Thursday, September 8, 2011

September--Characterization and Descriptive Writing

Welcome students.

This is the spot where we can talk about reading and writing.  Post your comments, questions, recommendations, story ideas, and overall thoughts about what you are reading and writing.  Our first marking period will be devoted to interesting characters and descriptive writing that appeals to the senses and uses figurative language for impact.
Let's talk about reading and writing here and comment on each others' posts.    I can't wait to hear about all your characters and story ideas.  Enjoy the blogging experience.

Mrs. Prisbell


  1. I think that a good story idea would be to choose any book and change the story in any way. For example, they could add a new character, or change the way a character died, or even resurrect a dead character. Just let the imagination roam wild. Then, we could compare and contract the new story to the original story.

  2. Thanks Jordan and Jazmine for being the first to post. I love that we can talk about books and writing here. Jazmine's idea sounds interesting. Let's talk about the types of free reading books we have and which ones would work best for story ideas. We can add our own twist to an already good book. Let's all talk on Monday. Mrs. P

  3. Having trouble getting this to work. My fictional book is Hunger Games.

  4. Thank you for posting, Reese. We have been having some trouble with the site. Hopefully we will solve this problem tomorrow in class.

  5. I couldnt get the thing 2 work.

  6. Checking to see if I'm working on here.

  7. Thanks Nick and MJ for posting. Now let's talk about books. Mrs. P

  8. I have a story idea about where mirrors are actually showing a different dimension and that you can go through the portal at a certain time and date. P.S Paul is my middle name :D

  9. Please sign your name when your post name is not clear so you get credit for a comment. I am guessing MJ fan is Kevin and PaulieBee with the great mirror idea for a story is Allan. Sounds great.
    Mrs. P

  10. Hey! I really like Jazmine's idea; it sounds like a good way to be creative, and it's educational :)

  11. I agree, Emmalee. Jazmine has a unique idea for story writing. We will have to try it out. Thanks for commenting on Jazmine's idea.

  12. I think a story should be about a person who dies and comes back to life, but with no memory and they have to search throughout the world to find bits and pieces of their memory, almost like a puzzle piece.

  13. What a great idea, Emma. You have a wonderful imagination. You will have time to develop this idea soon.

  14. a good story would have to involve a time machine, a mystery, a murder, and a dragon, not neccicarily in that order

  15. You made me laugh, Blayne. I do think it would be an interesting story. I vote for the time machine.
    I assume cteta is Caitlyn. Yes, it worked, Caitlyn. Don't forget to sign your name.
    Mrs. P :)

  16. ok this would be my 3rd time typing this because my cpomputer kepps spazzing out and earsing what i type. but anyway. i was saying thaat i lved all these ideas i was thinking that we could yake Emmas and Jazimens ideas and we could get in little groups in the class and make skits about them. we could use props and things like that to show and explain what we are trying to say or act out. mrs.Prisbell could grade us as a group or she could grade us as individuals as we do our skits or plays when we present our ideas to the class. just trowing my idea out their.

    p.s if this dosnt work i coppied it so all i have to do is paste it next time.... now watch its gunna work;)Ha,

  17. Hey I have trouble getting Little Men the book but I have it ob my phone and can do my hw. Idk if the library at acho is open so would that be ok and I can get it ASAP??

  18. Thanks, Jordan. I like your group idea. We will have to try it out. Thanks for posting.

    Morgan, don't worry. I answered you in a private email. We will take care of it tomorrow. Thanks for posting.

    Mrs. P

  19. Wow some sort of computer program actually working-Joey

  20. I am glad you were able to comment, Joey.

  21. i just sat here for about 10min reading peoples posts lol(: i think i like blayne's idea best(;

  22. Hey it's hayley did it worK:)Hey it's hayley di

  23. I think we should do like table groups and every Friday do some ila activity like plays, games, writing activites, Poems, etc.......

  24. I agree, Amy. Glad you took the time to read and comment. I do have some plans for our Fridays, Hayley. Thanks for your comment. I like your ideas.
    Mrs. P

  25. I really enjoyed the description of pictures last Friday. ;)It makes you open your mind and lets you write down anything on the spot. This should be done more often, like one day just give us a word, and we should write a story centered around the word in, like, 20 min. For example: murder. Does someone commit a crime, is the person wrongly accused, maybe it wasn't murder, just suicide?? This will help us during timed writing pieces for the NJASK. My favorite pictures (can't choose one!) would either be Shanghai, China; Milan, Italy; or the France one. Anything can happen in the city, I loved how people hardly glanced at the cathedral and raced for the mall, and there are so many story ideas you can create with a castle, think of all the Disney movies! :)

  26. just checking to see if this works...

  27. Well I just read Tom Sawyer, I enjoyed it alot. Writing wise, I finished my project and the quarterlies :).

    I am determined to win the extra credit :)


  28. Next month Tag Team will appear, Andrew.

    Thanks for posting, Jazmine.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  29. Honestly, I love free reading more than I thought I would. It was just so amazing. I loved my book also, Dark Secrets. It actually has two stories in the book; different characters, different motivations, but the same setting in each story. The first story is about a girl named Megan who visits her Grandma in a small town named Wisteria and meets her cousin, Matt (who is'nt blood-related since Megan was adopted.) (I also did my project on this story). They instantly fall in love. After days of staying there, Megan notices strange things going on in the house: ghostly appiritions, creepy coinidences, and evil people in the town. She soon discovers that she is the recarnation of her grandma's sister, Avril. After fighting evil and learning about what killed her, she manages to stay alive and marries Matt, who is the recarnation of Avril's husband. The second story is about a girl lauren who re visits the place where her mother died, Wisteria, at her aunt's house. She always wondered if her mother's death was an accident or a murder, since she unexpedtatly drowned in a lake. Lauren immediatly thinks her cousin, Nora is the killer, and tells the police. But she was wrong. While uncovering many mysteries, Lauren gets Nora to speak to her and tell her the truth. Nora was innocent and the killer was Marcie, Lauren's other cousin who was "best friends" with her. This book was really interesting and I would recommend it to anyone(:

  30. Thanks for the review, Erin O., and you did a really nice job on your project.

    I am glad you went back to post more.

    Mrs. Prisbell
