Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wordy Wednesday

The last Wednesday in February.......

I hope you all have been checking the blog even if you have not been contributing.  Science Fiction Friday had to do with The Giver, as I am sure you have figured out by now. Please go back and look at the pictures again to see if you can make a connection to the text yet. Some will still be a mystery until we reach that section in the text. Now that you have more information, though, you can make educated guesses and/or predictions for the novel. Have fun trying to figure them out.

Now, let's get to the task at hand---Vocabulary. There are many interesting vocabulary words that you will encounter as we read The Giver. You have already worked with a few. I am going to post some pictures that may help you define some of the new words on our list. This will be a challenge to get just the right picture to show the meaning, since I don't have the capability of sketching exactly what I want. Let's give it a try.

What vocabulary word from The Giver is shown in the picture below? 

Exuberant or Excruciating

Anguish or Conspicuous

Substitute teaching - misbehaving elementary school boyMeticulous or Transgression

Basics 2 Buoyancy or Crescendo

Interdependent or Independent

Easy, right? Let me know what you think of the exercise. Please create a post using some of the words in context too. I'd be interested in seeing how they fit together in a paragraph. Feel free to find some pictures on the Internet for the words that were not represented in illustration above. Print and bring in for extra points. Have fun with words.


  1. The first picture would be Chastisement. Then excruciating; unless your emo and like pain and feel exuberant... O_o... Then Anguish definitely.
    Meticulous. Buoyancy. Interdependent.

  2. Thanks Shane. Easy, right?
    More GIVER tomorrow.
    Mrs P

  3. well, i have to agree with shane on all of the pictures.
    the first is chastisement, then excruating, then anguish, meticulious, boyancey and interdependent.
    P.S. i know i messed up spelling really bad, sorry.
    Michael Maffucci

  4. Thank you Michael. Now what other words stand out in your mind? Are there any from today's reading? Writhing in pain? Assuage?

    Mrs P

  5. I agree with Shane and Michael that it's chastisement, excruciating, anguish, meticulous, buoyancy, and interdependent. Sorry I didn't post sooner!

  6. Thanks Raquel. I know you are a regular on the blog.

    BTW I wanted to wish Shane the best today in his participation with the All South Jersey Region III Junior High Honors Band. Break a leg, as they say....

    Look for a new blog on Thursday, all y'all. I am practicing for Texas.

    Mrs. P

  7. Let's add some spice to the blog. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, should reply to these questions.
    1. What was your favorite short story this year?
    2. What was your favorite novel (outsiders vs giver)?
    3. What is your favorite type of writing?
    4. What was your favorite Mrs. Prisbell moment?

    My answers are:
    1. flowers for algernon
    2. The outsiders
    3. persuasive
    4. Avery's outburst of explicit language that Mrs. Prisbell pretended to not hear

    1. Tel-tale-heart
      The Giver
      Receiving the books from Mrs. Prisbell due to retirement(although the retirement it's self makeske quite sad)
      Michael Maffucci

  8. What are you talking about, Grant? I didn't hear anything, and I'd stand by that comment even a cout of law. ;)
    Let's see who responds. New blog in the AM if I have electricity that is.
    Mrs P

  9. 1. That weird robot one where the robots talked and humans were slaves. It was hard to understand but funny. I can't remember the name though.
    2.I really didn't like either...
    3.multiple choice. (you WRITE the letter on the line) Although quotes were fun to interpret.
    4.When the fire drill went off and beeped for the whole period. I guess it's not really a Mrs. Prisbell moment, but it happened in her class and it was hilarious.

  10. 1. Flowers for Algernon
    2. The Outsiders
    3. Narrative because I like making up my own stories.
    4. Same as Shane. The fire drill. It was funny and annoying at the same time and I definitely won't be forgetting that soon!

  11. @ Raquel and Shane....I too will always remember the day forever known as "Fire Alarm Day." My ears are still ringing.
    Mrs. Prisbell

  12. I agree with everone else on the vocab thing and since im feeling lazy today, enough said. See you all tomarrow. :)

  13. Thanks Joe. I guess it was too easy. I wish comments would include a sentence of your own using these words or others that you remember from the novel.
    Mrs P
