Tuesday, December 27, 2011

World Wide Wednesday

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday so far.  As we approach the new year, I want you to think about personal goals.  What is your New Year's Resolution for 2012?

Everywhere around the world the new year will ring in.  Each celebration is special in its own way.  Try to catch some of the festivities on television. At least 12 hours before us they will be celebrating in Asia and the South Pacific. As you watch, think about what you want to do differently this year and how you will achieve your goals? 

Adults are known for pledging to lose weight, exercise more, stop smoking and much more.  What are teens your age saying on this eve of a new year?  Let's make our pledge right here on the blog for all to see.



Sydney Harbour, NSW, Cities, Sydney Harbour Bridge, fireworks

Moscow, Russia

Paris, France

New Year’s Eve in Paris

 London Eye Fireworks  UK

London Eye Fireworks

Times Square NYC
New Year's Eve in Times Square, New York

New Years Mexico

New Years Mexico
Honalulu, Hawaii


  1. My New Years resolution for 2012 is to take the time to think before I answer people. Sometimes after a busy day of school and sports I feel exhausted. I also know that I have homework to complete once I get home. My mom or my little brother will say something to me and I might give a quick answer. For the New Year I want to try to think before I answer so I can give a nicer answer. I also want to continue eating healthy and exercising often.

  2. My new years resolution is to be more grateful for everything I have. I always want the new Ipod that is coming out or the new wii game. I forget about everything I have. This new year, I want to focus more on the things I have rather than the things I don't.

  3. @ Devony and Jenna....You both have fantastic New Year's resolutions. I can't wait to show you a powerpoint that someone sent me. I think it puts things in perspective. You are both on the right track.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  4. My new years resolution is to always remember the ones I love and never let them down because you never know when it could be gone.

  5. Sad but true, Courtney. Thanks for posting.
    BTW. I loved "Elf." Thanks

    Mrs. Prisbell

  6. @ Mrs. Prisbell; your welcome! and happy new year! :)

  7. My New Year's resolution is to think before I speak. According to my mom I have an attitude problem, so I'm going to try to change the way I speak to people. I will also try to increase my grades so that I can get into MATES, I really want to excel on that test. In addition I want to be nicer to people and possibly make new friends.

    I'm really tired because I was up until 2:15 watching Dick Clark's ball drop ;) so I'm going to chill in front of the tv! Hope your break was more fun filled than mine!

  8. My New Year's resolution is to try harder in school. I try hard now by I need to try harder because I need to alot better on the ASK test this year. I didn't do so well last year and I'm trying to get ready for the HESPA test that I have to take in 10th grade. I will definitely try harder for the rest of the year. Sorry I didn't comment again until now Mrs.P! See you Tuesday! :)
    ~Courtney M.

  9. @ Jazmine.... We will let you know if we hear an attitude in what you say. Let's talk about the MATES test when we return.

    @ Courtney M.... Don't worry. No one is thinking about school over break. Glad you posted. Improving your ASK score is definitely possible.

    See you all tomorrow.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  10. Thanks Mrs.P! Okay! I really need to improve my score because I did okay on the ILA one only because I'm not good at the reading section because I'm bad at reading comprehension. But okay! See you tomorrow!
    ~Courtney M.

  11. My new years resolution is to stop being a procrastinator. I never start my hw on time, and it is about time that I stop that. I want to learn that I can't procrastionate. So this is why I made that my new years resolution.


  12. Okay well my New Years Resolution kind of revolves around that life email and youtube video you showed us today! I want to get better in my life and my own personal things as well that I will not share. I also want to help out my family more this year and be a big part of something that could help many people! So you could say tha I want to help as many people as possible and have a better life all around. That life thing you showed the class really spoke to me, I have down almost all the #'s but I can't write that fast! I wrote some of the sentences because I didnt have enough time to write almost all them down :( Maybe I can find it on the internet somewhere.

  13. My New Year's resolution is to get to bed earlier. I stay up late watching shows like Castle and Criminal Minds, and it leaves me tired. I can't wake up in the morning, it is like a chore for me. I can stop watching Castle, but I'm not going to leave Criminal Minds. I just have to catch up on my sleep.

    Emma Applegate

  14. @ Courtney M...Hang in there. We will practice reading strategies a lot before the test.

    @ Reese....So, did you start your free reading project yet? Just wondering....

    @ Jimmy...I love your thoughts and plans for 2012. Tomorrow let me know your email address and I will send you the link. :)

    Mrs. Prisbell

  15. My new years resolution for 2012 is to eat healthier. Having a better diet to keep me fit and in shape is very helpful, especially when you're an athlete just as myself. It is such a festive celebration in which a new year rings in changes, posibilities and advancements. Interesting enough, every country seems to celebrate this joyful time in their own ways. We watch the ball drop in NYC, Paris has fireworks near the Eiffel tower, and many more places express this turning over of a new leaf in festivities of none other.

  16. Okay! I've never had trouble with writing before, it's just reading. But okay! :)
    ~Courtney M.

  17. @ Erika....I love your idea of changes, possibilities, and advancements. Very well stated. I look forward to see what 2012 will bring.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  18. My News Year Resolution for 2012 is study harder in school. I have been in basic skills since the 6th grade and i want to try and not be in it in high school. I also need to continue eating healthier and exercising too.

  19. i really dont have a new years revolution

  20. @ Caitlyn T....I think that's a very attainable goal. Keep trying.

    @ Blayne....Really? Can you set a goal for the rest of your 8th grade year?

    Mrs. Prisbell

  21. My New Year's Resolution for this year is to get straight A's the entire year. I already am succeeding, but its not just this year I got straight A's . I've kept my straight A's since 6th grade... I really am hoping to get straight A's the whole entire middle school! Hopefully it will all work out.

  22. @ Erin...Wow. That's some pressure. Good luck. you have the right attitude. I have to ask you why? What would it mean to you and what's your plan? What are you doing to make sure you don't slip?

    Mrs. Prisbell
