Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Truth Be Told Tuesday

Thinking for persuasion....

Let's stick to the facts. We talked about changes that need to be made in school, in Barnegat, in New Jersey, and in our nation or the world. It's important to strengthen your writing style when dealing with persuasive essays. Be creative but be logical too. Let's get down to business and iron out some issues right here on the blog. I will post some of the most common complaints expressed about our school. Try to think logically and present your best reason to support or refute the given issue. If I remember correctly, some of the popular complaints involved gym class, cafeteria food and eating locations, a lack of electives, the dress code, gum chewing, a need for recess....the list goes on and on.

Let's start with cafeteria food.....

Here are some school lunches aroung the globe.



Here's what the school lunch is like in Korea. Better?

Many of you expressed complaints about the food not being healthy or tasty. Will the European or Korean menus work to solve that problem?

The caption on this picture below mentioned mystery meat? Is that fair?


The caption on the picture above reads....
Kids who ate school lunches like this one regularly were 29 percent more likely to be obese than those who brought their lunch from home.

The caption for the picture above reads....
Health researchers typically focus on improving the quality of foods served in school cafeterias. But what about improving a child’s whole dining experience. Turning the school lunch into a real sit-down meal, rather than a minutes-long eating frenzy, is just one way to begin improving the health and eating habits of the nation’s children, says Dr. Arthur Agatston.

What do you think about time? Do you feel rushed at lunch? Does the time issue cause you to eat all the wrong foods? Let's just think a minute. Do we have a minute?
Let's talk about the improvements you would like to see on the menu or during lunch and why they are necessary. Be logical and prove your point. We will take on another issue next week so check back often.


  1. ok, i was going to post tonight but the mousepad on this laptop caused me to accedinatly delet my comments twice , so may-haps tomorrow.
    M. Maffucci

  2. A resource to consider for this topic would be Brackman's own Mrs. Hayes. She has done extensive research on this subject.

  3. @ Michael....Keep trying :-)

    @ Anonymous .... This sounds like Mr. Eckert has joined us on the blog.

    Mrs. P

  4. Wow America, how sophisticated our lunches are. Italy has the school lunch of my dreams and in Japan, people roll around your lunches on carts and deliver them to your classroom! WHY AMERICA?!
    This I guess is another things we should add to our list under Brackman of things we want changed.

  5. I totally agree with you, Connor. Let's talk about our cafeteria choices in class next week.
    Mrs P

  6. ok, the american system of using the cheapest legal food is a system that is horrible in terms of health and taste. the european ideal of using real food has many benifits over the american ideals. the american food is full of chemicals and sodium and can be majorly miscolored, while the european food is missing these chemicals and has a far lower sodium content. the european food also tastes far better than their american counterparts. even the korean lunches look healthier than the american. how sad, one of the most powerful countries on the planet serves it`s students some of the worst food on the planet.
    M. Maffucci

    P.S. Yes, finally got it to work!

  7. You make a very good point, Michael. So sad, isn't it?

    Mrs P

  8. Well clearly our school lunches taste bad, are cheap, and totally unhealthy. I agree with Connor on the Japanese system of getting lunch to students and its healthier too! I mean no wonder we're the fattest country! We are giving unhealthy, and even disgusting, school lunches to the future of America! Forcing us to take a fruit cup (sometimes I question if its fruit...) or veggie cup doesn't make our lunches healthier! Its seems most students prefer to throw out the fruit and get a cup of french fries anyway. They need to change the actual lunches and make sure they are healthy for students.

    1. I must admit.... the fruit cups always look good.
      Mrs P

    2. but the chicken, pink outside and cooked inside?
      HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?

  9. Raquel.... Sadly, I agree. Is there anything we can do to change the current status of American school lunches? How about just Brackman? It would be a worthy cause, indeed.

    Mrs P

  10. This year, I bring lunch everyday because the food isnt rat poison, I'd say a 4.5. This is a generous score. The problem is their "presentability." I certainly agree with Raquel when she says that most everyone throws the fruit/vegetable away. The past changes were not just for childrens' health, an obvious economic factor must have been involved. If the students wanted to take a stand, they could boycott school lunches. It would get the point across. The school would be wasting supplies and money. I have one other complaint about Brackman. I am not a very discreet gum-chewer. I think you are less objective to gum because when I chew in class, quite obnoxiously as some say, I am not scolded. Mrs. Buccella has fine tuned anti gum chewing senses though. It doesnt't help that I sit next to her desk!
    @Followers of the Blog...I pose the simple question, What are your thoughts on gum chewing?

  11. Grant, you are very critical of the Brackman school lunch. I think you have good reason, though. As for gum.... what gum? I don't see any gum.
    Enough said on rhe topic.

    Mrs P

  12. With the school lunch, they have made it much healthier than before, ill give them that. Although, they aren't half as good as they used to be. Now, less people are buying lunch bringing their own lunch. BUT, some people don't bring lunch at all and they don't want to eat, or they buy a thing of french fries or a cookie or two. Over all, the new "healthy" layout of our cafeteria's menu is not working. Some kids aren't even eating anything and not getting any nutrients to get their brains going for later classes. To top it off, the profit made from lunch isn't as high as it used to be since more people are no longer buyers. I'm not quite sure if the money from lunch goes to the school or Chartwells, but less money is never good. Yes the old lunches weren't that healthy but they were good and kids bought it and ate it! By the way, sorry for not posting for a while. I got writer's block. Or typist's block I guess.

  13. Welcome back, Shane. You certainly paint a dismal picture. Now, I am worried about rhe students not eating at all. Do you have a suggestion to solve this problem? We need delicious food that is healthy too. Quite a dalema, indeed. Suggestions anyone? BTW I assume the money goes to Chartwell.

    Mrs P

  14. Go back to the old ways. Longer lunch period. Better food.

    1. I'm with you on the longer lunch period! It feels like lunch is two seconds long!!!

  15. @Shane... Explain the relative term "better."

    Describe a lunch students will buy and enjoy.

    Mrs P

  16. So american food gets you fat and every other country has something healthier or fancier, TMSIDK. If we are considered the melting pot of the world shouldnt we, by definition, have some of that stuff goin on here? Its as if physics no longer make sense.

  17. Very good point, Joe. I think the grandparents are cooking all rhe good food but the teens want fast food. Make sense?
    Mrs P
