Friday, October 7, 2011

Welcome to Fictional Friday!

 We are not done with snakes yet, but take a look at this wonderful animal and think about story lines. 

What was your favorite animal story ever?  Let's talk about reading.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Woohoo I'm the first to comment!! I love this picture! You can really tell how sly and cunning the fox is. If you close enough then you can tell that the fox is smiling. This could be a speculative like, what does the fox see? Maybe he just spotted a rabbit and his lips curled into a malicious grin as he stalked up to it. Or, if we were talking about someone's personality we could say that they are sly and cunning like fox's personality. There could be a villain who is cunning , ruthless, and persuasive and he will do everything in his power to achieve his goal. In addition, we could also opt for a folktale and explain how the fox became red. Maybe all foxes started out white, like the arctic fox. Then, one day, a fox ate a sacred animal and as punishment the blood stained his fur permanently. Now, they are all cursed with no means of camouflage in the winter.

  3. 2nd!!!! This is my favorite day of the week now yay!!!!!!! This reminds me of a story I almost wrote once it was two villages; one with regular foxes, the other with snow foxes. The two villages hated each other. They were at war. But in the end after the snow foxes spread disease to the regular foxes, the regular foxes surrendered. The Snow foxes were known as the Menta Tribe, as the regular foxes were the Obtucha Tribe. Both leaders were cunning. But only one survived.

  4. This reminds me of a story i read it want about animals but peole in the irish mafia who were like foxes they protected their teritory and in the process of that they get a bad rap for it.

    Ryan Parker

  5. I have seen my fair share of foxes and coyotes in real life without their knowledge, they constantly slink around taking in everything, like no matter what they are doing they are conspiring-Joey Novak

  6. Jazmine, I love your ideas. The fox as a metaphor for a villian is fantastic and the folk tale idea is clever too.

    Jason, I am glad you like Fictional Friday. You have some very creative ideas for stories. I can't wait to read your work.

    Ryan, you have shared a similar idea as Jazmine with the villians acting like "foxes."

    Joey N, please share your real life experiences with the class next week. I am sure we will be amazed.

    Thanks all for being the first to comment on the new Fictional Friday.
    Mrs. Prisbell

  7. This could be also a mystery that takes place in the future.. there is only one red fox left in the wild, and sherlock holmes' great grandson tries to find out how and when they starting becoming less and less of these fox.
    -Erin O.

  8. Erin,
    I love the way you combined story ideas. Nice job.
    Mrs. Prisbell

  9. It looks like the fox is smiling and is happy. Maybe a story coould be about a fox who got seperated from his family and his journey trying to find them again. This picture could be of him turning around the tree and seeing his family sitting there! :)
    -Jenna W.

  10. Another good idea, Jenna. Thanks. Mrs. P

  11. To all,
    Think about a favorite animal story/book that you have read. Was the animal an integral part of the plot/conflict? Please share. Mrs. P

  12. this reminds me of when i read a dogs life. the dog was a big part of the story and plot. the dog was the main part of the story.
    ~Courtney M.

  13. This fox looks as if very sly and has plenty of exprssionon on his is face to tell about his past, and where he comes from. ~Erika B.

  14. Erika, you will find out more information about the fox in tomorrow's reading.

    Courtney M., thanks for commenting and bringing a great dog story to mind.

    Mrs. P

  15. Ah I see what your getting at with the fox Mrs. Prisbell! It is for the other story we will probably read tomorrow in class following Old Ben. I think the fox could be a hero rather than a villian like how other people have said. Maybe wolves and other stonger animals than the fox could be overthrowing his territory and he fights back to save friends he could make (I would make his friends Old Ben from the other story and a Mouse to show the fox doesnt kill prey unless nessessary). My favorite animal story was from a few years ago or something like that. It was when the lady in Conneticut (or a New England regional state) got her face litterally torn off by a monkey. I know its grusome but I think it is interesting.

  16. The fox could be looking for food in the forest getting ready for hibernation

  17. Okay, don't laugh :P but this picture reminds me of the fox from the Narnia movie. maybe there's more to the fox than someone might think... lol

  18. Narnia? Why not, Emmalee?

    Blayne, hibernation will be coming soon for most animals.Good call.

    Jimmy, what a horrible story! Let us know the name tomorrow. You are right about the reference to tomorrow's story. I think you will be surprised at the part the fox plays in the story.

    Thanks for commenting.
    Mrs. Prisbell

  19. Umm let's see here, I think the fox is like a rescue fox or like a super fox like Bolt, but its only an illusion by its master. So maybe yhe fox is on a tv show where he is invinsible and can fly and stuff and thinks he really can but can't. So he enters the real world and beta into fights with real foxs and eventually finds allies to beat the bad docs.

  20. This story could be a base line for a explainitory essay that describes a foxes' life and how it survives... Like a report.
    Reese H.

  21. Ok this is gonna sound really nerdy but this picture i used to read when i was REALLY little about a boy who lost his mitten and then found it with a fox its a really weird story and i dont remember it to well but itwas really cute lol..... but i feel like foxs and wolfs are always getting a bad rep. so i guess the fox doesnt have to be a bad character-*Melanie*

  22. I agree, Melanie. The fox doesn't have to be a bad character at all.

    Reese, that's an interesting idea about an explanatory essay. Maybe we should start those next :)

    Real foxes and fake foxes, Morgan? You will have to explain the concept more and tell us about Bolt tomorrow.
    Mrs. P

  23. I could have sworn i posted here :/
    I agree with Melanie, if anyone has read the three little pigs with the wolfs point of view, you would know he only wanted some sugar... And was a little sick.

    The fox can be a fox who was born during the harvest so his fur is blood red like the moon while the other foxes have white fur. It's rudolph all over again!


  24. Thanks Andrew. It counts.

    Mrs. Prisbell
