Thursday, January 19, 2012

Time to Think Thursday

The new marking period is almost here.  I know we will be switching gears to persuasive writing soon, but I wanted to give you all another shot at explanatory essay topics.  Our next type of reading is non fiction / biography.  I would like you all to think about a famous person, living or dead, who has had an influence on your life.  Think about the following questions to get you started:
  • What made this person famous?
  • What character traits does this person possess? How do you know?
  • What type of person would be most drawn to this person?
  • Is his / her  influence a positive one? (I would hope so.) Explain.
  • How will knowing about this person's life shape your life?
The above questions would help shape an explanatory essay.  Now think about your influential person. Let's talk about him / her here on the blog.  I bet you will see that others feel the same way that you do.

I almost don't want to share pictures because I don't want to lead you all in one direction or another. Remember, all areas are acceptable.  Your special person could be in politics like a world leader, sports, music, theater, literature......and so on, and so on.

Here are a few pictures of the people who helped to shape my life.

Jacqueline Kennedy
Maya Angelou
Dr. Maya Angelou is a remarkable Renaissance woman who is hailed as one of the great voices of contemporary literature. As a poet, educator, historian, best-selling author, actress, playwright, civil-rights activist, producer and director, she continues to travel the world, spreading her legendary wisdom. Within the rhythm of her poetry and elegance of her prose lies Angelou's unique power to help readers of every orientation span the lines of race. Angelou captivates audiences through the vigor and sheer beauty of her words and lyrics.  ( This excerpt is from her own web site.)
John Steinbeck (Above)                            
S. E. Hinton
S. E. Hinton
Who are some of the people you will admire 10, 20, 30 years from now? 


  1. The first famous person that came to mind when I was reading this was Betty White. She is a great actress and has helped the lives of many animals. She would go around to different shelters and try to find homes for the animals. Also she helps out at many animal shelters. Many of her tv shows would also include animals. She has also helped out at many zoos and has won a lot of awards for her acting. I guess she came to find first since I also love animals. Her influence is to me is to not be selfish and to help out others that need it.

  2. Well my all-time favorite person who almost everybody knows is Slash from Guns N' Roses. I already know my basic history of Slash. Slash and the others in Guns N' Roses were found in a bar in LA playing classic Aerosmith songs. A producer found them and from there on that's how Guns N' Roses became famous. Slash (guitarist) and Axl Rose (singer) are probably the most well known people of the band. Slash because his guitar solos and riffs were legendary back in the late 80's, no guitar tone has ever been used like his so his guitar the orange Les Paul Gibson's tone became very famous and popular, still today. Slash is the kind of person that never wants trouble and always keeps to himself. Axl Rose is the same way and that's how they bonded. Neither Slash or Axl are on talk shows or anything of that sort because they are very private and don't like to tell people about their life. This year (2012) is Slash and Axl Rose's 20th anneversarry of their feud of not speaking to eachother for years after Guns N' Roses split. Guns N' Roses was nominated to being into the Rock N' Roll Hall Of Fame this year and nobody knows who is going to show up to accept the reward and if they will play together after 20 years! Anybody can be drawn to Slash's personality because he is a great guy, for the most part. His influence is very positive to everybody, especially back in the 80's because everybody wanted to be like Slash or Metallica or Motley Crue and the Rock and Metal bands. He still positively influences young guitarists and other musicans to be the best they can at whatever they play so they can "unleash their inner Slash." Slash's real name obviously isn't "Slash;" That's just his nickname. I will not reveal his real name until the project...

  3. Maybe you both can find decent biographies on these people, Jenna and Jimmy. Jimmy, you could probably write your own book with all you already know.

    Now that you spoke about musicians, I realize I definitely should have had a picture of John Lennon up there. His music with Paul McCartney played a huge role in influencing my life, as well. I may just add one. Thanks, Jimmy.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  4. There are many people who helped shaped my life but one I just though of out of the top of my head because we did projects today is Loretta Ellsworth. She is the author of the book me and Casey D recently read. She tells that you have to be happy for the small things in life for they will one day become big things. I have to say, that is my new favorite book! :)

  5. The first person who came to mind is a little well, abnormal. Syd Barret from the band Pink Floyd. From a young age, he knew exactly what he wanted to do and even though his father has strictly forbid him from playing, he still did it. Even though most know him for his drug use and mental illness, that didn't define him. He wrote amazing lyrics and his bass and guitar playing were among some of the best. "On a distant shore, miles from land, stands in ebony totem in ebony sand, a dream in the mist of grey on a far distant shore." from the album Opel, is just a small silver of Syd's talent. But most of all, he inspires me because he was also Diabetic. But he coul care less, he just led on. I am SO excited for this project... I just might have to start reading a new biography on him soon!

    Alanis B.

  6. Oh, and also John Lennon ( too bad I did a project on him last year) and J.K Rowling.

  7. Two famous people that have had an influence on my life are Nat "King" Cole and Louis Armstrong. They were two of the earlier African American musicians. Both of them sing and perform music that makes you think of the good in your life and what really is important. I love to listen to their music.

  8. I have to say, the person who wrote Goodnight Moon made a big impact on my life. It was my favorite book when I was little, and the thing that got me hooked to reading. I always wanted to be able to read the book so instead of my mom reading it to me, I could read it to her. Allyson Felix is also someone who fits the category. For those of you who don't know, she is a famous track runner. Allyson Felix is always surging people to get outside and be active, and she encourages eating healthy. She gives people motivation,and she is very inspiring. She is also my role model. If she has a biography, I would definitely do her for this project. ~Emma A.

  9. @ Courtney W....I am glad you found so much inspiration from your reading experience. I hope you and Casey discuss this. Thanks for sharing. You might want to continue reading this author now.

