Sunday, September 18, 2011

Let's talk about writing....and Fridays.

Thank you, everyone, for following and commenting on our new blog.  There were so many interesting ideas for writing from our followers.   We have a lot to talk about now. For my next post, I'd like you to think about last week's travel images.  Which was your favorite?  Which one would make the best story?  Hopefully, characters and story ideas were going around in your head as you viewed the SmartBoard.  Please share by commenting below.  Let's see which picture wins as far as best story starter. 
You can look forward to this Friday for more extended free reading time and an inspiring writer's workshop based on your ideas.
Can't wait to hear your comments.
 Mrs. Prisbell


  1. Now that we know you are in, Jenna, I look forward to your real comment. Mrs. P

  2. I really enjoyed the description of pictures last Friday. ;)It makes you open your mind and lets you write down anything on the spot. This should be done more often, like one day just give us a word, and we should write a story centered around the word in, like, 20 min. For example: murder. Does someone commit a crime, is the person wrongly accused, maybe it wasn't murder, just suicide?? This will help us during timed writing pieces for the NJASK. My favorite pictures (can't choose one!) would either be Shanghai, China; Milan, Italy; or the France one. Anything can happen in the city, I loved how people hardly glanced at the cathedral and raced for the mall, and there are so many story ideas you can create with a castle, think of all the Disney movies! :)

  3. I really liked the picture of the alps. I would love to write a descriptive writing peice on that picture..(: I can also not wait until friday! My book has gotten so fantastic.. if anyone wants to check it out, its called "Dark Secrets 1" by Elizabeth Chandler. I'm looking forward to getting the second novel too.

  4. I liked the Alps. I was so pretty and neat with the rooftops. I also liked the skyline, how there were puffs of clouds everywhere. It looked like those perfect movie images.

  5. I agree with Emma, the skyline was gorgeous! I also like this picture of the alps in switzerland:

    I think I would probably write about this picture if I had to pick one.. Mrs. Prisbell, is it possible if I can change the picture I brought in to this one?

  6. i also agree with emma, i think the alpes would be a nice place to relax and read draw write a story. the veiw was what made it a story.

  7. Thanks Jazmine, Erin, Erin and crazy ID for commenting. I have been having trouble posting myself for some reason. I am really glad the Alps made such an impression. Let's revisit that picture and see if we can find more on Friday. Yes, Erin, of course you can change your picture. No problem. Mrs. Prisbell

  8. PS
    I changed one of the settings so followers can post as anonymous. It seems to work. Everyone who can not seem to get a comment to post can try choosing anonymous in the drop down menu below. Good luck. Mrs. Prisbell

  9. Feel free to comment on the new pictures above.
    Mrs. Prisbell

  10. Erin, your book siunds really good. I am going to read it after I finish the one I am on now. It is called the five people you meet in heaven by Mitch Albom.
    -Jenna W

  11. I read that book too, Jenna. I loved it. I think there's a movie too. Mrs. Prisbell

  12. It is a really good book and it makes you want to keep reading on :)
    -Jenna W.

  13. There were so many surprises too, Jenna. Mrs. Prisbell

  14. The picture Erin put up is really nice. The view is so serene and calm, and it almost seems unreal.

  15. Emma,
    Did you copy and paste her link? I agree. Serene is a great word to describe the scene.
    Mrs. Prisbell

  16. I just wanted to say in class the whole theme day thing sounds really fun!
    Also I wanted to add time warp Wednesday's
    Monster Monday's - write about ghosts and monsters (mainly themed for October)

  17. Good ideas, Paisley. I will add them to the list. Mrs. Prisbell

  18. Trying to remember the pics to win the extra credit, hehehe.
    Well I liked the Mulan one ( I think thats it's name) the shopping center of the world. the story I started in the computer lab was about two girls who were heading to the mall. Later in the story one girl gets lost and doesnt realize the tourist bus is leaving.


  19. Did you mean Milan, Italy, Andrew?

    Let's see what the count is now for posts.

    Mrs. Prisbell
