Thursday, January 3, 2013

Freaky Friday

Let's talk about strange events in our lives either the ones we experienced or the ones we witnessed. If you have not had anything strange happen to you then talk about events that you either heard or read about.Tell us your thoughts. I will post some weird pictures to get you started.

Perhaps you have seen strange or unexplained things in real life. You know what they say.
" Life is sometimes stranger than fiction." Prove it.

Stange? Real or fake? You decide.

yoda 4 eared cat

Strange Russian tractor

Strange Animal Friends Banned Hollywood 12 25 Excellent Moments In Strange Animal Friends

Strange People (42 pics)

Lincoln's Ghost

Strange deep-sea fish - mysterious messenger in the dark world (34

The celebrated sports-mascot is a part of actual, North American mythology passed down from the American Indians. Alternately, the Jersey Devil is said to be the undying, demonic offspring of a cursed woman by the name of Mrs. Leeds. Either way, sightings of the fearsome, New Jersey resident go back hundreds of years, though descriptions of the beast vary wildly from that of a dragon, to a winged stag to a bigfoot-like creature. By some reports it is known to prey on livestock, terrorize naughty children, and pepper snowy rooftops with it's hoof-prints.


  1. well, one strange event that happened to me occured last year at the music in the parks and it was raining all day on and off and as the festivle`s completion was concluding at six flags great adventure, as the jazz band was leaving the building where the awards ceramony was held after winning the best group in our section, along with several other awards including the top performance ration possible a very crisp and clear rainbow appeared in the northern sky. right as that was getting old another rainbow appeared, just as clear as the other, right next to it
    michael maffucci

  2. @Michael...... Did anyone take pictures? What do you think it all meant? Congrats for the band coming straight from heaven?

    Mrs P

    1. ok, the "ration" was supposed to say rating, and i believe that it was a congrats from nature, god or whatever. and if you are still skeptical Joe can vouch for me... he was there
      michael maffucci

  3. I never said that I didn't believe you, Michael. I just wanted to see the beauty of it myself :)

    Mrs P

    1. ok, and sorry, they dissiapeared quickly, and rainbows don`t show up well on camras
      michael maffucci

  4. First of all, I can't help notice that this blog topic/post/thing is recycled! I guess it was such an interesting topic you decided to use it again. The cat picture is either photoshopped or one of those weird animals that grow extra stuff. The clouds above the volcano are real, it has something to do with the volcano's heat and the humidity and it makes those weird looking clouds. Also, the orange clouds are possible too because I have seen them before. At the right time right before sundown if there are a lot of puffy clouds stuck together the sun reflects off them in orange like that. And the weird machine spider thing? It's probably just some sculpture made of those extra crane parts, or it's some useless machine. Actually, the skeletons and the guy coming out of the wall are probably sculptures too, but who would want skeletons sitting on their grave? The hand drawing thing is in our Geometry text book; it is really interesting and cool to look at. Next, I saw the buffalo dude on tv; he brings that animal everywhere as if it were his dog. It is pretty well tamed and doesn't destroy anything. In fact, the buffalo was riding in the back seat of his car when he got pulled over by the police! They couldn't think of anything to give him because there really isn't a law restricting buffalos riding in back seats of cars... The pig and tiger thing is also this thing on Animal Planet where too animals are great friends and they don't eat or hurt each other. There was an elephant and a hippo, a dog and a monkey, a lion and a gazelle, and a bunch of other weird ones. Lol, I have never tried the thing with the vacuum like that to make your mouth really big; it probably hurts and you can't breathe... The cars stuck in places are really unlucky because the likelihood of a huge hole opening up while your driving it unlikely. And with the ghost picture, ghosts are real, but that is a little farfetched. Also, that frog/fish actually holds its babies in it's mouth for protection. He has to be careful not to eat them! Bigfoot is real, enough said. Jersey devil is real too. And I'm pretty sure rainbows are real... Last time i checked anyways.

  5. @Shane... You are right. I did use this post last year. I chained two of the pictures, but why reinvent the wheel, right?

    I actually went in search of Bigfoot with my sons deep in the forests of California. The locals truly believe he is real. They say some days you can smell him. They really said that and with a straight face too!
    Thanks for your detailed comment.
    Mrs P

  6. A strange thing that happened to me.... Well last summer I was on vacation in Maine. My family and I stayed in a small house that was on a lake and there was a forest surrounding the lake. One night, I was going to get some branches and dried pine needles to start a fire and roast marshmallows (Yummy!). It was starting to get dark so it was kind of hard to see. I heard some weird crunching noises and I could have sworn I heard a grunt. I looked around and I didn't see anything. It really isn't THAT strange and it could have been someone just walking by or my imagination. But it could have been a Bigfoot. Who knows? I definitely believe in Bigfoots though! Ghosts are real even though I haven't had any real life encounters (at least I'm sure...). I really like that hand drawing though, I want to try to draw something like that. :)

  7. @Raquel.... So what was it? Are you saying Bigfoot, known to California, has shown up in Maine?
    BTW What is the plural of Bigfoot anyway? You made me laugh as I thought of BIGFEET.
    Mrs P

  8. First off i wanted to say that what maffuchi says is true, and one wierd thing that i have witnessed is the Big Bang Theory t.v. show. :) But aside from that i have fallen out of a 10 foot tree, been richoshayed off a trapoline atleast another 10 feet, and had a full on bike crash going at top speed all in the same days without getting hurt. However when i tried to snap a pole in half it decided to trol me. Oh i snapped it in half alright, but the dang thing had a compressed spring inside it so when it snapped i got a pole lash cross my arm and a cool ride to the emergancy room where i got 2 internal stiches and 6 external ones....BOO YAA. The reason for breaking the pole is a classifyed secret... and i just dont feel like typing any more so stay tune for the reason why next week kids! Until then this is Joe.G signing off.

  9. Great post,Joe, and that was quite a day! Glad you were okay. I can't wait until you release the classified secret. I will be waiting.
    Mrs P
