Thursday, January 31, 2013

Science Fictional Friday

Note:  I know it's only Thursday, but I may not be able to post tomorrow from Texas.  Enjoy this challenge, and, of course, be respectful of your substitute.  I will see you Tuesday. Reminder:  Parent letters are due back on Tuesday.

Fictional Friday is back. I hope you are all ready to once again be creative.    I realize that for your free reading you will be concentrating on nonfiction and planning your "talk show" interviews for the end of the marking period. That does not mean you should completely forget about fiction and creativity. We will be starting a very bizarre novel shortly and I want to ease you into it.

Our new novel will have a touch of science fiction so be ready for anything and everything, as they say. To get you started and thinking along the lines of the weird and the seemingly impossible, I am posting some pictures that may or may not have something to do with our new novel. I would like you to preview the pictures and see if you can develop your own story line fitting each picture somewhere into the plot. You have my permission to be as weird as you like. Remember, this book will be science fiction.

Spoiler alert>>> Anyone who has already read our new book or has been told anything about the plot from an older sister/brother make sure you do not ruin the surprise or shock value of the novel for the rest of the classes. Thanks

Okay, enjoy the pictures and let your imaginations fly.....


Cute baby sleeping with teddy bear.
Photo of red rome apple - click to see all state food symbols

Stock Photo titled: Old Man Face, unlicensed use prohibited


  1. well, to make a storyline for this is simple(in my opnion). said storyline would procede as follows. the main character(the baby) grows up to be the kid in the white shirt on the playground, and( now for the sci-fy) falls into an inter-dimensional located at the bottom of the slide. the portal takes him to a strange place, a black void/vacuum in which he can survive, empty aside from the ring of purple spheres around he moves twards one he hears the sound of a 747 lifting off of the runway, when he reaches and touches it he is transported to a russian commerical airstrip with a 747 lifting off. he is noticed by the russian authorities and arrested before he can escape to the portal. while in prision he meets a mongolian WWII veteran with a long, white beard. the two of them escape russian prision and flee across the frozen tundra untill they reach a small hamlet. in the center of the hamlet there is a mighty, magesitic, apple tree ripe with fruit atop a hill and russian children riding tobbagans down the hill.the duo quickly exits town and moves along, traveling on foot to mongolia over the course of several years, during witch the baby ( now a young girl) becomes lika a father to the veteran. by the time they reach mongolia she has agen into a teen, with fire red hair held in a pink bow, green eyes and frackles.they go to an old friend of the veteran's airifeld. the achient man gives them an airplane, along with a pair of bycycles for after the flight. the veteran takes them to america, where the girl finds herself near her home. they go their seperate ways, the girl returns to her home, discovering that she is in her right time and place. except for the ownership of england by nazi rule, america having narrowly escaped capture.the veteran traveled to the rockies where he lived out the rest of his life in a log cabin he constructs there.
    Michael Maffucci

  2. I pick the plane one! I hope this isn’t too long! This is the most creative thing I could come up with and I hope this isn’t too long! So there's a plane taking off at an airport and it's full of people... But little do these people know that the plane is about to go through a crack through the walls of their dimension, a rift in time and space itself. They are completely unaware (including the pilot) they are in another demension, another world.
    There is a great war going on, for control of the planet, between two species. One species, the Originals, claim to rule the planet and want to defend it from the invaders who call themselves The Great Ones; they are both very similar to humans. There is one original by the name of Bellatis who pilots an airplane-like fighting vehicle and fights in the war.
    Bellatis flies through a hot plume of smoke. Another one of his missiles hit an enemy plane, but this was wasn’t over yet. All of a sudden a huge white thing comes out of thin air. It was shaped like his own plane but it wasn’t of Original origin. It wasn’t an enemy aircraft either. He saw these being inside. People. Some of them looked out their windows and seemed worried and confused about the scene they saw outside. Some of them looked to be about his age and some of them looked like children, innocent. No matter what species they were, friend or foe, he vowed to protect them and let them pass to wherever they were going to.
    The white plane was flying right towards an enemy ship, about to fire. Bellatis shot the enemy ship down before it got close to the strange plane. Then out of the blue, a huge flying enemy warship came into view. It started shooting down every Original aircraft in sight. He had to find a weak spot and bring it down.
    He flew around and found a major design flaw: the engine was sticking out of the bottom. He quickly shot a missile at it and the whole ship became a huge inferno. The strange white plane was fine and kept flying through, unscathed. And suddenly, just as the plane had appeared, it vanished.
    The plane was back; flying above Earth. The passengers had no idea what just happened. The pilot spoke into the intercom, “It seems we have just flown through a warzone, but the plane seems to be fine.”

