Wednesday, January 2, 2013

World Wide Wednesday.....Looking Ahead.

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday so far. As we approach the new year, I want you to think about personal goals. What is your New Year's Resolution for 2013?

Everywhere around the world the new year will ring in. Each celebration is special in its own way. Try to catch some of the festivities on television. At least 12 hours before us they will be celebrating in Asia and the South Pacific. As you watch, think about what you want to do differently this year and how you will achieve your goals?

Adults are known for pledging to lose weight, exercise more, stop smoking and much more. What are teens your age saying on this eve of a new year? Let's make our pledge right here on the blog for all to see.



Sydney Harbour, NSW, Cities, Sydney Harbour Bridge, fireworks

Moscow, Russia

Paris, France

New Year’s Eve in Paris

London Eye Fireworks UK

Times Square NYC
New Year's Eve in Times Square, New York

New Years Mexico

New Years Mexico
Honalulu, Hawaii


  1. First of all I think that the fireworks were disappointing in NYC, but I understand that you cant go all out when there are skyscrapers around. Also, I thought that ABC's New Year's coverage, called "Dick Clark's Rockin' New Year with Ryan Seacrest" was quite humorous. Anyway, my New Year's resolution is too stop investigating The Voice Of Reason's identity.

  2. My new years resolution is to work on improving my hw record, i have been missing assingments in the past that have been keeping my grade below an "A" and quite possibly have kept me from being in a Geometry class this year.
    michael maffucci

    P.S. i must agree with grant about the N.Y. fireworks this year compared to the rest of the world.
