Thursday, January 12, 2012

Time to Think Thursday

Pets often play an important role in people's lives.  Some people even treat their pets as if they were humans.  I have heard that pets are sometimes given to older adults who are alone for health reasons.  What have you heard about this concept? 

If you have a pet, what does your pet mean to you and why do you think pets have so much importance in our lives?  If you do not own a pet, why do you think pets play such an important part in people's lives?

Is there any evidence that pets have been important throughout history?  Think about literature too. Do some research before you respond.  What if this were a topic for an explanatory essay?  How would you format your response?  Keep this in mind when you post your response.

Pets Welcome
Endless Cuteness: Kids and Pets
The Smallest Pets
Children and Animals. Part 2 (84 pics)

Shetland Ponies

rabbits and other pets

It was a lot of fun just looking for all the pictures of pets.  I hope you enjoy sharing your thoughts, as well.


  1. I have two pets. They are both beagels and there names are Roscoe and Pebbles. I think they become part of your family because you see them and are with them all the time. Also,they always seem to know when you are mad or upset and can always make you laugh. For an explanatory essay, the first paragraph could be about who your pets are, the second one could be why you consider them family, the third could be why they mean so much, and the last who just summerize everything.

  2. Oh and also, they have helped throughout the history. Such as in the war, the horses provided a lot of help. Also, I have heard of pets being given to older adults to keep them company.

  3. I have 3 cats. I think that pets play such an important role in peoples lives because people are very fond of pets when they have them and they love and care for them. I don't remember anything about pets being important in history it literature. My cats are important to me because I've had them all for about 4 years now and they've just become part of the family. I love my cats a lot and there just important in my life. See you tomorrow Mrs.P! :)
    ~Courtney M.

  4. I have a cat named Tiger, even though she looks nothing like a tiger. My sister has a cat named Tony, and two American Eskimo dogs named Snowflake and Blizzard. My dad has a mutt named Sasha, who towers over the other dogs. They become a part of the family because they are always there and they always know how you feel. The seem to connect with you. Whenever my cat isn't asleep, she is following me around the house or trying to get me to play with a pipe-cleaner with her. Pets also play an important part in history. Like Jenna said, horses were important in war. I don't know why, but whenever the president gets a dog, the press makes a big deal about it and makes article titles like, "Foofy plays with a stick." Pets also change the world because pet owners feel sympathy for strays and they make a bunch of protests for things like "Save the Kiwi Bird!" It really influences the world. ~Emma A.

  5. P.S.~ For the extra credit where we write an extra chapter for The Outsiders, how long does it have to be? ~Emma A.

  6. Interesting ideas so far Jenna, Courtney M. and Emma. Thanks for posting. Remember, quote-based explanatory essays are the ones that need a link to history, not the topic generated ones. I am glad you all were thinking though. I didn't realize we actually can link pets to history. Just make sure you stay on topic. Pets as family, right?

  7. Emma....The extra credit is two typed pages, double spaced.

  8. I have a cat and her name is Bella.I think pets are important part of peoples lives because if you don't have anyone to talk to you have them and you have the ability to care for them.Bella is only about 3 months old and she means the world to me.
    Caitlyn Teta <3

  9. Pets are very important. It may seem crazy but sometimes you have no one else to go to or be with, even though they can't actually talk. My mom and dad both grew up with many dogs and are close to the animal so we had a few too. When they do pass on it leaves a big whole in the family that very few can understand. It upsets me when people take their pets for granted and say stuff like "you dumb dog" or say that they are bothersome, like I would do anything for my other dogs to come be back with me. Also, another thing that really upsets me is puppy mills and pet abuse (not just for dogs). My nanny and poppy, which is my grandma and grandpa, saved a dog from going to a puppy mill. It has to be one of the most unique and obedient dogs ever! It is a retriever and a pitbul mix which is odd and he does some pretty abnormal and outrageous compared to a normal dog. This sounds crazy, but when he wants to go outside he rings this little bell on their door with his nose and screams "out!" It actually sounds like a human saying it, ha. Also, my dog Milo who I have right now which just turned two so he's still kind of a puppy can put his own leash on, and when we go somewhere like when I would get dropped of at school in the morning, he will come and stick his head out of the window and its really funny , yet scary because he's basically out of the window. Mrs. McCarty I think it is sees him almost everyday when she comes to school. She has a puppy like mine so she can relate to me in that way :)
    I can write on forever about pets because they are so important to me in many ways. Another way a pet is important besides company is to help someone like a dog who guides a blind person. It is also a great thing to have growing up to teach responsibility. I think it would be extremely difficult to live without pets. All kinds of pets, not just dogs.

    (P.S. A funny thing is how you said "Some people even treat their pets as if they were humans" and my dog acts like a human himself. He sleeps on his back with his head on a pillow and some how manages to sit in a chair, haha!)

  10. I have 3dogs and they r certainly mans best friend. They always r ther for me and whenever I'm down in the dumps, they always know. They r always there for me I I love them with all my heart. They would do anything for me, and I will take care of them until the day I die.