    @ Alanis...I can certainly see why SB means so much to you and is an inspiration. Thanks for quoting his song. I loved it as well.
    I also have to agree about John Lennon. He has been an inspiration to me for many years.

    @ Devony...You are an "old soul" as they say. I like your choices here. I would love to hear more about how Nat King Cole and Sachmo have inspired you.

    @ Emma...I too am a big fan of GOODNIGHT MOON by Margaret Wise Brown. I read that book to my children and now I am reading it to my grandsons. It's very special. "Good night, mush" was always a favorite line.
    I hope there is something available on Allyson Felix. She may be too recent though.
    Mrs. Prisbell

  10. The person that has influenced my life the most I would have to say is Oprah Winfrey. She had her own show called The Oprah Winfrey Show and she helped a lot of people for the past 27 years. She is a caring, kind, and loving person and I know because she wouldn't have helped any of those people if she didn't care. I think that someone who cared about people and tried to help them in every way would be most drawn to this kind of person. Yes, her influence is a positive one. I have been inspired by Oprah to help people and to care about everyone and try to help them because everyone deserves a second chance in life and we all should help each other as a community. I think that I will help people when I'm older and maybe donate to a charity or something and I hope that I will someday. Oprah is just a wonderful person to be inspired by and I'm glad I am inspired by her. See you tomorrow Mrs.P! :)
    ~Courtney M.

  11. Very good choice, Courtney M. Maybe we have her biography in the library.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  12. The one and only person that took care of me through thick and thin, my mother

  13. Thank you Calvin. Maybe you can write a book about her in years to come. :)

    Mrs. Prisbell

  14. A person who helped shape my life, let me think... oh i know SLASH. Im kidding, its derek jeter. I have always looked up to him playing sports and watching the yankees play.

  15. Thanks Blayne. I am glad we have books about Derek Jeter. I want to know what it is about him that makes him special to you.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  16. Yepp but I didn't really wanna do her and decided I wanted to do someone from the outsiders and I may actually do Patrick swayze instead of Rob Lowe but I'm going to the library to get a biography on Patrick swayze so I may do him instead but I'll think about it. See you tomorrow, Mrs.P! :)
    ~Courtney M.

  17. Either on would be perfect, Courtney M.

    Mrs. P

  18. A person that has made an impact in my life is... everyone. Every person that I meet affects me in some way or another. My mom has stressed over and over again that knowledge is everything. My dad taught not to shy away from challenges and obstacles. Based on his rough life he taught me many life lessons, one of the most important ones being to always achieve your highest goals. My brother taught me to be kind and understanding. A lot of people, when they meet my brother, don't seem to understand him at first. He likes to be in his own bubble and doesn't let other people bother him. People may think he's weird, but I think that he's a really cool kid. My grandmother taught me to love and to talk gently; she is the sweetest person I know and without her I don't think I would be the friendly, nice person I am today. My teachers influence because they encourage me to let my knowledge flow. They don't give me weird looks when I express my extensive vocabulary orally and in my writing. Most importantly, my friends influence me greatly. They taught me that being myself is the best that I can be. They like me for who I am, no matter what kind of stupid mistakes I may make. Even rude people make an impression on me, they portray the person that I don't want to be.

    I don't know if this was the answer you were looking for Mrs. Prisbell, but these people (including you!) have influenced me more than any other celebrity could.

  19. Thanks, Jazmine. This is exactly what I had in mind after our Maya Angelou reading today. You said it perfectly. I hope you expressed much of this inspiration in your timeline today too.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  20. Okay! Well, I chose Patrick Swayze. I know a lot about him already from my parents, especially from my mom. I have seen Dirty Dancing so many times in my life and I have heard of other Patrick Swayze movies but have never seen them. I know he was in a movie called Road House because my parents have seen it before. I have a biography on him called One Last Dance by Wendy Leigh and I have the book that he wrote before he died called The Time of My Life which he and his wife, Lisa Niemi, wrote together. It's about their lives together because they got married back in 1975. My grandma read The Time of My Life and she said it's a really good book. See you tomorrow, Mrs.P! :)
    ~Courtney M.

  21. Thanks Courtney M....I can't wait to hear your reaction to the book. I may want to read THE TIME OF MY LIFE too. I'd love to hear about his life in his own words.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  22. Listening to Satchmo's and Nat "King" Cole's music reminds me of the joyful moments in my life, which makes me want to spread happy feelings among my family. The music also inspires me to sing as well. As an "old soul" I wonder what the scenes looked like when people were singing, dancing, and being happy together.

  23. We should see if we can find those scenes online, Devony. Great idea.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  24. Derek jeter is just the sports figure who dosnt really do any wrong and can can always be counted on if the team was down

  25. I hope you can prove that, Blayne.
    Mrs. P

  26. Yeah! My grandma read it and she said that it's really good! I can't wait to start looking into that one but right now I'm looking into the other book, One Last Dance which is written by Wendy Leigh. I was wondering if I could do like a mini poster of stuff and facts about him when we get down to the end of the marking period. Do you think I could do that? I just really want to do like a small poster on facts and other stuff about him. Well, See you tomorrow, Mrs.P! :)
    ~Courtney M.

  27. S.E Hinton became famous for her amazing book writing. Similar to The Outsiders

  28. @Courtney M...Yes, you can make a visual for your talk show interview.

    @ Calvin .... Which book made her famous?

    Mrs. Prisbell

  29. Okay! Thanks Mrs.P! :)
    ~Courtney M.

  30. I can prove that mrs prisbell do you want me to? is this now a challenge?

  31. Yes, Blayne. Please prove it :)

    Mrs. Prisbell