  3. Utopia is just the belief of something that would take away our pain and anguish. With neither of these will we feel at our worst times. Happiness? No always feeling happy is never feeling happy. So we wouldn’t have emotions. Just beings..

  4. @ Michael and Raquel....You both have fantastic immaginations. I really enjoyed reading your story ideas. Did you realize yet that the images are inspired by the developments in THE GIVER?

    Welcome back to The Voice of Reason. Your idea is quite profound and mirrors what was discussed in class. This idea will become increasingly important as we read THE GIVER. Thanks, Avery, I mean VOICE.

    Mrs. Prisbell

  5. It’s interesting your view on my identity. Even with the tape you still believe I am Avery. I wonder if Rick Dockery would have another idea, even in his state? These Utopia ideas are not uncommon.

  6. @V of R... Clever...
    Pertaining to the topic...
    Being that we have read a little further, I will comment on the pics that I dont know about. i Havent read the other comments just yet, so if I "steal" an idea, you know what happened. Anyway, I am dumbfounded about the strange apple. Maybe the people born with red hair are outcasts, and released upon discovery. The flowers are given to those who are released, as a parting gift and a reminder of the community. I think that the people who get released form a militia an fight against the community. And to reiterate, the old man is Santa Claus

  7. The pink ribbons, I will kind of just start with the story instead of explaining it...
    The time is about 2:00 p.m., the time when I come back from school and see my young sister Madeline at home. It was Wednesday, still in the middle of the school week and still vulnerable to bags full of homework. While stepping through the door, I threw my backpack across the foyer and called for Madeline. "Coming Austin!" A response came from up the stairs. I soon saw my sister run downstairs with an unusual hair accessory.
    "Madeline, where did you get those ribbons?" I asked her.
    " From Mrs. Bromine across the street." she responded.
    Of course, Mrs. Bromine, the crazed woman that drags sheets of metal across the road in the afternoon and sings through a tube that expels sound through her chimney late at night. The woman that relates the world to time and how it works. Perhaps they have some sort of "special" quality to them.
    "She said the ribbons have magic in them!" cheered Madeline in great delight.
    I guessed it, they had to be "special."
    I told Madeline that she shouldn't be wandering near such a strange characters and tried to untie the bow. "That was weird!" I said under my breath. The bows became tighter and soon just fell apart into frayed threads on the floor.
    The threads landed in such a way to make out numbers. "What the heck is going on! These things sure are strange, and annoying." I called.
    Madeline picked up the thread in the shape of the number one. Suddenly we found our selves back into yesterday, exactly twenty-four hours ago.
    "Madeline! I'm scared" I pleaded cowardly. I now had to relive yesterday, now today, and retake the algebra test I had.
    "So that's what she meant by 'Thread of Time'!" Madeline said in shock, "Now we are in yesterday or today at least."

    Yup, so this would continue as something that would allow them to right wrongs, bend space and time, but also change their age and personalities as well. I could probably end it as a cliff hanger and write a sequel or end it as a mysterious ending that doesn't have some sort of "They lived happily ever after." Such as: They prevent their past selves from making an action, right after they first time-traveled and end up having the original two characters cease to exist after changing their history. :)

  8. @Voice..... I don't know why I always imagine Avery's voice when I read your posts. Message, tone, vicabulary.... Something mskes me think of Avery.

    Thanks for posting Grant. Santa? Really? More to come in THE GIVER,

    @ Connor..... You have an amazing imagination. I was pulled right into your story. You let me wanting more. Keep writing. I lived it. :)

    Mrs P

  9. I guess I should stop posting from my phone. I just saw all the type-o's. So sorry. I hope you could still understand what I meant.

    Mrs. P
