Sunday, January 6, 2013

Silly, Snow-Covered Sunday

Explanatory essays are an important part of grade 8 ILA.  I have asked you to explain all kinds of different topics like happy moments, sad moments, moments that taught you a lesson, moments that delt with your family traditions.  We have even explained famous quotations and linked them to our lives and to history.  I have chosen another topic for you to share with us.  It's good practice for those many explanatory essays you are expected to do.  Let's think on our feet once again....

Pets often play an important role in people's lives. Some people even treat their pets as if they were humans. I have heard that pets are sometimes given to older adults who are alone for health reasons. What have you heard about this concept?

If you have a pet, what does your pet mean to you and why do you think pets have so much importance in our lives? If you do not own a pet, why do you think pets play such an important part in people's lives?

Is there any evidence that pets have been important throughout history? Think about literature too. Do some research before you respond. What if this were a topic for an explanatory essay? How would you format your response? Keep this in mind when you post your response.

File:Pets at Home logo.jpgWho has one of these?

Pets Welcome
Endless Cuteness: Kids and Pets
The Smallest Pets
Children and Animals. Part 2 (84 pics)

Shetland Ponies

rabbits and other pets

It was a lot of fun just looking for all the pictures of pets. I hope you enjoy sharing your thoughts, as well.


  1. well, i do not have a pet due to my dad`s large range of severe algeries. however, pets play parts in peoples lives, they are a friend, a "person" to talk to and a source of moral support. In history countries have used "pets" in warfare, pigs, elephants, dogs, horses, and even camels. all but the camels were used by or aginst the roman empire, pigs, dogs, and horses by them and those plus elephants aginst them(elephants by the carthinagians). if i were to write an explanatiory essay on this topic i would have the first paragraph be about pets in peoples lives, the second about pets in history/ war, the third about pets in my life and the fourth as a concluding paragraph to sum all of the rest up.
    Michael Maffucci

  2. In just a mere 2 weeks, my dog, gracie, has managed to tear her acl and get chocolate poisoning. She is an 11 year old beagle. I did some research and found that dogs are "mans's best friend" because in the early 1900s a farmer would need dogs to do jobs that he couldn't. In history, the ancient egyptians worshipped cats. I honestly dont know why. Any thoughts...

    1. well, according to futurama ( a comedy central show) cats are an alien species which came from their planet, which was slowing down in terms of it`s rotations, to gather earth`s rotational energy
      Michael Maffucci

  3. Thanks, Michael. I would love to see what you would do with pets through history.

    Mrs. P

  4. were in spam. I retrieved you. Thanks for your comment. Hope your dog is okay. Of course, the Egyptians worshiped cats. Who wouldn't? They are brilliant!

    Mrs. P

  5. I currently have a betta fish named Razor (because thats what his fins remind me of). Pets have so much importance in our lives because they give us company and can give us company. Razor's important to me because he's just cool to have around and his scales are beautiful! Sure you can't walk him around the block or play fetch, but I learned you can actually train bettas to jump through hoops or play fish soccer. Whenever I come to feed him he will follow my fingers around until I put the food in the bowl. Bettas are a lot smarter than people give them credit for.

  6. @Raquel.... I had never heard of a Berta fish. Very interesting....Play soccer? Awesome.
    Mrs P

  7. I have quite a few cats, and parakeets. One of my cats is louder than the parakeets when he whines. He just wants you to sit there and pet him all day or else he sits and cries all day, when he's not on top of the bird's cage trying to eat them. It will be 12:00 at night and he will wake me up because he is trying to eat the birds. Of course, he will never make it into the cage, he isn't that smart. We have to remind him where his food bowl is everyday and walk him over there or else he sits and cries at you. Actually, I think he is just wants us to pet him while he eats. There is never a dull moment in the house when he is awake. Pets are very important and create a happy atmosphere; even if they are annoying sometimes.

  8. I have two pets in my house; a shih tzu (I think that's how it's spelled)and a cat. My cat just lounges around all day because he's ten years old, he's a fat cat, and he wants to stay away from the dog;on the other hand, the puppy runs around all day with his chew toys and ALWAYS wants attention from whoever is around and will bark until he sees someone. Pets play an important role because they are a part of your family, and like a newborn brother or sister, you will live with them for a while and love them until you move out and get on with your life.
    Throuout history people have had pets for as long as we can remember. One example is that in World War II, the Axis (the Germans, Japanese, and the Italians) used German Sheperds as war dogs to hunt down the Allies (the rest of the world).Another example is that the Ancient Egyptians worshipped cats as god-like beings.
    Today, many types of pets around the world are known such as the French Poodle, or the more common Golden Retriever. For all we know, pets can make the world go round.

    1. o, the people who were killed and hunted in the holocaust used cloth soaked in animal blood and then in a durg( such as cristal meth) so that the blood hounds would come over to smell the cloth and then lose their sense of smell because of the drugs
      Fun Fact

      P.S. i will remain anonimous to avoid anyone possibly calling me a know-it-all

  9. @Shane.... No negative cat talk on the blog, please. Just kidding :)
    As a matter of fact, cats do love human contact when they eat. It helps them digest their food much better. They like to feel loved.
    Mrs P

  10. Thanks Sean. I didn't realize the role dogs played in the war. I like your reference to pets as family members like a new brother or sister. Sweet.

    Mrs P

  11. i only have one pet and its a chihuahua named Lina. She is soo small and when my parents leave the house, she whines so loud that you could hear her from two houses down! but she is REALLY stupid because she cant really process information very well and she doesnt know any tricks even after long hours of training. She can't even eat and sit at the same time. In addition, in greek mythology, Canis Major (Great Dog) and Canis minor (Little Dog) is the Great Hunter, Orian's, two hunting dogs. Lastly, in the olden days, people thought that the dog star made the days hotter. Thus creating the saying, "dog days summer"

    Alexis A.

  12. The only things I've ever had that were even close to a pet was a chinies fighting fish (who died 2.5 years ago) and a gold fish that died 3 weeks ago. Both of these animals were my sisters so I myself never really had a pet. However I do think that a pet can play an important role in a persons life. For instance, if some one is ever lonely a dog or a cat could be good company or if you wanted to excerse more, a dog could be a big help with that. You would have to walk him and play around with him and it would benift for the both of you.

  13. Thanks Alexis and Joe. @ Alexis.... Your dog sounds sweet. Thanks for the info on the "dog days of summer."
    @ Joe..... Sorry about the loss of the fish, even though they were your sister's pets. You are right about pets being beneficial to a person's health, both mentally as well as physicalLy.
    Mrs P
