Thursday, December 22, 2011

Time to Think Thursday

This will be a busy week, indeed.  Let's take a moment to think and reflect.  The quote below comes from one of our beloved Presidents, Calvin Coolidge.

I am reposting the famous quote shared by our own Calvin D.  Thanks, Calvin.  It gives us food for thought and helps us reflect on what's really important this week and throughout the year. 

Let's think.....

Calvin Coolidge
To the American People: Christmas is not a time or a season but a state of mind. To cherish peace and good will, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.

Birthplace---Plymouth, Vermont

Coolidge Homestead

Circa 1924...
File:Coolidge after signing indian treaty.jpg
So what are your thoughts on President Coolidge's quote about the holiday season?  What does he mean?  Do you agree or disagree?  Can you find proof in your life or thoughout history to prove the President's quote?  Let's talk about it here. 



  1. I agree with his quote because I believe that Christmas should be about the spirit and joy... Not the presents. To me the quote means that people don't think of Christmas because of the.winter... It's just the joy and the feeling.of being together on Christmas. I can prove this because my favorite part of Christmas is just being with my family.

  2. Ps... That was Melanie lol

  3. I think he means that Christmas isn't a time for just gifts. Its a time to be with family and cherish the memories that come up. You will always have the gifts but you won't always have every person in your life forever so you should try to cherish the moments with them not with the gifts.

  4. Jenna and Melanie, you both make very good points. I too am looking forward to being with my family.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  5. I agree with this quote because some people do take things for granted and forget the true meaning of Christmas. Some people need to forget about the price tag. Presents are not the main reason of Christmas however it is not the gift itself that counts, it is the thought that really matters.To me, Christmas spirit is finally being able to see the ones who you are close to that you rarely get to see and have a good time.

  6. I believe in the quote stated by Calvin Coolidge. For me December is just another month in the year; however, with all the joy and happiness that floods through people during the time of year, the anticipation mounts. The real meaning of Christmas is not the joy of receiving, but the joy of giving. How many times have we heard this? Yet, it’s true, Christmas is spending time with the people you love and acknowledging their presence by giving them something to remember you by. Personally, my favorite thing to get is a holiday card, especially in the mail. It makes you feel special that people think about you; my friends and I all gave each other cards, and the joy on our faces when we got them were priceless, I probably got 6 of them! Everyone needs peace in their life at this time of the year, especially after all of that Christmas shopping! You should just relax and enjoy the time you have.

  7. In my family, my dad thinks Christmas is just another day. He is a strict Christian, it's just that he has to much on his plate to add "Be happy on Christmas!" To him, it's more of a chore. He has to do decorations, buy presents, etc. He isn't in the Christmas state of mind. When I was little, for Christmas we watched things like The Year Without A Santa Claus and Rudolph. The Drummer Boy and all the original movies. What Happened to that? When I was little, the best Christmas we ever had was when it snowed. We went outside, played, came back in and sat with our backs to the fireplace. Our mom made hot chocolate with mini marshmallows. It's simplicity like that which makes the holiday so special, not the amount of gifts. When I was young, we usually got one big gift, a Barbie, and the rest was clothes which we needed. Our new clothes came on Christmas, and to us they were the best. Now, my brothers are getting giant Lego sets and every item imaginable, and I'm thinking "What is this???" I find the holiday better when we were ecstatic over getting socks. ~Emma A.

  8. @ Courtney W....You are so right that it is the thought that counts with gift. :)

    @ Jazmine...I love your comment about the Christmas cards. I never thought of that before but you are so right. There's nothing better than a smile on someone's face.

    @ Emma...Wow, Emma. You really hit the nail on the head, so to speak. I too agree that simplicity make the holiday special not all the hub bub.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  9. PS There's something to be said about a nice pair of warm, fuzzy socks.
    Mrs. P

  10. Once again Emma has out done me. I just want to comment on Emma's and say that she is really right. I mean, she always is, but this this time what she means is true. Sometimes we get so caught up in the moment that we forget that it's okay to relish in the past. Sometimes, all we want is the next new toy- whether it's the Ipad or a new laptop- that we forget that kids in third world countries don't even have clean water to drink. I think it's times like this where we take advantage of what we have. We should be happy with what we have and focus on the little things, because not everyone is as fortunate as we are.

  11. Thank you, Jazmine, and perfectly said.
    Mrs. Prisbell

  12. I think that President Calvin Coolidge's quote does really explain the true meaning of Christmas. He means that Christmas isn't just for giving and recieving gifts, it's also for having peace with your family and giving gifts from the heart. It's not about recieving the gift and what it looks like, it's the thought that counts. I do agree with the President's quote about Christmas. I don't really have anything throughout my life that actually proves the President's quote. Hey Mrs.P! Sorry I commented so late. I had no time to go on in Florida! But I commented now! See you Tuesday! :)
    ~Courtney M.

  13. Hey I am back on! Of course about me talking about Presidents is a big thing. I know all the presidents in order fowards and backwards; also if you throw a # of a president at me, I can get it right off the bat! Calvin Coolidge is the 30th president after Waren G. Harding and before Herbert Hoover and the Great Depression. His quote is 100% true about the Christmas time and I can relate to it a lot. I didnt want anything for Christmas and what I got was fine but I just love his quote! I didnt need anything and I felt like I cherished peace and good will for the Christmas spirit as it came and went in 2011.

  14. I think that he is saying to not be too concentrated on the presents and getting things on Christmas, but really embrace what it is. Christmas isn't about presents at all. Why would they make a holiday just for presents. He means that no one really cherises the love on Christmas. They all just think something different.

  15. Thanks Courtney M, Jimmy, and Erin .
    We will have to quiz Jimmy on the Presidents!

    Mrs. Prisbell
