Thursday, April 18, 2013

Positive Thinking Thursday

Positive?  Yes, it's difficult to be positive when so much is happening around us that appears to be so negative, I know.  This is when we have to pull out all the stops and remain as positive as possible for those who need us and for our own well-being, as well.

What exactly would make you happy?  Summer weather?  Graduation?  Good grades?  Hanging out with friends?  Watching a good movie?  Singing and dancing with friends?  Harlem Shake?  (Is it really Harlem Shake or Slide? I truly can't remember. I told you I was getting old. Ha)    How about just laughing until your gut aches or your eyes tear?  That's what I love the most....a good hard laugh.  I do get to laugh a lot with my grandsons, but, of course, I sincerely miss the laughter of 8th graders.  Nothing compares.

Let's send our good thoughts and support to Boston, West,Texas.....Mississippi and Washington, DC too.
Here are some pictures to make us all feel better in the face of sadness.  Share your thoughts and what makes you smile.

Who can answer this question?

The one above is for me <3

I miss Vinnie's, Naples', Schiano's, and Marchione's pizza.  :-(

Friends and a good laugh too......

Tell me about what makes you happy.  Let's talk.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Deep in the Heart of Texas Tuesday

Hello from Texas.....

I don't want to lose touch with all y'all just yet so here is my first blog from my new home state of Texas.  I know you are all gearing up for the "ever-present-in-the-back-of -your-mind" NJASK8.  Don't worry.  Just do what you do best: read insightfully and write powerfully and creatively.  You guys will be just fine.

On my trip from Barnegat to Houston and later on to Dallas, I saw many remarkable cities.  I will post some pictures. Let's see if you can recognize my locations.  Maybe this could be inspiration for an original short story, as well.  Interesting settings often lend themselves to fabulous story lines.

What do you think?
Let's see if you can trace my road trip.....

Easy so far, right?

One of my favorite spots below.....

Cities are wonderful places to tell a story.  The people who live in big cities have such interesting lives often with many challenges.

Let's see if someone can start a story here.  I look forward to hearing from each of you on the blog.

Mrs. P