cigar smoke bit not this time, he also went to bed earlier than usual . That might come in to play later on.js

  4. terrific Tuesday, terrible Tuesday , or tiger Tuesday

  5. Jimmy, Blayne, and Morgan R....I am glad you are thinking. Morgan made me laugh with the animals opening doors. Ha.
    What's the matter, Blayne and Calvin? You don't like Time-travel Tuesdays? You will have to wait and see.
    Mrs. P

    -Jason Groom

  7. Ha! Thanks Jason for your comment. Here comes Tuesday. Check above.
    Mrs. P

  8. I definitely think it was a stick or a band that could be slipped through and release poison. What/Who else could realistically get in there and cause death without evidence? And what else is speckled?-Joey Novak

  9. You will be so surprised tomorrow, Joey.
    Mrs. P

  10. i don't think the sister killed her sister like some people do. i think dr.roylott killed his daughter just to get the other money he would make if one of them died.
    ~Courtney m.

  11. I can see you are really thinking, Courtney. I can't say yes or no but you will find out today.
    Mrs. P

  12. I really liked the mystery story. I would love to read another one. They are like a big puzzle that you have to piece together in your mind.
    -Jenna W.

  13. I would agree with Jenna, I loved the Sherlock Holmes story. It was so suspensful and suprising at the end!

  14. Thanks for your comments, Jenna and Erin. You girls may want to read more of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle on your own too.
    Mrs. Prisbell

  15. Noooooooooooooooooooo! I missed this one too! well I'll just post then. Oh yea- I don't know why my iPod auto corrected me and made so many I'd in no.

    Anyway, I truly thought it was that cheetah/leapord thing. I thought the milk was to make it come and the leash was to walk it out of the room.

  16. Okay, Andrew.

    Mrs. Prsibell
