Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Take a ride through the Alps. Think about characters. Who is in the lift?

Verbier, Valais, Four Valleys Region, Switzerland Photographic Print


  1. In the lift there could be two people who are on the run. While they are on the lift they could be disgussing were they are to turn next and how they can start over. Maybe they could be criminals wanting a new start like in the story we read yesterday, or maybe they are wanted by some secret corperation.
    ~ Alanis B.

  2. I like alanis' idea.. it could also be a criminal trying to escape from the public and disguise himself (like the story).
    -Erin O.

  3. I like alanis's idea about the people on the run but,maybe they work for the CIA and are retracing a criminals footsteps. Or it could be more like a Bonnie and Klyde act taken place in the present.

  4. Thanks Alanis, Erin O. and Morgan R. for your comments. It is very interesting that you all are thinking along the lines of criminals after our O. Henry short story. I am glad it inspired you all. Mrs. Prisbell

  5. this relaxing image takes you away out of civilization and back to nature.
    paisley b

  6. the person in the ski lift could be an international assasin going to finish a "job" or it could just be a skier with a dark secret

  7. Maybe the people in the cart are criminals trying to get away but the cart brakes down so they have to find a way to get out and up the mountain quick!
    - Jenna W

  8. I can really relate to this setting because in my novel, many of the secret operations take place in the alps. If you look there is another ski lift, maybe this is a popular resort, but something disastrous is happening behind the scenes, such as a large scale robbery of the wealthy skiers-Joey Novak

  9. I think the people on the ski lift are excited vacationers that cannot wait to go skiing.-Devony

  10. Paisley is right about nature. Blayne and Jenna have some interesting ideas about criminals escaping and being followed, and Joey is thinking robbery. Those call for a lot of action packed adventure. Devony is more like me with vacationing skiers enjoying nature. Ha.
    Mrs. Prisbell

  11. Yeah I think the people are vactioners going to ski too

  12. Thanks for posting a comment, Hayley. Mrs. Prisbell

  13. I like Alanis's idea. Because there are no shadows in the lift, you can assume that the criminals are crouching down so they aren't seen. But what about the red lift in the back round? So many things could happen. Maybe the criminals planned this out so that when the red lift passes by, they ambush it and shoot with guns, perhaps killing a nemesis or someone famous. Maybe the people are assassins.

  14. Well, maybe they r just regular people on a skii trip... not to sound uncreative but maybe since every1 was talking about assasins, something can go wrong and can be potentially dangerous... kinda like an assasin... just as long as it stays interesting-Melanieeee<3

  15. Wow. I didn't expect the assasin idea but it keeps coming up. Thanks Emma and Melanie.
    Mrs. Prisbell

  16. I agree with Melanie. You guys are so violent!!!! ;) It could be a ski trip where somehow the people are ambushed with no way of contact to the outside world. maybe an avalanche starts and people need help to get to a safe place. I know it sounds lame but most prompts for NJASK are REALLY lame, right? Maybe the avalanche was caused by villains who want to kill someone, but they either get the wrong person or die in the avalanche. I don't know why someone has to die but that's the vibe people are giving me. Maybe it's a skiing contest, whoever performs the most stunts or completes the trail the fastest can move on to the Olympics; sort of like a make it or break it. This way NO ONE DIES!!!!!

  17. Finally, Jazmine, an idea when no one dies. You had me worried there for a minute. I like the Olympic trial idea. Avalanche and adventure/survival story is not bad either.
    Mrs. P

  18. Hmm where to go with this for my extra credit.. I Will out post everyone!
    Well today I saw The Day After Tommorow, haven't seen it in years. The story could be about two people planning a ski trip when things go terribly wrong. Like Jazmine said, avalanches could take place as well as a nasty blizzard. Things can get so bad that a vortex of cold air can start forming and look like the eye of a hurricane. When the eye passes over anything, it permafrosts it, including people causing a new ice age. Survivors must head to Mexico or find heat to survive such a storm like in the movie. Back on topic, the skiers could be trapped while this storm occurs.

    Or it can be like Mr.P's magic marker story

  19. You are really thinking. I have not heard the Magic Marker story.

    Mrs. Prisbell