  11. I have 3 cats... Cheddar, Cody, and Zoey. My dog Tarzan just died in September but he was like my best friend... He was such a good dog.
    Anyways...about the pets for people with health issues. A lot of pets are used for therapy sessions and in hospitals. I was out shopping one day and there was a women in front of my with a small yorkie in a little carrige it was so cute. Then the woman staring at the dog and she started talking to me. It turns out that the dog is the only reason she is alive. She had this disease where all of her organs were deteriorating and she lost her.teeth, hair, and her sight in her right eye. On top of this, she is epilleptic and the dog is trained to detect a seizure so that she can take medicine to prevent it from happening. She told me that for the.10 years she had the dog, she only had 2 seizures. Plus her disease started to get better. Also, her uncle had cancer and was about to die, they got him a therapy dog and his cancer started clearing and now he is in his 70's cancer free. Dogs really can save.peoples lives.

  12. I have previously had a cat named Clea but she died two February's ago. She was most defenitely treated as if a human in our house and will never be forgotten after her 16 years living with us. Anyway, I think people use pets sometimes to help with health issues because many people who are blind have see&eye dogs which direct them from place to place. Another example is when animals and pets particularly, visit hospitals to spend time with sickly kids and adults.It is very nice that people donate their dogs to giving an ill person a smile everyday.

  13. I see what you mean Mrs.P! I'll try to stay on topic if you do another one of these kinds of blogs again! :)
    ~Courtney M.

  14. For the two page extra credit, what was the other choice besides an extra chapter to the outsiders?

  15. I live dogs but not jut any ones I get used too. I love my dog liberty as she is a adorable crazy puppy bas well as my grandparents dog napa! But my grandparents dog the used to have Tyson made such an impact in my life I lioved that dog more than anyone ever could. We were a year apart so grew up together. Dealing with his death was very difficult for me as we were so close but I learned that he is always in my heart and is watching me. He was the first person in my life I ever knew so close and lost. This dog was like a person to me and that dog acted like a person with every gesture it made. I don't know if I will ever be as close to my dog or others llcompared to him he wasjusf so special. I have many stories and pictures and memories of Tyson that are always right near me it's difficult to grasp that he's not hear as he died this year and Christmas and every holiday is just odd . My grandpa was really close to him too . As well as my grandma. We all babyed Tyson like he was a child with stockings with presents, doggie ice cream all year, walks at the school which he loved, tucked in blankets on the couch etc. But anyways I really loved him so much and always will so I know how much of a friend an dog can be
    Hayley o

  16. Pets are given to older adults who are in the hospital, at home, or in a nursing home. Adults that are sick and whose memory are deteriorating will respond to animals by petting them. Even if they cannot respond to people, they can respond to the pets. My pet cat is important to me. I try to treat him as one of the family. Pets play in important role in people's lives because they give you unconditional love. Even if you are angry at them they will forgive you and want to play with you or simply be with you. Cats played an important role in ancient Egyptians' lives. They held cats in high esteem. They thought highly of them and made statues and sculptures of them. Cats were important to the Egyptians.

  17. @ Courtney W... Your comments are very heart-felt and you made me laugh with
    the image of your dog with his head on the pillow sleeping on his back :)

    Reese... Happy to see you feel so strongly about your pets.

    @ Melanie... That is amazing about the woman who has a dog to help her with her health.

    @ Erika... I love your last line and I agree.

    @ Couryney M... :)

    @ Jenna... The other choice was to start a story of something in your life that most be told like SEHinton did. Do you have something to tell?

    @ Hayley... Thank you for sharing and I am so sorry for your loss.

    Thank you to all of you who shared a great story about a favorite pet and I am so sorry if you had to experience the loss of a pet.

    Mrs Prisbell

  18. I have been so busy it's not even funny.

    Anyway, I don't have a pet-yep, that's me, the buzz kill- I used to want one as a kid because I loved looking at pictures of cute animals. But, whenever I was a around a pet, unless it was a fish, I was afraid of them. I never really knew what I was particularly afraid of, but I think it was either they would do their "business" on me or gauge my eyes out with their claws. Don't get me wrong, I love LOOKING at animals,even pet them, especially baby ones because they are all fluffy and defenseless and makes me want to cuddle with them. However, I don't think I could actually handle taking care of one and own one.

    Another reason is that whenever I'm near animals, especially dogs, they end up getting injured for some reason. ON ACCIDENT! I didn't mean to accidentally nudge Angela's dog with my foot, or almost bang my knee into her side-ALMOST. I didn't mean to accidentally hit Jessica's dog with my purse-VERY GENTLY MIGHT I ADD- or bump into it a few times, it was in the way.

    I think animals are very therapeutic. They help calm children down and ensure that they know how to handle responsibility.

  19. @ Mrs. Prisbell I know the project is due Tuesday for extra credit but I am sick and not going to school tomorrow. I have the project done, is there any way I can bring it Wednesday?

  20. @ Jazmine....Your post cracked me up. ON ACCIDENT? ha

    @ Courtney W....Yes, Courtney. Bring Wednesday for some extra points. I hope you feel better.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  21. I think pets have been proven therapeutoc they are used in retirement homes to visit to cheer people up or brought to hospitals to raise spirits or even brighten a kids day by being happy to see them
    -nick deGennaro

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  24. Mrs. Prisbell I have one quick question, do you need a rough draft for the third part of the project?

  25. @ Nick....Thanks for your insight.

    @ Caitlyn T....No rough draft is needed for part 3. Compose on the computer.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  26. Dogs are very good for personal and mental life for many people. They act as a compainion when your feeling down and a playmate when your energetic. dogs have also been used as a way to help the handicaped such as seeing eye dogs.
