Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Are you ready? It's Time Travel Tuesday. Let's imagine....

time machine wormhole
time machine wormhole

Let's take the 1860's idea of the 'Time Machine'  presented by the author
H.G.Wells and bring it into our time. 
Where will you be 10 years from now?  What are your plans for the future? 
What were you doing 5 years prior to that time to get you there? 
Describe your future life as you see it in the year 2021. 


  1. Awesome! I will be the first for Tuesday as well! Time Travel Tuesdays are now my favorite! I am planning to go to college to become a music teacher and a composer. I am getting there by learning as many instruments as possible now. I already have the clarinet, piano/keyboards, and recorder down. Next I am now learning guitar and now keeping in touch with the famous Herman Li of DragonForce to learn.

  2. I am planing to be a vet. Right now, I am tring to become involved in as much surrounding animals as possable to broaden my education.
    -Jenna W.

  3. In 10 years I imagine myself as a dance teacher at my own studio. I would be able to create new dancer and allow them to express themselves through the art of dance. To prepare I would go to college to learn how to run a business as such. I will also work on my dance career to be sure I have all the experience for the future. Anyway I can imagine life in 2021 to be different not so much as flying cars but maybe cars that drive themselves after yo plug in a destination or other new technology to help better our lives

  4. Jimmy, Jenna, and Gabby, I love your comments and plans for 2021. You are all on the right track. I am impressed but not surprised at all :)

    Mrs. P

  5. 10 years from now i see myself in college studying to become a ila or social studies teacher. i would really like to become an ila teacher though. 5 years prior to that i was just starting my second year of college still studying my hardest. i see myself graduating college and working at a elementary school or middle school working as a ila teacher or social studies teacher.
    ~Courtney m.

  6. Good luck, Courtney. I can see you have been thinking about this. Make it happen. :)
    Mrs. Prisbell

  7. in 20 years I would like to be a marine biologist
    *I would still like tiger Tuesday though :)*
    -Jason Groom

  8. in about 10 years from now I see my self in college studying to become a mechanical engineer fo an off road compay such as honda or suzuki.

  9. i can myself in college studying to be a marine bioligist or curing diabetes(: ~Brenna L.

  10. Jason, I want to hear your idea for Tiger Tuesday.
    Who wants to be the mechanical engineer for Honda? No name.
    Brenna, good luck with your future plans. I definitely can see you finding a cure for diabetes. Go for it. Thanks for posting a comment all.
    Mrs. Prisbell

  11. In 10 years I see myself in a medical college studying to be a doctor of some kind. I want to be an internal medicine doctor and go to either Harvard (which is the best college for this study), John Hopkins (tied for first with Harvard), or Columbia (ninth best college for this field). Before this I will probably try to become an intern at a hospital or do my residency. This will ensure that I know what I'm getting myself into and understand what it takes to become a doctor. The reason I want to be a doctor is because it is one of the most secure jobs you can obtain- everyone needs a doctor- and the work days are typically flexible depending on the type of doctor you become. In the years prior to achieving this goal I will want to get a medical doctorate to prove that I am qualified to be a doctor. My dad always says to go above and beyond and shoot for the stars, then you can at least get to the Empire State Building; so my ideas may seem a little far fetched, but at least, hopefully, I'll accomplish 85-90% of it :)

  12. Mine is the 1 with honda
    Ryan parker

  13. Jazmine, I don't think your idea is far fetched at all. You have it well planned out and I like the way you even researched which colleges/universities would work best for you. I wish you much success in this plan.

    Thanks, Ryan, for clarifying who wrote about becoming a mechanical engineer for Honda or Suzuki. Sounds very possible.
    Mrs. Prisbell

  14. I am planning to become either a teacher or get the highest degree in architecture and design. I would like to go to Rutgers or stocken college/university.I want to have a hands-on job that is different everyday where I get to design things , not cloths but like furnature and buildings . I really live to watch hg tv to get ideas

  15. In ten years I see myself graduating from college. I plan to become a marine biologist, and if that fails, I would like to work for the F.B.I. in the Behavioral Analysis Unit.

  16. Morgan, good choices. BTW I also love HGTV.
    Emma, two such different choices but both fantastic. You have time to decide.You might need to major in criminal justice to go the FBI route.
    Thanks both of you for your comments.
    Mrs. P

  17. hmmm, ten years....

    I see myself in a decent college for something computer related (graphic designer or anything else interesting). I plan to go on a scholarship for basketball :). In 40 years i see myself as a self made millionare ;), and i have it all planned out.

    should i tell you how? Nah, not here, ask me in class >=)

  18. oh yea, i watch hgtv all the time as well, and morgan, my uncle is an architect (most likely spelt it wrong =/ ), he says a lot of geomatry is used, i suggest you study hard this year =)

    TIP: instead of clicking anonymous (spelt that wrong too) click name/url

    type your name, ignore url

    click continue =)

  19. In ten years, I hope to become a zoologist (someone who studies animals). I absolutley love animals so I'm hoping that I will have 4 dogs, 2 cats, 1 hamster, and many more pets to study with and about! In 5 years, I will probably be planning college, travelling everywhere and examining place by place trying to find the right college for me.

  20. oh, and i forgot to mention, the thing paisley said yesterday: to click sign in and press add a blog (if your not following already) and type in grade8ila.blogspot.com, press next and click the blog post that you want to comment in works!! I was trying forever to get this to post my comment above.. and also the name/url thing works! Just type in your name, not the url.

  21. Thank you Andrew and Erin for your comments and your tips. I am learning this site with you all.

    Mrs. Prisbell
    P.S. @ Morgan Andrew is right about geometry.

    @ Andrew I will ask about your plan. Be ready to tell us all about it.

  22. My idea for tiger Tuesday is a village filled with tigers who fight lions :P

  23. in ten years, i hope to be serving my country in the united states military. i will go to college for 4 years and hopefully the war will be over by then .

  24. In 10 years from now (2021) I hope to be in the MLB playing for the Yankees. But of cource we all know that is nearly impossible so a more realsitic dream of mine is to be on ESPN and be an MLB analyst.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. I see my self (in 10 years) working in the coast guard and applying at the coast guard academy, for a navel architecture degree, I also myself as a eagle scout and working somewhere in new england. In 5 years, I'll be 18 so I can see my self talking to coast guard and navy recruiters, also me and my dad plan to create a very off-road capable jeep and tow it out to Moab, Utah when I am in High school, so we could be doing that, I would just be out of high school, so I would be looking for a job, maybe with the ocean county mosquito commission, or maybe in marine construction, e.g. docks, bulkheads, boat ramps-Joey Novak

  27. Thank you Blayne, Jason G, Mike K, and Joey N for your comments. You have some interesting ideas for your futures.

    Mrs. Prisbell
